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Nightmare Godzilla Q/A · 6:57am Jul 25th, 2017

It seems the story's latest curve ball has paid off quite well, quite well indeed. I'm glad my love of mythology gags and keeping the plan between story arcs loose is paying off in good ways given the reception.



Now just because I intentionally was very vague with some things, I felt it be good for me to post a profile of sorts on the Nightmare forms and this one in particular. But before I do that, I was going to hold this little Q/A regarding the latest Nightmare form, Godzilla Junior's Shin Godzilla (2016) inspired form. Same formula as other Q/As for those whom remember, submit your questions below. Just please only 5 questions per person at a time (you can ask more after I answer them all), and no questions regarding events in chapter 40. Keep things focused on questions about how the Nightmare state works, what is going on, and Nightmare Godzilla's character.

Example -

Q: Is Shin Junior/Nightmare Godzilla going to fight Kaizer Ghidorah?
A: There are no current plans at this time to have them brawl in chapter 40. Plans could change, but I'm saying no to avoid getting any hopes up as the rest of the King Ghidorah Arc requires other actions.

Q: Is Shin Junior/Nightmare Godzilla going to sprout smaller creatures from his tail?
A: No. This form is a tribute to Shin Godzilla (just like how Junior is to the 2002 and 1970s Godzilla), but not all the traits are there wholesale. Asexual reproduction is not going to happen.

Q: In this state, is Big G in any danger of exploding or melting down, or does the nightmare magic stabilize his inner core?
A: It is stable on account the magic is what gave him this form and not him going into meltdown.

Q: Does Nightmare have some control, over this form. Did that whole scene of her being sucked into the void, show that when it off more than she could chew
A: This is the first nightmare form in which Nightmare herself has completely no control over. Junior's subconscious is too powerful and his mental damage too great so she was caught off guard and overpowered.

Q: Are we going to have an Neon Genesis Evangelion reference, since Hideaki Anno?
A: Not likely. I respect the hell outta Anno and the series for it's success but it's not for everyone, I am one of such.

Q: Well the go kaiju form for this or only stick to pony?
A: The kaiju form would resemble Shin Godzilla, but it would have some differences. Namely the eyes would be less googly, it look more muscular and less fatty, and have usable arms.

Q: Was having Junior be infected by the Nightmare an idea that has been in the works for awhile or was it something you came up with more recently?
A: Relatively recent. Not last minute, but the first draft of the arc didn't have it.

Q: What exactly is Nightmare Jr.'s mental state like? Is he just a monster fueled by rage or something more akin to Mirror!Junior?
A: Some of the real Junior is still there mentally, but he's completely lost his restraint and is having a enraged breakdown to where he is going to try and kill anything that has enraged him. For example, normal Junior was trying to take Starlight in without harming her. Nightmare Godzilla would burn his way through a city trying to get at her to rip her apart.

Q: Does Nightmare Jr. Have any control over the nightmare's dark magic that is now mixed into his form?
A: Only limited given he doesn't know much magic otherwise. Nightmare Rarity was so strong magically because Nightmare was in the driver's seat and was using Luna's magical knowledge through Rarity.

Q: Assuming your plans for the next chapter doesn't change. If Nightmare Godzilla did fight Kaiser Ghidorah, how would you see such a fight going just in general terms?
A: They're both on roughly the same level, can heal/regenerate, spam an ungodly amount of beams, and are far from helpless up close. I see them killing each other in a gigantic explosion of wrath.

Q: The markings on Nightmare Godzilla seem similar in some respects to the runes that appear on the Guardian Beasts when their true power is unleashed, is there any relation? And if there is would it that have anything to do with the fact that the transformation was magically induced?
A: No relation, no. The Guardian Beast runes are mana born, whereas what is happening with Nightmare Godzilla is his inner radiation power is visibly showing through his skin akin to what happens in his meltdown form.

Q: How powerful is Nightmare form compared to Juniors partial meltdown form and if it is stronger would you say it's comparable to the power boost given to Godzilla senior at the peak of his meltdown?
A: It is stronger, yes. It's comparable in power to a complete meltdown. I'd say the increase is somewhere between a x2 and x4 increase in power.

Q: What does the change in the cutie mark signify?
A: He's no longer stable, all that frustration, insecurity, and rage is causing him to burn.

Q: Is Shin going to be the good guy or bad guy for this Arc? Or is he somewhere in the middle?
A: The real Junior is somewhere in there, but he's probably gone to some level of evil or at least a destructive neutral as anything that has angered him he is going to and maul and heaven help anything near him when he tries.

Q: who would win: Nightmare Jr. Vs. Mirror!Jr.?
A: Nightmare Junior, though Mirror Junior could probably land some really good hits.

