• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

More Blog Posts478

  • 17 weeks
    An important message for a dark subject, give a read

    Pen Dragon has made an passionate and important petition, one I think is best served by their own words. So please, for the sake of a benign website that has brought such entertainment and joy to many, give this a look.

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  • 21 weeks
    Important message about Suicide

    WARNING: Discussions, however brief for the sake of tact, about self-harm and suicidal thoughts are in this post. People especially vulnerable to such should ensure they are in a good headspace before reading. This sort of trigger is no joke.

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  • 27 weeks
    Chapter 56 Promo!

    In an isolated, abnormally large, hollowed-out tree might not be the typical abode for megalomaniacal n'ere-do-wells. Though, there was a reason both of them had opted for current accommodations over the typical kingdoms and castles, in one form or another. The area was absolutely inundated with dark magic. From the eerie glow that some of the plants gave off, to traces of black aerenth crystals

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  • 39 weeks
    Discord Issues

    A lot of people opening this program on their PC woke up to this message on a big white screen reading

    Sorry, you have been blocked

    You are unable to access discord.com

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  • 48 weeks
    Happy 10 Years

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The Bridge Dramatic Reading: CALLING ALL VOICE ACTORS (RETURNING AND NEW)! · 3:55am Jul 22nd, 2017

As some of you might remember, there was a dramatic reading done by Red Bird awhile back that sadly was put on indefinite hiatus due to Red Bird's health issues and schedule. While he is safe and did a great deal of work, another has picked up the torch and I would like to see Red Bird and his hearty crew's good work not go to waste.

This is the start of a new dramatic reading by Emerald Note, which is already off to a good start with voice talent like WubCake on-board to voice Twilight Sparkle.

The coordinator and narrator of this effort, Emerald Note, has okay'd for me to send out his contact information for all former voice actors of Red Bird's effort and any new talent who'd like to try out. To contact him, use the FimFic profile linked above or PM me and I will send you his Skype. If you'd like to try out for a voice role, I also encourage you to contact Emerald and see what roles might be open; though keep in mind a lot of VAs might be returning for the more prominent roles.

Comments ( 16 )

While i would absolutely love to try out. I don't think I'd have the time, or talent to do so.

Sounds like a ton of fun! Love the story though sadly don't think I'm the best pick for it. Though will be interesting to see who gets picked

would loe to join but I lack the time, talent, equipment, and patience.

Not bad but tell him to lower the music. Can barely hear them speak.

I'm still game for playing Gigan.

You had me at voice

This sounds fun, gonna find the original first though. Gotta see what spots were still open. And what if we dont have skype?

Can't wait to see it

all hail the return of part of king and kaizer ghidorah

He has Gmail, that work?

YES, I would LOVE to help out. Let me know if there are any roles that need to be taken. :)

As always, if the Creator wants me to voice myself just message me.

I'm game. I personally hate skype though. Could never get it to work right.

Alright, i'll tryout

Alright!!! Maybe this time I can try and voice someone.~

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