• Member Since 29th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Oct 4th, 2021


I'm a twenty-something welsh guy who writes and reads things.

More Blog Posts6

  • 290 weeks
    Okay, Really Need to Talk About This

    So as anyone reading this has no doubt noticed, we're approaching the one year mark since I last updated Research Project: Sparkle. Again.

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  • 352 weeks
    Okay, picking back up where we left off...

    I'm not going to lie, it's been a long time since I last wrote anything. Not so much anything-anything, I've helped run a tabletop RPG, sort of started a collaborative fic with a friend that fell apart much quicker than Project Sparkle did, but the long and short of it is that I haven't been updating. It's been due to a whole mess of problems going on with my life this side of the keyboard that I

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  • 415 weeks
    Current Writing Status

    Sorry I'm on a mini-hiatus at the moment everybody, I finish the workshop portion of my apprenticeship in four weeks and need to get all the reports for the work I've done completed by then. Little bit of a backlog, but I should have the next chapter up soon!

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  • 446 weeks
    1130, 25th February - Now More Immersive and Even Longer!

    So I went and updated the most recent chapter, making it about twice as long and putting in more important plot stuff! Check it out here!

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  • 448 weeks
    So That Wasn't My Best Script.

    So, a lot of people unhappy with this chapter, and looking back on it, for good reason.

    I know what I was going for with this and the next couple of chapters, and evidently this wasn't the right way of going about it. Let me explain my thought process a little.

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Okay, picking back up where we left off... · 12:51pm Sep 5th, 2017

I'm not going to lie, it's been a long time since I last wrote anything. Not so much anything-anything, I've helped run a tabletop RPG, sort of started a collaborative fic with a friend that fell apart much quicker than Project Sparkle did, but the long and short of it is that I haven't been updating. It's been due to a whole mess of problems going on with my life this side of the keyboard that I really don't want to get into in too much detail, but, finally, I'm coming back to this.

I'm going to read over what I've already written, remind myself of what I had planned, watch some episodes to get a handle on Twilight's character again (something that I felt was sorely lacking in the second wave of chapters, she just didn't feel like Twilight Sparkle when I was writing her), and then get the next chapter out.

After that, crazy as it might seem, I'm going to aim for one chapter a week. I've put them out quicker and slower than that before, but I feel like having an actual schedule will help a lot. I'm also debating taking a week or two off of work in November to absolutely blitz through to the end of this fic, and hopefully get started on the sequel.

Yes, there's a planned sequel. There were two, until I realised both would be startlingly short and were at their core one story, so I'll amalgamate them. And then XCOM 2 came out and I started planning another sequel but that's definately a stretch goal.

That said, I feel like that's part of why I got sidelined on writing this twice; it always felt like it had to be some long-running Magnum Opus when really it doesn't. I'm going to be writing chapters with much fewer empty words (let's face it, it wasn't really critical that a thousand words were spent ensuring that Twilight knows what the Assault class does and that there is at least one French person in XCOM whom most of you didn't like anyway).

For now, look out for a new chapter on the weekend while I try and remember what Purple Smart acts like. If I remember correctly she's some sort of fashion consultant?

See you all again on the weekend!

Comments ( 14 )
Wanderer D

You might benefit from a sounding board to get the ideas flowing. Trust me, reviving a story after a while is a bit tough, but it can definitely be done. We're rooting for you.

Thanks, could probably use someone to bounce ideas off of - most people I know aren't actually that interested, even the ones that like MLP, and I end up second-guessing myself a lot.
That said my brother's been reading this and liking it lately despite not knowing either franchise in the crossover at all, and he's helped with ideas a bit.
Thanks for the support, it means a lot especially from someone who's written as much and as well as you have!

Wanderer D

4659181 No problem! You're writing a great story and we're all looking forward to more. I'm always available, and I know a couple of other people that might be up for bouncing ideas if you need it.

Welcome back! Hope you have a great time writing.


We're routing for you.

Run away!!! :raritydespair:

D48 #5 · Sep 5th, 2017 · · ·

Well, I'm glad to hear this is rising from the grave, and your plan sounds solid to me. That said, I do want to emphasize that you should watch episodes from seasons 1 and 2 to re-familiarize yourself with Twilight's character because the writing quality has really gone downhill since then and everyone's characterization has been seriously screwed up one way or another so you shouldn't use the recent material or you'll be mislead and mess things up even worse. In all honesty, I think this is probably exactly why you had the characterization problems you did in the second wave. You had been so exposed to the newer bad writing from the newer seasons that it washed out who Twilight really is, so when you wrote you followed that mess and found your own work lacking as a result.

Will keep in mind, thank you!

I'd kind of half agree with you; only seasons 1, 2 and 3 have happened prior to this fic's start so it makes sense to watch them, and if I recall Twilight doesn't have a whole lot of episodes in Season 3 (besides the two-parter and the big obvious one).

I'm not going to say there aren't any good episodes any more because there are still some fantastic ones (Treasure of Griffonstone, Gauntlet of Fire, and Perfect Pear spring to mind) but I'll admit they're becoming few and far between.

Thanks, I hope so too!

No worries, take your time. 90% of the fanfics’ authors I’m following seem to be on a hiatus these months.


Appreciate you taking the time to write & share with us. Enjoyed your previous work.

Perfectly understand man!!!
I'm so glad to see you and this story back!!!:pinkiehappy:

Yay! :yay: Glad to see one of my favourite cross-overs is coming back soon.

Never too late to pick a good story back up. Eagerly awaiting more.

Don’t worry, take your time. This summer, more than 50 authors of the fanfics I’m following seem to be neck deep in RL matters, so you’re not the only one.

I'm with D on this one. As a OLD X-COM (As in I've played UFO Defense) fan I'd be more than happy to help bounce ideas off of you. I may not write pony but I still write from time to time.

Glad to hear you're alive. Love this kind of crossover and I can't wait to read more!

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