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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Ghidorah Arc Teaser 3: I AM · 2:54am Aug 31st, 2017

I have fought forces of nature,
and been called one.

Amassed a dynasty,
and struggled against my heirs.

I have battled in the past,
and killed the future.

Drank from the depths of the sea,
while bathing in fire.

My legacy struggles against themselves...

I must have faith they learn what I didn't


I saw billions,
and lost almost as many.

I sought ascension,
only to be denied by fate.

Battled against destruction,
and lost as another succeeded.

I held back vengeance best I could,
and I fell to terrible intrusion

My legacy struggles against himself...

I have failed

Comments ( 15 )

Looks like that's Nightmare Junior's swan song

Is Godzilla Senior talking here?

Oh, and sorry for bothering you, but in the short video you made teasers ago of Kaizer Ghidorah and Shin... which song did you use?

I think this is relating to what junior is currently thinking know that he's in shin form. That or it's King ghidorah stating something about his past

I'm believing it's Senior speaking in the second one. His legacy being Junior fighting against himself, or fighting against Shin. So far the first excerpt has me stumped.

Would this be Monster X I wonder?
One of the Godzillas perhaps?
Or maybe one of the other Guardian Beasts?

This has to be either Ghidorah or Godzilla speaking. You just love keeping us guessing, don't you?

My God are Godzilla's the 1st and Senior coming back from the Dead somehow(in 1954's case Again?)

The... the first part would be Godzilla Senior... and the second would be Controller 011...

My mind is instinctively saying that the first excerpt is Senior, referring to Junior and Xenilla, with hope that they learn the one thing he never did. Peace, and forgiveness.

The second might be Ghidorah though the words here would be rather interesting for a guy like him to say...

Addendum: The second might actually be 011 as another user pointed out, since the words sound a little OOC for Ghidorah.

Wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility since Tarb hinted that the dead wouldn't be idle.

Interesting riddle. I feel that the first part is referring to Senior while the second refers to X.

From what I can tell from these riddles, it could refer to either Monster X or Godzilla struggling with their inner "monsters", I.E. Kaiser Ghidorah and Shin Godzilla.

In a sense, while both Monster X and Godzilla have completely different backgrounds, but they do have ONE thing in common: Wielding power of immense mass destruction at their fingertips, which if not in constant check, can bring ruin to everything and everyone they hold dear....

I'm pretty sure the first part refers to Godzilla Sr, and the second... Either X or 011

I don't like the vibes this is giving me.

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