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The Lone Doctor

Greetings ladies and gents, I'm The Lone Doctor, I am a huge fan of well written fics. Whether they are military, sci-fi, cross-over, historical, or what have you, if it's well written, I love it.

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Fall of Equestria: Vầng Trăng Rực Sáng Timeline · 5:54am Jul 30th, 2017

Hello ladies and gents. I decided that in order to do a little more lore building for my fic, and better organize stuff for people who want to catch up. To set up a timeline in this post. This accounts for the events leading up to Fall of Equestria: Vầng Trăng Rực Sáng I hope you enjoy the explanation, and I hope it clears up any confusion on events. Feel free to comment on questions and ideas for the lore.

Because of the nature of his experiment, Starswirl the Bearded, while successfully creating a portal between two dimensions, caused a lag between the two world by ten years. Tampering of magic from the Caribou, in addition to constant use and increasing instability, caused it to collapse. When the Caribou reconnected with Earth, the two dimensions synced up, and the gap disappeared, therefore, while the events between the end of the EQG film canon and Vầng Trăng Rực Sáng occurred in a span of four months, the Caribou conflict and the eventual take over took place within the span of nine years. These are the events:

August 1958: After being stripped of her title of being Princess Celestia's student, Sunset Shimmer escapes through the portal to Earth.
1960: After being discovered by an expedition led by Daring Do, Equestria begins dialogue with the Caridoon Monarchy.
June 1961-March 1962: The MLP:FiM canon (including the MLP movie, and the EQG movies Equestria-side) occur.

Additionally, relations between Caridoon and Equestria decline in December of 1961 as King Svardagr's health declines, and the more hot-headed members of the Magistrate and High Council take over diplomatic duties. By March of 1962, civil unrest begins to take hold as it becomes clear that King Svardagr's illness is terminal.
June 1962-December 1962: One of the Svardagr's military generals/disciples, Diann, leads a coups d'états against the monarchy, and takes power. King Svardagr soon dies, and Diann declares Caridoon to be an empire. Parts of the Magistrate and all of the High Council are replaced. From his empowerment to the end of 1962, Diann makes some reforms, such as bettering public infrastructure, and strengthening up the military via modernization to Equestria's levels, and hiring of mercenaries to train the army.
January 1963: Imperial forces begin to annex the surrounding territory. Equestria, Yakyakistan, the Crystal Empire, and Saddle Arabia place embargos to curb influence. In addition Equestria sends an ultimatum, release the territories within one month, or face 'dire consequences.'
February 1963: Equestrian and Caribou ambassadors scramble to try to diffuse the situation. Made difficult by orders from Diann to demand appeasement from the Equestrian Alliance. The ultimatum was put on hold for these political talks. Imperial forces continue to dominate nearby territories.
June 1963: Tired of Equestrian expansion of influence, the Changeling Empire, the Minotaur Empire, and Radical Buffalo tribes ally with the Empire, while the Dragons, Diamond Dogs, and Griffons have mercenaries hired by the Empire with no restrictions from their respective governments.

