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Chapter 40 Teaser · 1:02am Aug 29th, 2017

Nearly done now! And boooow howdy is this one a doozy! I was trying to make it smaller, I swear! :applejackconfused:

For now, here's some teases. A theme music for a certain character who's gonna pull off something pretty unexpected.

01000101 00100000 01001110 00100000 01001111 00100000 01010100 00100000 01000001

Comments ( 25 )

Umm...am i missing something?

All i get is this short video that keeps saying get ready for the next battle, a link word that isn't actually a link, and no theme music or chapter excerpts???


I think what he means is that there is going to be one hell of a battle in this chapter.

Comment posted by Temnizziv deleted Aug 29th, 2017

01000101 00100000 01001110 00100000 01001111 00100000 01010100 00100000 01000001 = E N O T A
Which is either ATONE backwards or a deeper riddle. I'd bet on a deeper riddle.

It seems I got that as well... It could be A T O N E or it could be some foreign word

Junior and X better be okay. If not, I still have my torch and pitchfork from last time (again, 99.99% sarcasm).

I will be prepared for this chapter!!.

E N O T A......What could it mean? All I could find were National Parks in Georgia, but I doubt that it could be it.

The word "Atone" seems fitting, cause if Junior is going to be anything like his Shin Counterpart now, there's going to be a need for Atonement. Shin Godzilla doesn't discriminate when he persecutes the masses. All he does is destroy. Sacred blessings and high praise will be needed for the salvation of Equestria....

The world "Neota" sounds like a Kaiju name, but I've never heard of a Kaiju like that. :applejackconfused:

E N O T A is atone in reverse. If you already figured that out, then this reply is meaningless.

Doesn't make it less fun. :twilightsmile:

Tarb has been known to weave us in directions we didn't really expect.

Hmmmm enota atone. Enotatone maybe I dunno alright enota means unit in slovian so unit unit yea I got nothing

What I'm thinking is what if it "atone" is going to be one character's actions being fixed, as in "atone for your sins". Now they're multiple characters that could "atone for their sins, but at this moment in time I can only think of Starlight doing so. So in this next battle Starlight is going to do something, possible revert back to normal and see what she has done, to atone for her "sin" from what she has done in her corrupted state. Now it may be a hunch, but something big is going to happen in this next chapter, not only a fight, but possibly a major realization of what past actions and deeds will bring about for return fire. I say what that is, is the loss of Moonbeam, Starlight's only sister that loves her, as collateral damage of a fight. But moving on, atone, or atonement, and sins has got me thinking about the bible. So I looked up what atone would have mean in the bible. In the Old Testament were many verses that used atonement, saying sacrifice for the atonement of sins. How ever some of these were of inanimate objects, say a house for instance, many were blood sacrifices to cleanse their souls of sin to be pure enough to hold communication with God. "Why go into religion" you ask. Well remember this confrontation from King to Kaizer? " -"You call yourself 'King'? Then I am Kaizer... You areĀ no god, but I am the Devil."- "

Kaizer called himself the Devil, so in some way Starlights sacrifice will possibly be her sister's death to Kaizer. A blood sacrifice.

Now don't start throwing things at me just yet, okay? It's my theory so anything like that doesn't have to be accepted. But all I'm saying it's a possibility. But at least consider it.

Edit: I hope I'm not going to be the only one who posts his/her theory here. Don't be afraid to imagine the possibilities.

This should be good once I get myself caught up.:rainbowdetermined2:

Hey Tarb, I know you don't like us asking when will the next chapter come and all, but since you said your almost about done I just have to ask when would we expect it to arrive?

Maybe it stands for something? E____ N_____ O____ T_____ A_____, think of anything that could fill the blanks?

*dodges left and right, suddenly slamming face first into a wall*

Yeah and where can I break the code again I forgot where to find it

Whose your main tekken fighter?
Mine is King.

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