• Member Since 6th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen March 28th

Prof Holly Oats

Defender of Cupcakes and Shooting Star Wishes

More Blog Posts37

  • 198 weeks

    This beautiful girl proposed to me recently!

    I, of course, said yes

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  • 307 weeks
    TrotCon 2018 Recap

    Has it really been six months since I last posted here? Sorry I've been so absent. Still haven't been reading as much as I'd like

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  • 333 weeks
    New Year, New Me

    I put on my robe and wizard hat before commissioning a portrait from Willawisp

    Ain't I the cutest?!

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  • 348 weeks
    BuckeyePop! 2018

    Will anyone be attending this next year? I guess it's basically TrotCon minus ponies (so not as good). Same venue as TrotCon, about 11 weeks later. Normally, I can only attend one convention per year, but I might be able to do a second if it's this one. Not totally sure yet if I'll be able to go, but I'd love to see some familiar faces if I can

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  • 357 weeks
    We're Done Here. Shut It All Down!

    Furryshy is officially the greatest thing ever; dissenters can fight me IRL

    It took me way too long to realize the wolf tail was being worn over her actual tail and not secured by some other — perhaps best left unmentioned — means

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ThotCon 2017: That's Not How Consent Works · 3:55am Jul 24th, 2017

Sorry for not writing this up sooner; things kinda went south for me right after the con, but it's starting to look a little better now. I'd like to start off by thanking everyone who addressed me using female pronouns. I wasn't expecting that, and while it seems like such a silly thing to care about, it really did mean a lot to me. I think Zyrian was the first person to have ever asked me what my preferred pronouns were


Anyway, after spending a few days with some friends I hadn't seen in years, I arrived at the Crowne Plaza Friday morning around 7-ish, but nobody I knew was there yet, so I just played Sudoku in the lobby for a good half-hour before realizing I could pick up my badge

Yeah, I got the cutest one they had! :twilightsmile:

Afterward, I went immediately back to playing Sudoku and reading a book, because trying to strike up a conversation with random people — even other bronies — is an absolutely terrifying prospect to me. I was also getting a bit anxious and frequently checking my phone. See, an old Nintendo peripheral was reviving the speedfic panel Present used to run, and I'd offered to buy prizes for the contestants. In the past, we'd just gotten 'em from the vendor room, and that was the plan this year as well. Problem was, the schedule got derped and a bunch of stuff — including Artist Alley — wouldn't start until later that evening, while Speed Fics Я Us was set for 12:00 P.M. I'd bought a few crap prizes at Target the night before, and brought along the Discord figure I'd been planning to offload almost as soon as I'd bought it, but it wasn't much and I'd also forgotten to bring supplies like I'd promised!

Fortunately, we were able to get out to Office Max with Uncr3at1ve around 10. We got bought a shit ton of paper, pencils, and even managed to find some ribbon for the typewriters! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, ROB had the brilliant idea to bring some old typewriters for the panel. I thought that was really cool, but was surprised to find that some people had absolutely no interest in using one. I prefer pencil and paper myself, but how often can people these days say they've used a typewriter? I've only done it once, when I tried writing a horror story back in middle school

Thanks to Trixie, Zyrian, Admiral Biscuit, Ignited Sage, Homeshine (I hope that's the right account) and Bad Horse for both writing and reading your stories. You all did great! I only wish we could've gone with Trixie's suggested location for the prompt :trollestia:

After the panel was over, I met up with Present and Black Max (who is totally not a poorly named superhero from the 1970s). Present had brought this neat card game called Sentinals of the Multiverse and taught Csquared08 and I how to play (I was Tachyon), and of course my brain had to kick into game design mode. I suck at playing games, but love thinking about how they work and what would make them better. We were also joined by — of all people — Brony Critic, who actually seemed like an alright guy in person. I still don't understand why he's a community guest while there are so many more qualified writers at the same convention, but I guess congrats to him on Abagnaleing his way into horse fame. It's kinda funny how clueless the con staff is, and it was pretty adorable how Vengeful Spirit (whose account seems to have disappeared) kept harping on the matter :pinkiesmile:

Once again, I skipped out on the opening ceremonies this year because they take too long and crying makes me uncomfortable. Go figure they featured something cool this year, though: an animation by Harmony Studios!

Luckily, it was uploaded to YouTube, so I'll be able to check it out later. Trixie was hosting a party in her room around that time anyway, which is way cooler than watching con staff fellate each other. I didn't have much to drink, but I also never drink and I've been losing weight, so I'd definitely felt a head change. We talked about my triggerfic (turns out I'm not the only one who thinks it's fucked up!), taught Bad Horse the wonders of hotdiggedydemonology and Trixie gave us a free lecture on set theory. Unfortunately, between the alcohol and my out-of-whack sleep schedule, her efforts were largely wasted on me as my thoughts were pretty much limited to "Yes, Georg Cantor. I have heard this name before." I called it quits around 12:40 A.M. and headed to bed


I woke up around 3:50 with a wicked-bad tummy-ache. Must've been from all that cheese I'd been eating at my friends' place. There was no way I was getting back to sleep, so to distract myself from the pain, I decided to paint my nails using some of the new polish my friend had given me! It didn't turn out as well as the stuff I'd been using, which I think was due to it being so quick-drying. I thought I'd taken a picture, but apparently that must've been on Snapchat or something, because I can't find it. I used a spearmint green with a blue and black spackle thrown on top. It could've been really cute if it wasn't so messy and actually adhered to my nails properly :twilightangry2:

Downstairs, Present had set up Sentinels at a table next to the bar in order to lure unsuspecting virgins. A number of people just asked about the game and left (as if there was anything else going on in that hotel at that time), but he managed to ring in a few people and played for several hours. I think a third of that time was spent on a single game! I watched a couple games and even played one myself (this time as Haka) before grabbing breakfast with Biscuit. The hotel food's never terribly good (DO NOT try the oatmeal!), but I enjoyed discussing horses and horse literature. I discovered there are actually two stories named Triptych on this site. After that, I just hung out with people. We met a guy who impersonated Rolf from Ed, Edd n Eddy, Biscuit pondered what it would be like to "ride Celestia", and there was a girl with the cutest Cadence cosplay!

