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My Bronycon Panels · 4:44pm Aug 2nd, 2017

Alright, as usual, BC waited til the last minute to drop the schedule but it's out finally.

So, I hear you ask, when is the amazing Ferret and her tame human going to be appearing on stage? Let me tell you!

On Friday the 11th at 2pm in the Harmony Plaza: Neighbourhood stage I'll be participating in 'And That's How Equestria Was Made!' It's a really fun mashup of storytelling games with a pony twist.

We're going to explain the rules and run through a couple games and then let the audience get in on things.

And then Saturday the 12th at 10am(I know, bad timing but oh well) I'll be running 'Editing is Magic' in the Hall of the Sun. This panel is exactly what it says on the tin, We'll walk through how to self-edit, how to find an editor and how to take constructive criticism among other things.

If nothing else, I'll be spending most of my time at Quills and Sofas inciting mobs to get food at times, so you can definitely find me there.

Comments ( 11 )

Excellent. I'll see you there. :pinkiehappy:

Have fun!!!!

Majin Syeekoh


4621425 The same reason the derpi panel is at 1am?

Majin Syeekoh

On an unrelated note, the entire schedule honestly feels like a huge game of Sophie’s Choice.:fluttershysad:

It's going to be trick balancing all the panels I want to see with quality Quills & Sofas time.

And, you know, fueling the meat body. Have to find time for that too.


I'm happy none of my panels collide with yours. I couldn't hold up to the awesomeness that's sure to be at yours!


I'm excited. I hope to see you there. And by that I mean, I'll probably see you, from somewhere in the audience, and I hope to say hi at some point.

I'll see you there

Me and Noble are looking forward to seeing you there!

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