Wanderer D 5,516 followers · 65 stories

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  • Thursday
    Paul's Thursday Reviews CCCLVIII - It's Showtime Edition

    I've always wanted to start a blog with that.

    Good evening, FIMFiction!

    Those of you unfamiliar with my sleepy avatar, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking: Who is this weirdo and why is he suddenly invading the site-wide news feed? Allow me to illuminate you.

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    43 comments · 1,486 views
  • 122 weeks
    SA: The Last Round

    "So, what do you think, Corejo?" Wanderer D asked, politely showing off the stack of papers in his claw.

    The burlap sack with the printed (in color!) face of Corejo remained silent.

    "I see, yes, yes!" Wanderer D cackled. "Ahahaha! Yes! I agree! This story should do fine! So, who's reviewing it? RT?"

    The sack that had the picture of RTStephens on it tilted just enough for a single potato to roll onto the table.

    "And we have two! Alright, team, I expect you all to figure out who's doing the next one, okay? Let's not keep the readers waiting!" He glanced expectantly at the several sacks with pictures around him. "Alright! Dismissed."


    "Ah, intern. Is that my coffee?" Wanderer D took the proffered mug and downed the contents in one go. "Excellent! No time to rest! We have to edit what the guys just handed to me."

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    110 comments · 9,003 views
  • 143 weeks
    SA: Round 186

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    The Dodge Junction train ramp was not where Floydien expected to be part of a reunion.

    He especially didn’t expect it to happen four times in a row.

    “Wait, Winter? What are you doing here?”

    Winter’s eyebrows raised. “On Summer vacation. What about you?”

    “Uh, same.”


    The two Angels looked to where the voice came from. Cynewulf came running up to them, a wide brimmed sunhat and sunglasses adorning her head. “Fancy meeting you two here!”

    Floydien scratched his head. “Same. Are you on vacation too?”

    “Yep! Had a blast down on the Horseshoe Bay coast.”

    “Well, ain’t this something!”

    All turned to the fourth voice. Knight strode up, his body decked out in fishing gear, complete with a fishing pole balanced over his shoulder. “Haven’t seen so many of us in one spot since vacation started.”

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    12 comments · 4,759 views
  • 158 weeks
    SA: Round 185

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Winter and Knight stared out at the bleak townscape. All around them, the fires raged unchecked as Ponyville's former occupants stumbled mindlessly about, their undead faces ravaged by rot and decay as they moaned for sustenance. Knight turned to Winter.

    "Ready to go?"

    Winter nodded and shifted a backpack. "Got everything with me. I guess it's now or never."

    Knight gave a wry smile. "That's the spirit. You do have your reviews, right?"

    "Of course!" he said, patting his chest. "Right here."

    Knight nodded and said, "Alright, here's the plan: we stick to the shadows as much as possible. From what I can tell, their eyesight isn't that good, but their sense of smell is excellent. We just have to stay upwind."

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    10 comments · 4,374 views
  • 166 weeks
    SA: Round 184

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    “I see. Alright, I’ll let him know.”

    Intern twisted a dial on the small mechanical piece attached to his ear, retracting a blue, see-through visor from across his face. He turned to Floydien, crossing his arms. “It’s confirmed. Generation 5 is on its way. Season 2 of Pony Life is just around the corner. And the series finale of Equestria Girls was scrapped for a holiday special.”

    Floydien lifted an eyebrow. “And, what does that mean for us?”

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    10 comments · 4,524 views
  • 169 weeks
    SA: Round 183

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Over their heads the flak guns peppered the sky. The planes roared and sputtered. The clouds were dark, heavy with the child that was war. It was all noise.

    Cynewulf looked around the bend. “You know, I’ve been reading old fics. Remember Arrow 18?”

    Floydien slipped—a Floydien slipped—One Floydien came through the fractured time in the lower levels of the Sprawling Complex. “Uh, human in Equestria?”

    “Yeah. You know, we were probably too mean about those.”

    “They were terrible. I mean some of them. I guess a lot of everything is terrible.”

    “Well, yes. But anyway, I was reading it, and it occurred to me that what I liked about it was that it felt optimistic in the way that Star Trek was optimistic. It felt naive, but in a way one wanted to emulate. To regress back into it.”

