• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
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Perfect has seven letters and so does meeeeee. Ko-fi|Patreon

More Blog Posts243

  • 8 weeks
    Cancelling The Enchanted Carousel, restarting as a new story

    Hi all!

    I've already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change.

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    23 comments · 1,498 views
  • 9 weeks
    Hiatus on Story + Thoughts

    Hi all!

    Just letting you know this story will be hiatus'd for a bit.

    Not because I'm not writing anymore, but because life got in the way so I wasn't able to finish it all in a fugue state as I wanted, and the reality is right now... I am not in the headspace necessary to write it.

    Though, since I'm not doing that, I do at least want to talk about it.

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    23 comments · 1,028 views
  • 12 weeks
    Okay, here we go.

    As some folks may know or have seen, I'm currently working on a story that is very important to me. It is still not finished, and will likely be updating in the next following days because I want to write it and get it done in one go.

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    38 comments · 1,058 views
  • 24 weeks
    Quick Note re: contacting me!

    Hi all!

    I hope you're doing well.

    I've been meaning to say this for a while, but keep forgetting because my life has been a dumpster fire for the past year, but I did post a fic today so now's a good time as any!

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    15 comments · 1,026 views
  • 32 weeks
    Re-uploaded Someone To Hold On To as a complete oneshot


    Just wanted to get ahead of any confusion for anyone following this story to say that I ended up doing a speedrun of the entire thing and then deleted the old chapters and just posted the entire complete story as a new chapter.

    That was it.

    I hope you have been well!

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    3 comments · 726 views

~ Book 2 ~ Act I ~ The Enchanted Kingdom ~ · 12:54am Jul 19th, 2017

Hi everyone!

Just a quick announcement that, due to external circumstances such as a crippling writer's block regarding this story, I realized that I needed a fresh start with EL.

As such, PART 2 will be posted as a proper sequel instead of a sequel within the original file.

I have been assured by a trusted person (Professor Plum) that everyone who has EL bookmarked will get a notification of EK (along with the blogpost for it), and if you do not receive said notification, we can all go and collectively pout at the person responsible for our misguided beliefs (Professor Plum).

Anyway, as an addendum, please rest assured that this does not mean anything bad for the future of the fic and all will be well. Promise.

I even have evidence that said story now exists.

That is all <3

- Mono


Comments ( 70 )

Your tags reveal a deep inner struggle.

I was recently told that I'm the living and breathing personification of tumblr tags.

Yes more Rarlight.

That's an apt way to put it. They do lend your blogs a certain charm.

Anyway, this development actually means I'll be able to read EL easier than if it were two stories as well as put it in my RiL instead of tracking.

*hits the big red panic button*

*Initiate internal screaming protocols*

When reading the tags is an adventure by itself. I can't wait!

Hmm, does this mean I should create a 'Completed' folder for this to go in instead of the generic 'Long story' folder I've been leaving it languishing in? Or would it not fit since it's only part 1 that's complete?
Existential questions of an OCD brony

I don't think we have to worry about getting a notification. We'll just see the 2nd part as the hottest story in the Featured box.

I look forward to it, Mono!

Sounds good, this way we get more neat cover art.

I like that description too.

If this means more Enchanted RariLight, I see no problem with it.

MOAR MONO, MOAR!!!!!! :raritywink::twilightsmile:


I haven't read this story yet

I'm kinda jelly of whoever it is that gets to draw the cover art :(

Dang it, I really want to keep on reading this story but, between the crisis in my country and my desire to write stuff, I barely have time.

Still, wish you for the best.

Umm.. what will do about this story?

EThe Enchanted Library: Sidestories
Rarity enjoyed the simple pleasures of life. Drinking tea, fighting timberwolves, picnics with Fluttershy, meeting dragons and, most of all, spending time with an ancient alicorn spirit. She wouldn't give it up for anything in the world.
Monochromatic · 18k words  ·  987  24 · 11k views

tag it complete and create The Enchanted Kingdom:Sidestories ?

Looking forward to it :twilightsmile:

Wait, it's a RariTwi?
Damnit, it looked interesting...

No, don't let your dislike of a ship keep you from this! Besides, the Twilight is the ghost of an ancient princess, who, to the citizens of Equestria, is nothing more than a fairytale for children. It's an awesome story, truly. Give it a try!

Sorry, no. There are some things I don't read. :twilightsmile:

Yes it is!

Though I'm surprised you didn't know...? The cover art and the tags didn't hide the fact at all omg

not to mention the fact that I'm widely known for being a RariTwi writer

....eh, I'll probably still keep it and use it as the general sidestories story o:

Probably a sensible act. Weird that I didn't get a notification beyond the blog update, as I should have, but oh well.