This is due to fear of retaliation (Diamond Dogs), or political apathy for the consequences (Griffons, due to constant political instability; and Dragons in light of regime change to Queen Ember, despite attempts at Equestrian alliance). Equestrian forces begin escort duty on merchant ships, and face constant skirmishes with mercenaries and privateers, their allegiance to the Caribou Empire covered up.
December 1963: Negotiations failed, Equestrian ambassadors captured. Respective sides declare war. Diamond Dogs, and Griffons remain neutral. Dragon Lord Ember's government is overthrown by Caribou-supported Dragon nationalists led by 'Garble the Great'. The Nationalists set up a patriarchal dictatorship and ally themselves with the Caribou Empire. Dragon Lord Ember escapes thanks to the efforts of a Wonderbolt strike-group led by Lieutenant Rainbow Dash and Spike.
January 1964: The Changeling Empire, led by Queen Chrysalis, stormed into Zebrican territory, and annexed Zebrica. Dragon forces promptly reinforced the position, carrying on with the momentum, Dragon and Changeling forces capture Saddle Arabia, taking the last of the Southern Region away from the Equestrian Alliance.
March 1964: Wonderbolt Strike-Force led by Captain Rainbow Dash attempts rescue of Equestrian Diplomats. Despite the secrecy of the mission, half the strike-force is wiped out, the other half, including Captain Rainbow Dash, are captured and sold into slavery, making them the first military POW's of the war.
April 1964: After reorganizing forces, Changeling and Dragon forces, with assistance from Buffalo rebel cells, capture Dodge Junction, and besiege Appleloosa. For twenty-eight days, the royal guard, the Appleloosa Sheriff's department, and loyalist tribes under Chief Thunderhooves defended the town against Changeling and Dragon attack, despite sheer odds. However, due to lack of food and supplies, and with no hope of any relief columns arriving intact, the city surrenders to Queen Chrysalis after the arrival of Griffon Mercenaries.
June 1964: The Caribou secretly annex the Equestrian town of Lindisbarne, a small, frontier fishing port. Imperial Runemasters (Magic specialists) place several runes around the town to conceal it from prying eyes. A listening post is also built as a staging area for Changeling spies and scouts.
July 1964: Imperial forces build up at Lindisbarne in preparation for invasion of the Equestrian mainland. The Equestrian Equalist Party, a political faction in Canterlot based on Starlight's ideals from her original village, begin to increase in popularity as the war makes clear of the flaws in Equestrian society.
September 1964: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, simply known as Princess Cadence, uncovered the Imperial staging area near the Crystal Empire's borders. In an attempt at a counter-attack, the Crystal Empire raids the staging area, however, Changeling agents sabotage the raid by killing and replacing key leaders of the raid, and by warning the Caribou in time to counter the counter-attack.
October 1964: From the north, Caribou forces crossed the Yaket range, destroy train tracks, and march to the Crystal Empire. In addition, regular imperial forces, and Griffon mercenaries take Manehatten.

From the South, Griffon, Dragon, and Changeling forces teamed up with elements of the Imperial expeditionary force to take Baltimare, the loss of their ports on the Eastern Seaboard severely cripple Equestrian trade.
November 1964: Caribou troops storm into the Crystal Empire. The Equestrian forces make a reasonable fight, but the presence of many Changeling spies cripples the defending forces, making capture easy for the Caribou. Yak troops evacuate with refugees to Yakyakistan.

The Crystal Heart is captured, and a spell pre-emptively created by the Head Runemaster is cast onto it, causing a majority of the male pony population to come under Caribou control, effectively crippling Equestrian forces as a whole for the rest of the war. Princess Cadence and Princess Flurry Heart are the first members of the Equestrian Diarchy to be captured by the Caribou, kept from their escape by Shining Armor and his guards.
December 1964: In a pincer movement, Axis forces from Baltimare and Manehatten converge on Fillydelphia, and promptly capture it. Imperial forces destroy Starlight's Village in their conquest, causing the Equalist cells there to splinter and begin to conduct guerrilla warfare.
January 1965: Axis forces begin to move westward, capturing Hollow Shades, and the Pie Family Rock farm. Imperial forces stationed in the Crystal Empire begin to advance toward Yakyakistan, despite warnings of deadly weather conditions and treacherous terrain.

