• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Harasha the Gryphon

as my name implies I'm a gryphon I like MLP fiction :) I like all kinds of pony tf from ponification to five score's nice slow tf hope you enjoy my work as much as I might enjoy yours

  • TLife In Lace
    Life for Amethyst shard was normal, more or less. He spent his life studying and searching for magical artifacts. Until one day when he found a cursed figurine that changed him into a mare. Now has to to work on a cure.
    Harasha the Gryphon · 39k words  ·  169  6 · 3.9k views

More Blog Posts13

  • 83 weeks
    I'm coming back. New content incoming

    hey guys it's been a few years. time flies when you're having fun. so where have I been well I've frankly been spending extra time with my family because they're getting old and I wanted to be as close to them as possible in these final years. I also wanted to see how G5 was gonna work out and so far I'm impressed. to that end I'm working on a new short story that should hopefully be out in the

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  • 170 weeks
    taking a long vacation

    In light of recent events I've decided to take a fairly long vacation from the internet. No idea when I'll be back. Just so everyone knows it's nobody's fault here it's just a piling up of stressors that influenced my decision. I'll still log on to browse but I'm not gonna be posting for a while.

    0 comments · 274 views
  • 170 weeks
    quitting the internet

    as of right now I'm strongly considering leaving the internet. I'll post a new blog if this becomes for certain

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  • 179 weeks
    Important holiday tommorow

    As you probably already know there's an extremely important holiday coming up tomorrow that we're all gonna celebrate. That's right tomorrow is the important day that Dick Tracey married Tess Truehart. So remember everyone make sure to have a special dinner for Dick Tracey and remember to keep the tradition of wearing a yellow hat to the dinner.

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  • 204 weeks
    a firendly reminder

    that I have other places I post chapters https://www.minds.com/angrybirb456/ also sorry for not posting in months. too much going on in my life to properly focus on anything relating to fertility flower.

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so two long years update · 9:50am Jul 30th, 2017

after watching a video on the internet I like I realize now I owe all of you waiting for life in lace to get finished

so let's start out this long tale with why I stopped updating initially, to put it bluntly a personal tragedy (I'm sure you probably don't give a shit about the specifics) came into my real life and one year later another personal tragedy hit. long and short is that this killed my motivation for writing anything. I spent some time just gaming and bumming around in my house before I decided to try and go out and finish life in lace and well my drive to write that story just died. I have the ending pretty much set in my mind but I'm just not feeling it and I haven't cleared that with my editors. so right then I had to take an inventory of why life in lace flopped I had to figure out what I specifically did wrong. and I came to two conclusions

1. it was too long I just got bored of the concept and it felt like a chore to write
2. I was releasing it as soon as a chapter was done I now realize that for the future of a long form story I'll finish the entire thing first before posting up chapters.

to the end of point one I started writing shorter one off stories. all two of the completed ones can be found on my furaffinity page. and then yesterday happened and boom inspiration for a new idea and there's already a few chapters done (2 mostly).... and literally as I type this journal realized I need a 3 for the list.

3. don't bog down a concept with stupid bullshit

so to that end I want to honestly apologize for leading you all on for years about will it be done or won't it a few minutes after this journal goes public I'll be updating these stories completion status to reflect reality.

PS if you do check out the furaffinity page the life in lace fanart there is not reflective of the final reality I intend for life in lace if I ever get around to writing it again. amethyst/lavender will not I repeat NOT become an alicorn princess in the final few chapters of the story.

tldr version. probably not going to finish life in lace in the next century however there might be a new project in the pipeline but no promises. also if you're interested in my other works head on over to my furaffinity page https://www.furaffinity.net/user/firephoenixx456/ and I truly apologize for keeping you hanging for years. also don't worry about the life in lace fanart there, it's not canon. it's a relic from a discarded plot line.

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