• Member Since 6th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 27th, 2018


And now it's time for one last bow, like all your other selves. Eleven's hour is over now. The clock is striking twelve's.

More Blog Posts595

  • 338 weeks
    Guys...I'm gonna get real here... (IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT)

    My time is running short. No, I'm not dying.
    I mean my time here. On FiMFic.

    I've noticed recently that I've been spending less and less time here. During December I posted only one blog and it was a joke referencing Doki Doki Literature Club. I never posted a blog for Christmas or the New Year or even the 'monthly update' that I'd been doing.

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  • 341 weeks
    Just Monika

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    Just Monika
    Just Monika

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  • 344 weeks
    Happy Thanks...giving...uh...

    Yeah, I don't like Thanksgiving. In the slightest.

    You know what, screw Thanksgiving! I have a different holiday to celebrate!

    Happy 54th Anniversary, Doctor Who!

    1 comments · 357 views
  • 346 weeks

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  • 346 weeks
    My thoughts on the MLP Movie

    So I finally had the chance to see the MLP movie, and now I shall convey my thoughts on it. I'll do the basics, and then I'll do the specifics for the few none of you that care.
    Was it good?
    Was it great?
    Now for the details:

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Alright, so here's how my week's been. · 10:01pm Aug 18th, 2017

I'm tired.
I'm in pain.
And I really could use a shower.
Let me elaborate:

So I started school this week. Tuesday was my first week.
But my pain stems from the fact that I now have a PE class. You see, I haven't had a PE class for the last two years, but I need the credit hours to graduate.
And today was the day we did our official 'fitness' related stuff...by running the track for 45 minutes non-stop.
And it's here I realized two very important things:
1: I'm not physically fit (rather ironic, considering I'm 5'11 and weigh 125 lbs.)
B: This class is going to suck.

So I left PE for lunch, where I bought a large bottle of water, a sandwich, and an ice cream cone.

Most of my classes are okay, but I have a feeling that PE is going to be the absolute death of me.

Report Draconaquest · 233 views ·
Comments ( 31 )

Best of luck?

Yeah, high school wasn't really all that great for me either...

4639762 There's some good parts about high school.
My orchestra, my forensic team (competitive speech) and being around friends.

It's just that there's a lot of garbage requirements that ruin everything.

Had friends, didn't do competitions like that (went into track all 4 years instead), and I didn't know anyone in orchestra. My friend dated one of the girls who played the violin, but that's about it...

You know, as a bassist, we and the violists tend to laugh at the violins because everyone plays them.

Didn't know that... Snob...

The relationship didn't last any longer past the first year of college, so...

4639806 Hey, I'm not snobby!

Sure... you keep thinking that Alan Moore...

(5% of people will understand that joke...)

4640024 And I'm not in that 5%...

Which doesn't shock me at all. Care for context?

Alan Moore is the writer for multiple classic stories, including the Killing Joke, V for Vendetta, and, arguably his Magnum Opus, Watchmen. He is well known for not being able to please when it comes to cinematic adaptations of his stories, even when it is word for word identical.

Bottom line, he's very snobby about his movies.

4641326 Ah, I get it now. Great comics, horrible movies.

Sometimes, sometimes not. A lot of the things he says are shit aren't actually all that bad, he's just very hard to please...


Though I think we could go into detail about how bad the Killing Joke movie was...

I won't dispute that. The first thirty or fourty five minutes is god awful, easily the worst addition to any great story...

Well... almost...

The rest of it afterwards is fine, but it's kinda like going through PTSD or depression. No matter how good something is, you can't forget your own pain that came before.

Yeah, the beginning was useless.
Good action animation though.

Whilst the writing gets good in the second half, as the Killing Joke actually starts, since they literally did a frame by frame recreation of the comic, it looks pretty static and boring.

It's something you have to recreate perfectly anyways. There is quite literally no additional scenes you can put into the story to add anything that wasn't already there, and more so, anything additional that won't annoy the fans. That first 30 minutes just proves it.

4641446 Yeah, but take this scene:

Everyone knows this image.
Think about how insane the Joker is, and how hard he'd be laughing if this was fully animated.
In the movie adaptation, he just kinda bobs up and down, which is extremely lackluster, especially when compared to some of the stuff he did in the animated series.

One of the parts of the story that the animated movie also got wrong, in my opinion, was the scene in which Batman chased after the Joker towards the end.

In the original, during this segment, he actually gives a speech about his insanity that has stuck with me for years. It's his speech about I and others call the "One bad day" speech. It's thought provoking, chilling because of how insanely true it is, and amazingly beautiful;

I loved this version because it got the acne right. It's slow as so the speech isn't lost in any action and so people get to take a rest from the insanity by understanding the insanity.