Looking forward to the big sequel though. :pinkiehappy:

Oh, and, dat description. :rainbowlaugh:


Wait, it's a RariTwi?

>romance tag
>Rarity and Twilight gazing into each others eyes

No way, I thought it was a het story at first too.

In case you couldn't tell, that was complete sarcasm.

Nah, it's RariBlood. Full speed ahead, dude. :P

I tease. You do you and whatnot.

Perfectly fine to have it separated from the original. It's essentially the beginning of another part of the journey, and time has passed in-story between the end of Enchanted Library, it makes more sense to set it apart.

Should I read the original first, or just wait for the final version?

There was a Discord tag in there, too, and I never even got to the first chapter. :ajbemused: :rainbowlaugh:
Plus, I've seen tons of shipfics that didn't have the love interest in the cover art.

Also, no offence meant Mono, but I've never heard of you. :twilightblush:

Ah, cool! Looking forward to the next one!!

In my experience, they're usually included in the tagging, all jokes aside. But I gotchu.

Great description. 10/10 5 stars liked and subscribed.

If you don't like EK, you could try TEK. Acronyms have some flexibility.

First, I gotta say: Best. Announcement. Everrrr!!! :raritywink:

Second; I've had a few stories recently that were liked/favorited that were completed and that had sequels start, and got no notification of them until they happened to pop up in the featured box. They may have started -just before- the new site update? I don't know.

Just saying: Don't skip the blog post. Just in case. :pinkiehappy:

Also, you could go with The Enchanted Equestrian Principality? EEP! is a cute acronym! And also more technically accurate, since Equestria has princesses, not kings and queens...

It's also :yay:

So in other words, once you're done with the contest judging we'll have a new thing we can judge you back for. :trollestia:

And lo, there was much rejoicing, near and far as bells of celebration rang throughout the multiverse, and all blessed to hear that enchanted joyous sound felt their hearts warm, their spirts rise and their faces were graced giddy--and somewhat silly--smiles of delight.

And so, it was that a new dawn swept over all... and the glee flowed out from the faithful populous, everlasting in light and song.


I read the first line and I almost got a heart attack. But I persevered and read the rest, and now I’m okay.

I may nor may not take a peek at the “progress” server channel thingy at least once a day …

Srsly tho. No day will be as happy as the one when I eventually awake to find this baby in my “new unread chapters” notifications.

Seems like a smart move, and it certainly makes me more incentivised to finish reading Part 1 (fallen behind on a few chapters.)

Wait there is a discord server? Have I been living under a rock (or as a ghost trapped in a tree?)

So coooool! I can't wait to see the cover art!

I like this idea! It gets EL into my Best of the Best folder that much quicker!

YESSSSSsssssss!!!!! I just found and read the first and nearly Immediately the sequel! Am excited

i'm so hyped for this

That screen shot of the completed tag gave me a heart attack... Especially with the only visible text in my feed talking about a fresh start and writers block. But I got better when I read the actual blog post. Sjees, don't scare your readers like that. :pinkiecrazy:

Though something tells me you get a lot of joy out teasing your readers like that. :rainbowwild:

Looking forward to the continuation of this story. :twilightsmile:

So you're saying I can read 23 chapters I've been kind of hoarding since Dec 2016 :pinkiegasp: because story was in progress and reading stuff by 1 chapter is a big fat nope.
Splendid, good sir :twilightsmile:

EDIT: actually, scratch that, I'm going to read it from the very beginning. 8 months man, eight, duh :pinkiecrazy:

I am posting to help remove your writers block.

0. Wake up at same time every day.
1. After waking or coming home:
2. Make some coffee.
3. Walk or run around the block.
4. Drink coffee.
5. Grab cat and sit down.
6. Pet cat.
7. You must now write something until the cat becomes bored or you have to pee. Stop if you want once this happens.
8. Repeat for one week.

However it gets to me, I cannot wait to see purplesmart interact with a world all new to her. And Rarity and her friends are going to be famous, aren't they? The ponies who not only found, but (indirectly) released, one of the mythical missing princesses! And undeniable proof of Twilight's existence is going to speed up the whole getting-Hollow-Shades-to-believe-in-Luna thing, isn't it?

I know this is only tangentially related to the actual message of this blog post, but I can't think of your story without getting excited about this stuff, lol.

With ya till the end.

~Skeeter The Lurker

ow, I totally forgot to tell ya. EL is the best ever AU story and the best ever T&R. Thank you for your work Mono :raritywink: :twilightblush:

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