Equalist guerillas bomb the Canterlot School of Gifted Unicorns. Under orders from Princess Celestia, Starlight Cuts all ties with the Mane Six, and goes deep undercover into the Equalist Party for SMILE to counter any more rebellious attempts made by the faction, as membership increases from the war.
February 1965: Changeling forces begin to place spies on Cloudsdale after discovering its location from Equestrian troops under the Caribou's spell, additional agents are planted in Ponyville and Canterlot. There are skirmishes between Axis forces, the Royal Guard and from the Equestrian Resistance, and the Equalist guerrilla forces as the Axis forces begin to march towards Ponyville and Canterlot.
March 1965: After months of brutal fighting with the Yaks, combined with low supplies, poor weather, and poor morale, Caribou forces surrender to Yakyakistan, enraging Diann.
April 9th, 1965: Changeling spies, now in capable numbers, paralyze the Equestrian forces stationed in Cloudsdale, Dragons and Griffon mercenaries storm the city. Equestrian weather is now under Carribou control. As such the Caribou use it as an advantage by creating an eternal winter for the remainder of the war, effectively starving out the Equestrian forces.
April 30th, 1965: Lack of supplies, morale, and constant harassment from Equalist guerrilla forces causes the Equestrian military to collapse. Axis forces, waiting in the Everfree forest, stormed into Ponyville, and hours later, into Canterlot. The Equestrian troops who did not run, withdraw, or come under Caribou control fight to the death, some of the generals commit suicide in the last act of honor. Celestia, Luna, the CMC, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack are captured in the ensuing battle. Applejack fends the last defenses at Twilight's Castle to buy time for Twilight and Spike to escape, adding additional grief to the last Princess of Equestria.
May 1965-August 1967: The remainder of the Equestrian forces, Resistance forces, and Equalist guerilla forces fight fight to keep the Axis forces from gaining additional land. Twilight works overtime to not only help develop spells to counter Runemaster spells, but attempts to administer both Vanhoover and Las Pegasus. The amount of stress takes a toll on her psyche. Both cities are sustained by trade from Yakyakistan in food and weaponry, and troops to help curb the invasion force.

For the next two years, Diann focuses his troops on stamping out guerilla resistance forces in his occupied territories, and drastically slows down the invasion force, citing, "If we are quick with our ambitions, are troops will lose supplies and food from the ponies in the trees." He manages to stamp out resistance with moderate success, never managing to wipe out resistance groups, but giving them limited opportunities to strike back without heavy cost.
September 1967-December 1967: Axis forces, now confident in the security of their supply lines, advance and rout any remaining Regular Equestrian troops. The place both Vanhoover, and Las Pegasus under siege for four months. Yakyakistani ships attempting to resupply Equestria are burned by Dragon air superiority, and lost in storms created by Cloudsdale.
December 25th, 1967: Twilight Sparkle, without her support group of friends, has a mental breakdown from the stress of the siege, her occupation, and her loss. Unable to bear starving moans of her citizens, she surrenders to the Axis powers, ordering all her troops to lay down their arms, and surrender. After five years of heavy fighting, countless losses, and starvation, the final beacon of Equestrian resistance in Vanhoover and Las Pegasus fall to the Caribou Empire.
January 1968: Lieutenant-Colonel Freiheit is assigned the role of Governor for Las Pegasus, a position of central power that the local magistrates reports to. The Governor in turn reports to the High Council. He takes along his staff and personnel, (Among them, former Princess Flurry Heart, and Scootaloo).
August 1968: Sunset Shimmer, fresh from 1958 Equestria, appears on Earth in Canterlot, Oregon. Her reign of terror over the student body begins.
September 1971-June 1972: The events of Equestria Girls film series (Earth-side), specials, shorts, and the Anon-A-Miss Student newspaper column incident take place in their respective times. Equestrian magic begins to bleed into Earth. Following the EQG series, the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, UNIT, CONTROL, KAOS, and the KGB begin to monitor occurrences in the town.
July 1972: After years of experimentation, an improved mirror portal, increased in size, is moved and reassembled in the Undiscovered West, the fate of the original mirror is still a mystery. A camp of operations is set nearby for defensive, and offensive reasons.
November 1972: The Caribou Empire leads a series of scout missions to Earth. A few weeks later, an expedition of conquest was sent into Saigon, the story of the Fall of Equestria: Vầng Trăng Rực Sáng begins.

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