    “Uh, that sounds nice?”

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    7 comments · 5,968 views
  • 175 weeks
    SA: Round 182

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    “Okay, Winter, hit it!”

    Winter pulled a lever that ignited a rocket placed underneath the communal Christmas Tree. The tree blasted through a cylindrical hole and out into the skies beyond. It only took seconds for the tree to become a tiny red dot against the blue sky.

    Winter stepped away from the control panel and down to where Intern was standing behind a fifty-five millimeter thick glass wall. “We could have just picked up the base and tossed it in the garbage bin outside, you know.”

    Intern scoffed. “Yeah, we could, or we can go over the top in a comedic and entertaining manner that leads into our reviews.”

    “You’re getting all meta, now.”

    “Exactly! On to the reviews!”

    ROUND 182

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    6 comments · 7,992 views
  • 179 weeks
    SA: Round 181

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    For the first time in the year that he worked there, FanficFan finally experienced quiet in the Seattle’s Angels Compound. All the other reviewers had gone home for the holidays, leaving him and Intern to submit the last round of reviews of the year. However, with Intern off on an errand, FanficFan was left alone.

    With stories ready to be read by his partner, all the reviewer could really do was wander around the empty building, taking in all the holiday decorations left behind from the Office Christmas Party a few days prior, like office space holiday knick-knacks, lights strown about the ceiling and wreaths on nearly every door. Plus, there was some leftover cookies and egg nog, so that was nice. 

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    8 comments · 6,407 views
  • 183 weeks
    SA: Round 180

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Cynewulf lay in a grassy field. This was a curious occurrence, as the Seattle Angel’s Dyson Sphere-esque compound basement labyrinth did not usually have grass. 

    But like she had many times before, she’d been teleported here, and whether or not the sky above her was real or not, she didn’t mind. The grass was nice, and the wind was nice, and whatever happened happened.

    There was a great crash and Corejo stumbled into the grass to her right.

    “Oh, god, are we out? How did—”

    “No clue. I suspect that it’ll just take us back anyhow. Did you have the reviews? The machine came for me a few days ago, so I’ve got mine.”

    “I… Uh, I was late. I mean, we both are, unless you’ve been here for days.”

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    9 comments · 8,163 views
  • 188 weeks
    SA: Round 179

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Winter peered cautiously out the corner of the broken window, surveying the damage outside. He turned to his companion.

    "Looks like we're trapped in here," he said quietly.

    Intern grunted and adjusted the bandage on his arm. "Nothing we haven't gone through before." He looked up at Winter. "Got your reviews?"

    Winter nodded and patted his chest pocket. "Right here, where they're safe." He turned and looked once more out the window. "Now, it's simply a matter of getting through all those ponies." Winter shuddered as he took in the horrors before him.

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    10 comments · 5,262 views

Story Reviews » SA Reviews #109 · 2:07am Jul 22nd, 2017

Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

Matthew stood next to a metal door labeled “The Cool Room”. He had never seen this door before; not surprising since the Seattle’s Angels compound tended to lose and gain random rooms with astonishing frequency. He made a mental note to complain to the guys running the relativity lab to dial it back a bit.

Pushing back those thoughts for later, Matthew grabbed hold of the handle to the door, turned, and pulled the door open. A rush of cold air blasted him, almost knocking him back. Matthew, now wishing he had brought a coat, braced himself and entered.

Inside could only be described as a Winter wonderland. Despite being in the dead of July, the temperature fell below freezing, allowing snow to accumulate everywhere and icicles to hang from the ceiling. Mounds of snow, what Matthew could only guess were covered chairs and tables, dotted the room. It was dead silent, though Matthew could have sworn he heard the faint sounds of jingle bells somewhere in the distance.


Matthew yelped and dove away from the voice, hiding behind a snowmound.

“Whoops, didn’t mean to scare ya.” Intern came into view from behind a snowman, holding a handful of snowballs in the crook of his arm. “You here for the reviews?”

“Uh… yeah…” With his heartrate coming back down, Matthew came out of his hiding spot. “Why are you in here? And why is it so cold?”

“Well, it is the Cool Room.”

“It’s freezing, not cool!”

“Believe me, where I come from, this is mild.”