Q: With the (technical) presence of a being powering him, could Shin/Nightmare self charge into his "true" form?
A: Possibly, but he doesn't know how to make use of the magic and he's not exactly in a sound state of mind at the moment so he doesn't know he can probably.

Comments ( 32 )

In this state, is Big G in any danger of exploding or melting down, or does the nightmare magic stabilize his inner core?

Does Nightmare have some control, over this form. Who did that whole scene of her being sucked into the void, show that when it off more than she could chew

Are we going to have an Neon Genesis Evangelion reference, since Hideaki Anno?

Well he go kaiju form for this or only stick to pony? (If you do keep the eyes the same, the googley muppet eyes were the only thing I hated about the Shin Godzilla Suit)

1. Was having Junior be infected by the Nightmare an idea that has been in the works for awhile or was it something you came up with more recently?
2. What exactly is Nightmare Jr.'s mental state like? Is he just a monster fueled by rage or something more akin to Mirror!Junior?
3. Does Nightmare Jr. Have any control over the nightmare's dark magic that is now mixed into his form?

1. Assuming your plans for the next chapter doesn't change. If Nightmare Godzilla did fight Kaiser Ghidorah, how would you see such a fight going just in general terms?

2. The markings on Nightmare Godzilla seem similar in some respects to the runes that appear on the Guardian Beasts when their true power is unleashed, is there any relation? And if there is would it that have anything to do with the fact that the transformation was magically induced?

3. Will the experience of being in the Nightmare state allow Godzilla Junior learn to use some of the abilities in his regular form such as fire breath and spamming nuclear beams from his spines/mane?

4. How powerful is Nightmare form compared to Juniors partial meltdown form and if it is stronger would you say it's comparable to the power boost given to Godzilla senior at the peak of his meltdown?

5. What does the change in the cutie mark signify?

A side story could be done with the Sea Ponies cooling him down somehow...
Maybe have Manda or Raiga get involved.

Oh. You watched Shin Godzilla too. A really bizarre depiction of Godzilla, and it always felt off to me, especially when we watched the end. And now I know why: It was written and designed by the guy who made Neon Genesis Evangelion. Ech...

If we saw Nightmare Jr in Kaiju form, would it be near-identical to the film, or more its own?

That picture is awesome!

Im horribly behind, some somethings may have changed, but with my undersanding of the story...
1) with the (technical) pressence of a being powering him, could Shin/Nightmare self charge into his "true" form? (Probably al la Dragon Ball Z style)
2) is this form comparible in power to a full meltdown,or even stronger?
3) who would win: Nightmare Jr. Vs. Mirror!Jr.? :rainbowlaugh:

Now I know about Kaizer not going up against him, but what about Mirror!? Will Mirror! Junior and Shin! Junior meet up? Only asking because Mirror! got a power upgrade as well.

Does he have any of Shin's weaknesses?

What exactly is it that overwhelmed the Nightmare? Is it just that he had seen more dark things than Luna had and the Nightmare thought far too highly of itself as a demon?

In the movie Shin, the atomic breath progression from smoke to fire to beam is because of his evolution. So when Junior does the same, is it just a reference or was he having his abilities rebooted, so to speak, from the ground-up?

Can we expect to see more of the back beams or will they be less useful due to lacking Shin's radar sense(and having no eyes in the back of his head to aim with in proxy)?





Didn't answer some questions on account of spoilers

Didn't answer first two questions on account of spoilers





I knew that form looked familiar, seeing as I watched Shin Godzilla when I flew to Manila two weeks ago. Now that I think about it, with Junior looking like he's in the partial meltdown state, I dunno if he can shoot lasers from his back or have another Atomic Breath fired by his tail, but I thought those were cool. Also that form with the googly eyes is awfully derpy.

1. How does ShinJ compare to the other two Ghidorahs?

2. Hmm not sure if this would be spoilers, but what would ShinJ do about the Equestrians like Luna, or Chibi, others who have shown him kindness?

3. So does the Nightmare form boost him physically as well or is it mostly an increase in firepower?

My one question, who's answer I expect to count a spoiler, is this:

Does this transformation count as Dark Magic, complete with the vulnerability to positive emotions that Cadence used to resist Sombra's illusion magic? That is to say, if someone could get threw all that rage to generate the right sort of emotional response, could Junior fight his way back?

Q: Well the go kaiju form for this or only stick to pony?
A: The kaiju form would resemble Shin Godzilla, but it would have some differences. Namely the eyes would be less googly, it look more muscular and less fatty, and have usable arms.

Oh yeah those few factors looked off to me too, namely the eyes and arms

1) will Nightmare Godzilla (aka Shin) turn into his true form in the later chapters?

