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The Bridge: True Monsters · 1:11pm Jul 24th, 2017

DISCLAIMER: This is not a hint to anything in chapter 40. Nightmare Godzilla and Kaizer Ghidorah are most likely not going to fight unless I do a sudden rewrite. It's meant to just highlight what has happened in parallel with Monster X and Godzilla Junior.

Comments ( 16 )

DISCLAIMER: This is not a hint to anything in chapter 40. Nightmare Godzilla and Kaizer Ghidorah are most likely not going to fight unless I do a sudden rewrite. It's meant to just highlight what has happened in parallel with Monster X and Godzilla Junior.

Hmm how do we know you're not just trolling us to catch us off guard next chapter? :trixieshiftright:

If there's anything you taught this fandom over the years, it's not to believe everything you say. :trollestia:

Either way, this is going to be terrifying.:rainbowlaugh:

Yeah, one Ghidorah-tier character roaming about is troublesome enough, two would be a crisis, but three? That'd be an apocalypse second only to a god's rampage.

We got Grand King Ghidorah, X who is currently Kaiser Ghidorah and Junior who is currently Shin Gojira. If Destroyah joins in...it will be an Apocalypse that will shame all others.:twilightoops:

Destroyah is powerful yes, maybe a bit stronger than Junior, Lea, or Xen but she's not Ghidorah tier.

...dude, she kind of is. As a living embodiment of the Oxygen Destroyer, if she wanted to, she could kill everything...wanted to being the key words. She could have destroyed the world if Gojira hadn't force her to go dormant.

Hmm potentially she could, but I've seen her performance in the movie where she fought Burning Senior(who according to Tarb is equal to Junior) and they were evenly matched so again, while she is undeniably strong and arguably the most powerful member of our heroes' team.

She isn't quite equal to someone like Ghidorah or an Aspect at full power.

Seeing how Junior did fight in Final Wars, I say that is not correct to say. Kaiser Ghidorah was in Final Wars.

In which Junior got trashed by Kaizer, and only won by Deus Ex Machina.


Final wars as the movie shows it did not happen, they occurred very differently in this timeline. Kaizer never emerged so Junior only ever fought Monster X. No more power debates please they're kind of pointless

Do you plan on doing something with Final Wars? or have you already done it?

Never intended on a Power Debate, i just ended up being dragged into one though okay I'll stop.

I might do a Tales of the Amalgam'verse to cover it one day, but the outline of it was covered in the timeline.


Basically the situation was more like the final battle of Destroy All Monsters with a big Alien kaiju vs. Terran kaiju team melee.

Do you think you could ever do some sort of what if story about Nightmare Godzilla and Kaizer Ghidora fighting? Seems like it could be an amazing battle.

Hey, what song is used in that video? Sounds epic.

What Zenith Light asked; what song does the video uses?

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