• Member Since 6th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Monday


The name's Dash. (Previously Ronnie) And I write humanized pony stories. Welcome to my humble page.

More Blog Posts240

  • 279 weeks
    Equestria Girls Server!

    Sorry for anyone who wanted to join, I didnt know the link expired! Heres a new one who wanted to join the eqg server!https://discord.gg/QVtACJr

    5 comments · 803 views
  • 280 weeks

    What's up you guys it's been a while I havent been around because I've been enamored with she ra BUT I've made an eqg server because I really want to talk horse girls with some people! It's still under construction, but there are people in there so feel free to join! https://discord.gg/dJRvZe

    4 comments · 539 views
  • 287 weeks

    I wanted to wait until the new year to do this, but I'm actually really excited and I couldn't wait any longer. I am no longer TheNewYorkBrony. Well I mean I am, on here at least, just not as a whole. Elsewhere from now on I'll be known as JupiterRising, started from today. And not only will I be known officially as something else, I'll also have fandom names linked to different fandoms. I will

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    6 comments · 797 views
  • 288 weeks
    Merry Christmas eve Eveyrone!

    Merry Christmas eve! I hope you guys are enjoying it and spending time with your family! The years not exactly over yet and I still have something up my sleeve for you guys!

    That being said, merry Christmas and please donate to my paypal if you can!

    3 comments · 485 views
  • 290 weeks
    New Stories Soon!

    Hey guys, just came to say sorry I've been absent for the past few weeks. I've been working on commissions and stuff, and a Christmas story! It should be up in a could of days! I also started editing for a really good Sunset story called Who's Ready For Trouble? it's a really good fic by my friend thecaptainacobskicorncob.

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    1 comments · 378 views

Story Idea! · 7:10pm Aug 9th, 2017

Okay so I'm a huge weeb. Idk if you guys know this or not lol. But i loves me some anime. And this summer season, there had been anime that has really stuck with me. It's called Kakegurui.

It's about a girl named Jabami Yumeko who is a sociopathic psychoic gambler who transfers to a school where the game of gambling is king. Yumeko is honestly one of the most insane and absurdly addictive characters to come out of a seasonal anime in a while and she honestly reminds me of Twilight.

So i was thinking. What if i combined Kakegurui and Equestria Girls. Twilight as Yumeko, Sunset as Mary, so on and so forth. Idk what do you guys think?

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