• Member Since 29th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Apr 30th, 2023


Just a guy writing stories, mainly crossovers.

More Blog Posts166

  • 277 weeks
    This Weekend in a Nutshell

    1 comments · 563 views
  • 294 weeks
    Rest in Peace, Stan Lee

    He’s actually gone...

    Thank you, Mr. Lee. For giving us a wonderful universe filled with amazing characters and stories. For being an inspiration to many people young or old. And for making so many fun cameos until the end.

    You will be dearly missed and may the legacy you left behind continue for generations to come.

    7 comments · 594 views
  • 295 weeks
    Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Everyone Is Dead!

    The best part of the Smash Direct today:

    Nintendo pulled an Infinity War and killed everyone, except Kirby (because Sakurai favoritism).

    Lifelight is the best Smash theme as of today.

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    11 comments · 616 views
  • 299 weeks
    Web of Magic: Next Arc Teaser

    Since Venom premiered on Friday, I feel as though it’s only appropriate to tease my next Spider-Man arc. It’s almost time to pave the way for yet another one of Spider-Man’s iconic villains to be introduced and to bring in more MLP villains into the mix:

    The Symbiotes and Sirens Arc.

    7 comments · 555 views
  • 299 weeks
    What Goes on in My Head

    The Web of Chaos series. It’s a story I’ve had in the back of my mind for years now, started almost three years ago, and then scrapped because my writing was definitely not good in the slightest. It was the very first fanfic I ever wrote and it definitely showed.

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    1 comments · 410 views

RIP Archie Sonic · 12:25am Jul 20th, 2017

Yeah, it's another Sonic-related blog and a long one at that. But this announcement is big and I felt the need to share my thoughts.

Archie Sonic is cancelled.

After months of hiatus, "talks", theories and the like, it's official: The Archie Sonic the Hedgehog comics are over, Sega ended their partnership. The longest running video game comic is finished, and in a very disappointing manner too. We didn't even get to issue 300 and finish the story arc.

Now, it was to be expected and the downfall began in 2012. The short version: former writer sued Archie to claim characters, Archie tried fighting back, they lost the contract over exact character ownership details, and I think even Sega stepped in. As a result, many major characters were lost and Sega forced a mandate and the comic story rebooted in issue 252 while continuing the numbering.

I think same writer and another tried to sue again over reprinted issues with his characters and things fell apart from there. Archie lost money and even lost the Mega Man license and they decided to focus all their money and attention on their main books and Riverdale, which I have no problem with, it's their brand after all.

But now the damage on Sonic has been done.

It's a damn shame cause they were actually well-written and now Ian Flynn, Tracy Yardley and all involved have nothing to work on now and they were great at what they did. They captured the spirit of the franchise and many people actually liked it. The characters were unique, the story was interesting, and there was a sense of scale that emulated the games.

Basically, I want to talk about this because Archie Sonic was the first comic book I ever read. Ever since I read the Archives graphic novels many years ago. I was a Sonic fan even back then and I got it as a Christmas gift. Haven't looked back since.

If it wasn't for this series, I would have never become the comic nerd I am today. I loved this comic since I was a kid and I was always excited for the next issue: I remember the war against Super Scourge, the final battle against Eggman, the Iron Dominion, Genesis Saga, Mega Drive, the Sonic/Mega Man crossovers. All of it, especially Ian Flynn's run.

It was one of the few comics I picked up even as I transitioned into Spider-Man, Batman, and later more Marvel and DC books. I dropped some comics, and I still made sure to grab the next issue.

Hell, this series convinced me to check out Marvel and DC's comics in the first place (I was more into the games, cartoons and movies before then). And if it wasn't for this, I would have never gotten into fanfic writing and probably would have never found my way to this fandom through crossover fanfics.

But enough of my ramblings, there is a silver lining. Sega's not done with comics in general and just finished with Archie. Fingers crossed for IDW. We need a Sonic/TMNT/Transformers crossover, Sega!

I would say do a Sonic/MLP comic crossover, but the internet would implode and riot if that happens.

Report MetalJrock · 343 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

... that explains why there hasn't been any new issues since 290-ish...

That's sad news! I remember collecting the comics since childhood. While I'm glad that the Sonic comics will go to a different direction, it's still a shame that the comics I grew up with is now officially ended.

R.I.P. Archie's Sonic The Hedgehog! :ajsleepy:

What a shame. I hope for the best in the future. This is really sad.

4606821 Yep, this decision seems to have been in the making during the silent months.

4607152 It is sad, this series was like a hidden gem in the franchise after Ian Flynn took the writing helm.

But like I said, there is some hope as Sega hasn't declined comics in general. Now it's just a matter of who gets the rights (Please be IDW), whether they'll keep the Freedom Fighters, and if Ian Flynn, Tracy Yardley and anyone else gets to come back to do the next comic series.

4607801 MOTHERFUCKER, shit was getting good!

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