2) In his Pony form how do you compare him, Luna and Celestia in power (I can already tell how he Solos in his True Ungodly Glory)?

3) Since Nightmare Godzilla will have no Asexual Reproduction, will he have Shin Godzilla's ability to Evolve and Adapt like in the movie (like a Kaiju Doomsday)?

4) Is Mirror Godzilla also capable of turning into this Nightmare form since he absorbed the Mirror Sombra's Magic (who also absorbed Mirror Celestia and Luna's Magic/Evil) and if he does would he be in control or not(Basically slowly becomes a Kaiju Broly)?

Let me check my notifications before reading chapter 39!
Oh dear.

Is goji going to revert back to his normal form or is he stuck like that for the remainder of the story?

Of course he's going to go back to normal.

1) Other then who will know (tragedy) or persecution of the masses; what is nightmares theme song?

2) What do you imagine nightmare sounding like if he were to speak?

3) If we were to compare them, are Kaiser and nightmare the same in terms of personality?

4) what would happen if the nightmare got a hold of anguirus or rodan (just a random thought)

5) what would xenilla say if he saw junior in this form?

Funny question: on a scale of one to ten, how fucked are we?

Since my previous questions have been answered, I'll just put out a couple more.

1. Was it only because Nightmare tries to possess Godzilla at the moment when he was consumed by wrath than caused such a drastic transformation? If she had tried when he was in a calm state would it have gone differently?

2. Somewhat related to the above, did Nightmare lose control because of the sheer potency of Godzilla's negative emotions was it because of the nature of the negative emotions themselves?

3. Would Nightmare have managed to maintain control if she had better understanding of the depths of Junior's emotions?

4. If Nightmare did somehow manage to retain full control over Junior instead of being overwhelmed, what kind of transformation would you imagine Junior undergoing instead, what abilities would the controlled Nightmare form have compared to the Shin form and how bad would the situation have been compared to how things stand now?

Just for me personally, but I thought the Deathsaurer's theme would go rather well with Nightmare Godzilla.

This isn't a question, but I'd just like to say, I LOVE how much time you put into fleshing out every little detail regarding this story and it's characters.

What would happen if Nightmare Godzilla had no one he was angry with around him? Like what if Starlight teleported far away from him at this moment? Would he calm down, or just attack whatever he's nearest to?

Will we see Junior go back normal eventually? I.e get nightmare out of him?

Always nice to have a Q&A for chapters like these, especially since it's a tribute to Shin Godzilla as a whole. And as always, you've put a lot of detail into The Bridge's interpretation of Shin Godzilla.

While it's still up in the air whether Shin Godzilla and Kaiser will duke it out, I'm okay if that doesn't happen, as a good story is still happening on both fronts. We don't always have a fight to make a story interesting, the characters and their struggles are just as good.

Speaking of struggle, that's what I'm REALLY worried about what's to come from this chapter. While it's true that Junior is still in there in some fashion, I'm worried what the aftermath of this rampage is going to do to his self-image as well as the perception from Equestria after seeing such POWER. Yes, they caught a glimpse of the Big-G's power when he fought the Gyaos....but now,.....Celestia help them. How's Junior going to face himself after this, IF Equestria is still standing?

And (as an Evangelion fan myself), I can understand on avoiding some elements of Eva. Trust me, it's not a show for everyone to enjoy, as there's a LOT to sift through and endure to see the silver lining of both the story and the characters. But, I WILL ALWAYS be a defender of Shinji Ikari people! The kid seriously needs a hug and a break. :(

Nightmare Junior's stance resembles that of Xenilla's. Does that mean anything, or am I looking to into it?

Why are you allergic to giving Godzilla a break (partial sarcasm)?

Kinda of going out on a limb here, and I am not sure of anyone has asked this, but I can't help but notice that one of the physical changes is his eyeball color. They are no longer red and are instead a bright white which is what is usual. I had this thought some time ago and I'm not sure if someone else had asked about this in the past. As per Godzilla lore, a Godzillasaurus' eyes will flash red when scared. Junior's eyeballs no longer display the color due to his nightmare transformation. Since his eyeballs are/were red, does/did that indicate he is/was always in a constant state of fear? If so, then it would make sense considering what was revealed in the latest chapter. In his new state, his eyeballs are now white. Does this mean that in this new form he is no longer afraid?
So two questions:
Since his eyeballs are/were red, does/did that indicate he is/was always in a constant state of fear?
Does this mean that in this new form he is no longer afraid?

Sooooo... is the red glow JUST the radiation shinning through?

Or is it, you know, the flesh underneath the skin being exposed like in the movie?

And while we're at it, why'd Nightmare go for Goji instead of Starlight?

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