• Member Since 12th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 20th, 2022

Shadow rift

So why does it always seem to be? Me looking at you, you looking at me. It's always the same, it's just a shame, that's all

More Blog Posts268

  • 278 weeks
    Chapter 6 Part 2 is here

    Yeah, that took me a while, huh? XD. Sorry about that, just wanted to make sure it was all working out well and good before publishing it. This chapter does a lot of things for Daybreak that I originally intended, including a straight man for the shenanigans of our dearly beloved couple of Shadow Rift and Aryanne. This one is a lot more character driven, plenty of discussion, so if that's your

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    8 comments · 279 views
  • 296 weeks

    That's right... I decided to experiment around and wound up making what you see as my new avatar! It's not perfect and it's a little rough around the edges, but otherwise, I'm happy with how it came out.

    6 comments · 267 views
  • 299 weeks
    Another while... yeesh... (Discussing DIYE, Daybreak, Venia, and beyond)

    Suppose I’ll begin again by another apology. Yeah, me and apologies seem to go hand in hand... err... hoof n’ hoof with one another. Just know that the reason behind this is that a lot of various issues arose that caused me to put a hold on many of the projects I was working on. Real life, girlfriend moving in, dog raising/pseudo-parenting... some projects going up in flames and others down the

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    0 comments · 303 views
  • 320 weeks
    Been a while huh? (Project announcement/Seeking Pre-Readers)

    Hey guys. yeah, it’s been another while, and I honestly can't explain it all away in just one blog post. At this point, it may just seem redundant. However, my absence doesn't mean lack of productivity... entirely anyways. For those of you interested in where I've been and what I've been doing, as well as plans for this next upcoming story, continue on after the page break.

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    3 comments · 281 views
  • 336 weeks
    Every damned time...

    Welp, I’m back. That’s right, me... the obnoxious and ignorant one doth have returned from an extended vacation... if you can call it that... to continue writing stories for all of you guys. Or as many as I can manage.

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    5 comments · 313 views

An accurate depiction of how I write my stories · 1:53am Aug 9th, 2017

This has nothing to do with anything, yet everything to do with anything!!! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

(Yeah... back to editing...)

Comments ( 7 )

Yeah, you and me both.

Saddest part is, I don't even play Kirby... :rainbowlaugh:

"I hear they're good, but I just don't have the time..." he said as he continued to play Halo 2, making it the now 40th time he had beaten the game's campaign...

4628335 Don't worry man, I'm in the same boat.

I said as I'm replaying Fire Emblem: Awakening for the umteenth time. I'll chock it up to buying a new XL variant of my current system. Yeah, that's it.

I get distracted after a long days worth of cleaning... XD

4628482 Yeah, that'll be tomorrow for me.

Lemme guess... school?

4628519 Well, with school coming up I really need to do some cleaning around the house as I won't be able to when I'm in school.

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