Matthew waved Intern off. “Whatever. You got them done, right?”

“Yep! Here they are.” Intern held up a snowball. Before Matthew could ask what he meant, Intern threw the snowball at a monitor built into the wall. The ball struck true, activating the screen.


Ahhh, yes. The land of Equestria. A magical land of...ponies, really. There are also a few other degenerate races but they are largely unimportant. Who gives a damn about dragons and griffons anyway.

A land in which the rulers do nothing but eat cake and sit on their butts, their guards are more incompetent than a toddler, the police is non-existant and a group of 6 teenagers enforces local law and order in the entire country.

Because upkeeping a police force costs money. Money that would end up not being spent on cake. And no ruler can rule without cake. Especially not if they have a sun on their butt.

Or if they're called Marie Antoinette, but that's a different story...

Well, boodlefutz, I have no words. Really, Twilight stole all the books in Equestria, I have no words. Except for those I am writing, though, because she had intervention before she could get to these.

Anyway, I would name this one of the most well done random story I have read on this site. It doesn’t use randomness as cheap comedy, it actually is random in its ideas. And, the main six are pretty spot on for the earlier seasons, despite this being written recently.

Oh darn, TSparks is here for my words, RUUNN!!

We open up to an odd one, that’s for sure. Five out of six of the main ponies get a tip that all the books in Equestria are gone. Considering there’s only one main character pony missing, it’s pretty easy to identify the culprit.

What follows is a bit of a mind trip that doesn’t end until the story does. The fic is very self aware of itself, so expect referential humor and a dash of fourth wall breaking. It’s not overbearing in its meta humor though, as there are plenty of stretches where the characters get to be themselves.

A little heavy on the telly for my liking, but with this type of story I can let it slide. There’s enough going on that it doesn’t become a huge issue.

So yeah, start the night off with some randomness! Randomness helps loosen a body up.

A.K. Yearling, known as Daring-Do in the world of explorers and adventurers, and her friend Leaf Wind are assigned a task by Princess Luna to travel to Saddle Arabia and search for an ancient and presumed destroyed library. What they discover beneath the shifting and sweltering sands may very well redefine the history of Equestria, it might even possibly define its future. One thing's for sure, though, Leaf and Daring's relationship will never be the same.

So, I actually suggested this on a whim because RT said he liked adventure stories. And then he said yes to it. What I failed to tell him, was this is mostly a romance centered around an adventure… and that it’s part of a much, much larger universe called The Wonderverse. No, really, it’s a HUGE universe.

Daring Do and Leaf Wind are quite the couple, though, and if you like romances, then this will be as great for you as it was for me. Daring struggles with forming relationships beyond anything work-related, while Leaf Wind, clearly in love, gets yelled at a lot. Like, that’s all I remember of him.

So, yeah, I can think of nothing else to add that RT hasn’t… so, have fun reading this. Oh, and read the other Daring Do stories connected with this one.

I like adventure, so when I was asked to go over this I got excited. It stars Daring Do, the posterchild for adventure! What I got though was a bit of a bait-and-switch. There is adventure and world building to be found, but a good portion of this story is a romance.

Now, if you’re into this kind of stuff, then it’ll be just fine. Daring Do and her off and on again partner make for a cute couple, with lots of good natured back and forth jibbing. I liked that Daring goes through an arc that forces her to consider what’s more important: working alone or forming a more permanent bond. Personally, I grew a little impatient with the romance and wanted to get back to the adventure. Luckily, it starts picking up again in the final third.

The story is written in present tense, which may take a page or two to get accustomed to. It’s not a big issue, as I was able to shift my mind from past tense to this fairly quickly.

The fic is part of a larger work by the author, so if the ending leaves you wanting more, go ahead and check out his other stories and get the full scoop!

This one might take some time to grow on you. Give it a chance and see where it might lead.

Starlight's teleportation skills are becoming very impressive. There's just one little problem: she doesn't seem to be able to go anywhere without coming to a rather sticky end. Okay, not end exactly. But definitely sticky.

Well, time for some silliness, because RT and I both enjoy it. I read this one awhile back, and reviewed it… but don’t read that, please, I was terrible at such things then.