Yeah, I still spell her name with an "e"
The grudge will never die, and y'all can fight me IRL if you have a problem with it

Throughout the weekend, I visited Artist Alley several times, and I think I spent around $315 on merch this year

This was actually a daki sized for a normal pillow. Get it? It's because she's so little! :rainbowkiss:

Thanks again to Max for buying me that stuff from Nightengale Needles. That was really sweet of you

The corgi belt was for my brother

I also bought this for my mom

And these were for my brother, whose birthday was during the convention

Didn't get him all the stickers. Just the axolotl

Saturday evening, we met up with Milk and Ed at the Old Bag of Nails. Milk wore these really cute rainbow bracelets. I don't think I complimented him on them, though. I'm actually blanking on what was discussed over dinner, which is weird because I recall it being interesting enough. Something about medieval art and differing cultural values, which I have a small amount of familiarity with thanks to the OSR (and specifically Zak S.). Oh, and according to Bad Horse "...[Hitler] was so right." Not entirely sure what he meant by that

When we got back to the hotel, I decided to check out Artist Alley After Dark, where I finally saw Braeburned selling merch. I don't think he did the normal one at all this time. Also, I swear that guy gets hotter every year!

Actual picture of Brae

There was a bit of a scare with Trixie losing her bag at AAAD, but she was fortunately able to find it. Finally, we finished the night off with the World Wide War of Pancakes panel, or whatever it was called, which was 18+ for some reason this year. Honestly, I thought it went better than previous ones, so maybe that was a good call


Sunday morning started out with a false fire alarm. Turns out some idiot burned a poptart in the microwave. It was like BronyCon 2012 all over again! Much of that day was spent saying goodbye to people. Sucks this is the only con I can attend. I likely won't be able to see anyone again for another year

Closing ceremonies and the following raffle were kinda fun this year. Drew Flashy talked about "neodiversity" (Vengeful and I shared a good laugh about that one), and the official Peanut Bucker Cosplayer, told us to "Just grab some horse." She didn't specify where, though she did encourage us to act before asking for permission

We capped everything off with a trip to Golden Corral, where we spotted this beauty

"That has to be racist!" — Zyrian

I think that's about it, so I'll just end this with a few out-of-context quotes I couldn't fit in elsewhere:

"[Zyrian's] more illiterate" - ROB

"Is this how consent works?!" - Zyrian

"This is a hate crime!" - Crunchy

Can't wait to see everyone again next year! I'll be cosplaying as (hopefully, R63) Admiral Biscuit

Addendum: I totally forgot to mention a few people! First was Sunny, whom I unfortunately didn't get to see much of. It was pretty much limited to me awkwardly attempting conversation and then failing a hug (yes, I'm that bad at human interaction). I also met that chick from the ToonKritick debacle at BABSCon. I guess she's going to do readings of some stories from the speedfic panel, though I'm not sure when. She uploads way too much content! I honestly don't know how she finds the time for it, or how her viewers find the time to watch so much. I'm more than a little jealous. Finally, I didn't catch their name, but I talked with someone who wore the cutest choker! It was actually kinda cool how I could have an honest-to-God conversation with a total stranger, like I was a normal person or something

Addendum 2 - Electric Scootaloo: Also forgot to mention that some autistic guy proposed to his boyfriend during the closing ceremonies and he said yes! It was really cute. If I could cry, I totally would've

Report Prof Holly Oats · 526 views · #trotcon
Comments ( 7 )

LOL, R63 Admiral Biscuit. I'm flattered :heart:

Great to see you at the con! Hopefully I was one of the ones who managed to keep my pronouns straight . . . I like to think you can still teach an old dog new tricks. If not, you have my sincerest apologies. Feel free to smack me upside the head with an actual, dead trout next year.

I also fell asleep during Trixie's math, which is a shame: that's the kind of thing I like learning about, even though I'm terrible at math. Simple addition is nearly out of my reach. :derpytongue2:

Sweetie Belle art is adorable; I bought some last year at Bronycon.

Also, you're right, Braeburned is handsome. I'd go gay for him (but then, who wouldn't?)

Also also, how did I miss Milk at the con?

Also also also, remind me to have a panel at Trotcon next year. I can probably do better than that one guy.

Also also also also, I'm curious about what suddenly happened to Vengeful. Questions must be asked.

I don't recall you referring to me with any pronouns, actually

I believe that was Milk, but I'm really bad with names, so maybe I've gotten it wrong these past two years. You two were only one table away at dinner. He sat right next to Trixie, across from Bad Horse

Author Interviewer

"Old Nintendo peripheral"! XD I hope I can remember that next year, so I can greet him with it.

And Vengeful Spirit seems to have DFE'd, which is odd. o.O

Glad you had an overall good time! I hope to see you again next year.

PS, who is that picture (of braeburned) actually of?

So who did the griffon budgie art? It's a really cute idea and I've only seen Heather Bruton doing them. n_n

VictoryDance. He also did the "mom" poster, the axolotl and several of the buttons I purchased (like the greaser ponies)

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