Unfortunately, it didn't play out like that in the movie. Instead, it opted for a much more simplified version that included action that, in my opinion, distracted the viewer from the point of speech.

Out of all the things that I wanted to be absolutely perfectly recreated with this movie, the speech was one of them. But it unfortunately wasn't.

4641456 Yeah, by adding in the action sequences, it takes away from a speech.
The whole point of a speech is that it's not interrupted by anything, making it very impactful.

Focusing on other things makes you ignore the dialogue in favor of the action. It ruins the speech as a whole.

I will say that the one good part of the film/movie's interpretation of the speech was how Batman walked into that room that looked very similar to Joker's old home, turned upside down. It adds a bit of symbolism, but when Joker screams out, "WHY AREN'T YOU LAUGHING?!" I got a bit irate. The original scene played out like this;


He isn't upset or angry or anything like that, he's just questioning Batman. If he understands why Joker does what he does, that it just takes a single day to drive a single person insane, then why doesn't he accept the same thing Joker does? The emotion Joker was meant to portray here was not anger, but confusion and a bit of sadness.

4641760 Yeah, I can see the problem there.
I guess the directors thought 'the Joker's insane, therefore everything he does will be in a laughing rage.'

Unfortunately. That's what I believe a lot of these directors forget about when it comes to the Joker. He's insane, there's no doubt about that, but he's the embodiment of the phrase, "There's a method to my madness."

He's not insane because he's insane, he's insane because there's actual weight behind it.

Yeah. The Dark Knight was the last time they got that right.
The Joker as a character tells everyone that he just does things to be chaotic, that's there's no reason behind what he does, yet he's the person who play's puppet master, and even kinda goes with that One Bad Day speech when it comes to Harvey Dent and his transformation into Two-Face.

Meanwhile, with the most recent variant of the live-action Joker in Suicide Squad, I feel like throwing a knife at the screen because of how much they screwed up his character. Bad presentation, bad design, bad performance, and don't even got me started into how badly they screwed up his relationship with Harley Quinn.
Remember in the animated series when he pushed her out a window?
Or in the comics when Harley left for a year to have a baby and Joker barely even noticed she was gone?
Yeah, forget all of that, because apparently in this version of the universe (let's call it like, Earth 216) the Joker and Harley Quinn are actually brilliant lovers and the Joker'd do anything for his love!
Seriously, people complain about Batman V Superman, but at least it had some substance to it, Suicide Squad was just a colossal mess.

Thank God they got Wonder Woman right.

I'm crossing everything ive got for Justice League. I know that the odds are stacked against it's favor, that it'll most likely be another stupid convoluted mess, but I'm hoping that that isn't the case. If everything is riding on Justice League, in my eyes anyway, then if this movie is anything less than a masterpiece, the DCEU is finished. Three terrible messes and one amazing movie isn't good enough. Even out the odds, or go back to Teen Titans Go, DC.


Actually, don't do that... please

4642008 Yeah, I have high hopes for Justice League, but if it's first big crossover isn't great, the DCEU is done for, and it should focus on it's animation department and the CW shows.
If the DCEU was smart, they'd find a way to use the DC multiverse to it's advantage, which is something that Marvel doesn't have. Between all the different universes, and that they teased the Injustuce timeline in Batman V Superman, plus the possibility of Flashpoint, the DCEU definitely has a lot it could do, but they need to find out the right time to use it.

But in 2018, DC's gonna struggle with the release of Avengers: Infinity War. There's simply no way they can go up against that and win.

Agreed. Their CW shows need a lot of work, because as it stands, I've got a whole lot of problems with those shows too. Not nearly as bad as the DCEU, but the problems are still there.

I also agree with you too that once Infinity War comes out, it's gonna be hard for any movies to compete with it. My dad and I have done the math, and some 30 to 50 marvel characters are going to take to the silver screen in this movie. With all the hype and anticipation, even if they somehow find a way to screw it up, it's hard to imagine any other movies getting any attention once Infinity War.

Justice League NEEDS to be the best it can be, or else DC will suffer the same fate as The Amazing Spider-Man universe (thank god it ended, Homecoming made up for those movies by far and away...)

4642160 Yeah, I'm currently watching season 5 of Arrow.
Here's hoping the DCEU sticks around.

As for Spiderman: Homecoming, I have yet to see it.
During July I only had enough money to see one movie, and I went with Wonder Woman.

Good choice, but Homecoming was just a bit better in my opinion...

Yeah, but I figured Wonder Woman was gonna be the talk of the summer.

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