Anyway, I can only tell you a few things without ‘spoiling the milk.’ And those are, wherever Starlight teleports, she ends up covered in custard. What follows is shenanigans as Starlight and Twilight attempt to find the cause.

So, go and read it. Right now. I mean it, right now.

Back to the silly again, this time with Starlight. The concept is pretty simple: Whenever Starlight teleports, custard happens. So she seeks out Twilight’s help to solve it.

What results are more confectionary shenanigans with a zing to end it on.

Yep, that’s all I got. Explaining more would ruin the joke. It’s a quick fifteen-hundred words so dive in like it’s a vat of giant pudding!

Oh, wait, that was Trixie’s thing… Write that one too!

Twilight takes Moondancer through "The Chalice of Moonlight" via Haycartes' spell.

You know, I always wondered what Twilight did when she was teaching Moondancer the Hacartes’ Method, and this one is as good a headcannon as any I’ve seen. Wait, it’s the only one I’ve seen.

The premise is that everypony interprets a story differently, or, at least, they should if the story is any good. But, further than that, your opinion of a story might change depending on how involved you get and how many times you read it. I have experience of this myself, but that’s for a different time. An example in Paper Moon is how Moondancer and Twilight differ in opinion about the relationship of the main characters. Another, is mentioned by RT below.

But back to the review. I really feel like this is a lesson many people need to know, I’m sure you know some of those I am speaking about. So, I have a challenge for you... when you finish this one, spread the word.

Twilight Sparkle keeps her promise to Moondancer about teaching her the Haycartes' spell and the two venture into a classic story that both are familiar with. The spin on this is that using the spell does more than just transport a pony into a paper book, it also imparts knowledge from the characters they are taking the place of. Not only that, but it also allows opinions from other ponies using the spell to spill out a tad, making scenes that are familiar seem just a little bit different.

The concept here is that other people interpret works differently. For instance, Moondancer envisions the ruler of the dear people taunting the heroes of the story when she first read the book. Now, the ruler comes across as more curious and intrigued that two earth ponies have come this far to meet with him and still need to venture on. It’s a fascinating look into how biases and expectations can color one’s interpretations. Kinda wish we had that in our world. Perhaps VR technology will get us there?

One thing I need to mention that amused me to no end is that Moondancer is a shipper. Not going to expand upon that. Just like Twilight and Moondancer, you need to hop in and find out!

“So why did you make this place so cold, anyway?” Matthew asked.

Intern shrugged. “Eh, a little nostalgia. Plus, the cold fusion lab left a whole bunch of pipes lying around, so I thought, ‘Why not?’ and hooked them up from their reactor to this room. Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“If you’re a polar bear, I guess.”

“Hey, with the stuff the cosplayers are cooking up down the hall, we could make that happen.”

“Yep, I’m done here.” Without a single look back, Matthew turned around and marched out the door.

“Hey, if the fusion guys ask,” Intern called after him, “just say that it’s a weather experiment!”

Feel free to visit our group for more information and events, and to offer some recommendations for future rounds. See you all next time!

Report Wanderer D · 5,230 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

Cold fusion. Really, really cold fusion. Because when things get cold, they stick together. :pinkiehappy:

1st time I honestly enjoyed a site-wide blog. Here, have an ember 🔥

Author Interviewer

>Starlight Repeatedly Teleports Into Custard

I'm so chuffed XD

I believe you're thinking of cold welding.

Congrats to matty for joining SA. :yay:
Also belated congrats to Chris. :heart:

Matt's been here a while :derpytongue2:

Okay. Wasn't immediately obvious given the amount of implications that this was his first job.

>implying I wasn't just teasing you

"...a weather experiment"? From now on I'll have to picture the Intern as Doc Brown.

Good grief, never thought I'd see that in here! I suppose I'll have to write the damn sequel I keep promising people now. :derpytongue2:

Well, that's one word for it. :pinkiecrazy:

I know I'm late to this, but that's because I'm on vacation.

Anyway, click this right here to get my first job, though I did join SA two rounds before that came out. (Those first two were claimed already).

Then Chris joined us a week or two after I did.

(And thanks for the congrats :twilightsmile:)

Oh geez, I didn’t even realise y’all covered my story here. Thanks a ton! Glad you guys liked it :yay:

Comment posted by Erikponyman deleted Aug 26th, 2017
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