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Equestria Girls Shorts: "Canterlot Movie Club" · 1:05am Aug 21st, 2017

Well, now we know what "CMC" stands for in the human world.

So this short is the first time the CMC have been anything but background characters in Equestria Girls in a long...well actually ever, honestly. This is the first CMC short and the first scene with all three CMCs voiced at all since the library scene in the first movie.

This short wrecked my "Scootaboy" canon by giving her the biggest tits of all three CMC. I guess if she doesn't have anything else going for her...

I loved Apple Bloom in this one. But then, Apple Bloom is best CMC all day every day and also best Apple. 💛❤💛❤💛❤💛❤

Sweetie Belle was also fun here, and the CMC doing the Charlie's Angels thing was hilarious.

Anyway, plot-wise, this short isn't much, it's just the CMC trying to find Pinkie's lost gator plushie. But what sells it are the voice performances and the over-the-top antics of the Canterlot Movie Club in the theater lobby.

Absolutely loved this short. Glad to see the EG CMCs getting some love!

Comments ( 16 )

This short wrecked my "Scootaboy" canon by giving her the biggest tits of all three CMC. I guess if she doesn't have anything else going for her...

Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that XD.

They were kinda hard to miss...

This short wrecked my "Scootaboy" canon by giving her the biggest tits of all three CMC.

Great, now that I've read that, I can't unsee it.
And I didn't even NOTICE it until I read that.

But then, Apple Bloom is best CMC all day 

Scoots has had that title since the beginning.

Of the shorts so far, this is definitely among the better ones, though I'm not sure if it IS the best one.

Where/when was this on? I think I missed it...

Pinkie Pie confirmed for worshiping jellybeans.

But yeah, fun little adventure. Didn't expect that to be the answer to the acronym, but it works.

Indeed it is a great thing to see EG CMC getting some love. Otherwise, they're famous, or rather infamous, for..........that one holiday special in the comics...........:pinkiesick:

Apple Bloom is best CMC and Apple? Another reason you're my favorite author on this site.:twilightsmile:

Like all the Summertime Shorts, it aired at the very end of a weekend movie on Discovery Family. Just check Equestria Daily for the online upload links.

This short wrecked my "Scootaboy" canon by giving her the biggest tits of all three CMC. I guess if she doesn't have anything else going for her...

This pretty much killed every fic that says Scootalo is flat chested. Which now that I think about it is all of them.

and no one wants to be reminded of that other than the overall message

Well, now we know what "CMC" stands for in the human world.

Honestly this is the most important thing for me. It's petty as hell, but it drives me nuts every time I see a fic refer to the human version of the trio as the "Cutie Mark Crusaders."

I kinda wanted it to be something like Canterlot Mystery Club... for Scooby Doo related shenanigans.

I really need to find these Shorts online. I haven't seen any of them but they have all seemed interesting.

This was cute. But am I the only one that thought something looked weird about their mouths when they talked?

Also, given whose blog this is, I'm halfway surprised I didn't see a joke about Scootaloo working a joystick. And the fact that I even thought about that means I've been here too long. :facehoof:

I was too distracted by her having the biggest tits of the bunch. :facehoof:

Comment posted by Erikponyman deleted Aug 25th, 2017
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