• Member Since 11th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2021


"It is beautiful, it is endless, it is full and yet seems empty."

More Blog Posts351

  • 219 weeks
    Times is rough

    How is everyone... times are rough, and I want to reconnect with old friends. Who is out there still. Sound off!

    7 comments · 290 views
  • 301 weeks
    Support and Whereabouts?

    Hey, guys! I know its been a minute since I blogged, but unlike what ChappedPenguinLips believes, I am still on this site reading and I have been working on a story slowly that I wont reveal any details right now about but hopefully I can get it released in the next few months. Writing has been harder for me because aside from work brutal enough. I have started streaming pretty frequently for 2

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    0 comments · 323 views
  • 327 weeks

    I’ve been pretty behind on the show for quite a while. Watched the first few episodes of season 6 and then never continued. Not by choice I just got lazy since I don’t have cable and can’t record it but now that they put season 7 on Netflix I was planning on binging to catch up...

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    2 comments · 437 views
  • 327 weeks
    Fortnite with a Mod and Scrub

    Whats better than playing Fortnite with ChappedPenguinLips?

    Playing with Chapped and with Night Spark.

    Night Spark is really bad. I'm still getting used to the game on PS4 so I'm not much better. But still...

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    5 comments · 401 views
  • 327 weeks
    Next Steps

    With the Two-Faced Charade contest coming to a close I’d like to congratulate Midnight Quill for winning the contest with his story Two Stripes!

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    1 comments · 384 views

Rarity is Probably Gonna Die Reading! · 4:21am Jul 25th, 2017

So as I had mentioned in a blog last week my story "Rarity is Probably Gonna Die" had a reading in the works by user Night Spark! Well it's done!! It's his first time using some high quality microphones to do a reading and he is really wanting to do more in the future so he is looking for some feedback. More information below the break!

Please, have a listen, and shoot him a PM or comment on the story with any feedback or things you liked! He's trying to better his recording style so that way he can do this more often for users on Fimfic!

If you're interested in having a fic read by Night Spark shoot him (or myself I suppose) a PM and he'll talk it over with you!

Night Spark is also offering his services to the Unsung Heroes Writing Contest being hosted by Manaphy which ends this week! First place winner gets a free reading by Night Spark to be done within a week or so of the contest being concluded!

Thanks for reading, listening, or otherwise being around! I look forward to seeing some comments about the reading and I know for certain Night Spark does too!

Night Spark's Bandcamp! Night Spark's Fimfiction Page!

Rarity is Probably Gonna Die Reading is here!

Have a great night, friends.

Dont touch Spike's comics.

~Never Stop Smiling~

Comments ( 2 )

Hooray! I shall go and listen to it now! Congrats! :pinkiehappy:

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