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Kaiju Profile: Grand King Ghidorah · 7:25pm Sep 19th, 2017

Grand King Ghidorah

Title: King of Terror
Alias: Monster 0 (XIlians), King Ghidorah
"This is the final epoch."

Species: Does not fit normal taxonomy, eldritch entity resembling a three-headed Slavic dragon
Height: 150 meters
Weight: 100,000 tons
Wingspan: 300 meters
Length: 400 meters
DesGhidorah - Younger brother, deceased
Monster X/Kaizer Ghidorah - Adapted Xilian with GKG’s essence, chosen successor
Faction: None, sometimes pretended to be under thrall of the Coalition of Alien Species
Morality: What morals? Grand King Ghidorah has across countless decades demonstrated almost nothing but malice, homicidal apathy, and equally destructive disregard for mortal life, sapient or not. Extremely few beings have earned anything but his disdain, most a begrudging respect on account of their power; and only one a slight “fondness”, or whatever Ghidorah’s equivalent is, is Kaizer Ghidorah. When his own “brother” DesGhidorah was defeated and likely perished, his reaction to come to Terra and end his killer wasn’t out of familial vengeance but because Grand King Ghidorah felt insulted by proxy from something besting his sibling. Had the two Ghidorah brothers not been separated by Reijuu, one likely would have killed the other themself eventually.
Traits: Hurricane-force winds from wings, triple the typical amount of senses of smell and hearing on account of three heads, extremely large field of vision, twin prehensile tails, extremely durable scales, able to survive all but the most drastic wounds, flight at over Mach 3 in atmosphere, sharp teeth and claws, sheer size

Physical Prowess:
Grand King Ghidorah is one of the few kaiju undoubtedly physically stronger than Godzilla Junior and Xenilla, having enough sheer raw force to throw around smaller kaiju like ragdolls. During the 1999 battle, he picked up and threw Godzilla Junior with his tails and managed to pitch the dinosaur kaiju several hundred meters. He also physical overwhelmed the much more skilled Monster X in their battle 370 years ago on Planet Xilian. The only kaiju who can rival his brute force are Kaizer Ghidorah, Destroyah, and to a lesser degree Orga.

Grand King Ghidorah can fly at over Mach 3 in atmosphere with ease, quicker in bursts. He’s also reasonably maneuverable in the air thanks to using gravity alteration to lift, propel, and direct himself.

Grand King Ghidorah is, simply put, insanely durable. His scale mesh is resistant to both blunt force trauma, edged and stabbing attacks, extremely temperatures, and energy projectiles. The only means to pierce it are concentrated, prolonged attack on one spot in particular; a very hard feat in the midst of battle with him. Even when he’s incapacitated he’s tough. The only reason Kaizer Ghidorah managed to tear one of his heads off was because Kaizer’s enormous physical power was applied in a twisting, shearing force that acted on Ghidorah’s softer tissue under the scales; allowing Kaizer to pull a head off.

He can be wounded, he can be impeded, he can be fighting for days, but Ghidorah does not tire easy. This is an entity that persists off the lifeforce of others, and with thousands of millions of souls trapped inside him, it takes a lot to make him start running low on power.

Grand King Ghidorah’s internal biology is just bizarre. He lacks most vital organs or any equivalent to. Blows to the head do not greatly daze or damage him because none of his three heads have brains. The core, a crystalline sphere structure deep inside the chest cavity, seems to function both as a brain and heart. This is quite possibly his only vital area but even so hitting it is extremely hard given it’s both extremely durable and covered up by a dozen meters of tough scales, hide, and muscle.

Wing Lightning - Generating a massive differential charge across his body, Grand King Ghidorah expels this out of his wings’ hooked tips. These lightning bolts are directed and controlled by graviton flow, meaning they can be aimed and conducted over a prolonged period unlike natural lightning (which is very brief and always in one general direction).

Graviton Beams- Fired from either of his three maws, the graviton beams are Ghidorah’s bread and butter attack. Condensing matter into a net of extremely dense graviton particles, Grand King Ghidorah simultaneously superheats and supercharges the matter’s atoms into plasma that is then fired out with the gravitons coating it. This gives the attack both concussive (as it is physical matter on impact) and burning (as the plasma is extremely hot) properties. Given the flexibility and length of his three necks, one can expect near omni directional aiming of this attack. He can also picked up and throw objects to a degree by wrapping the beams around them, but not to the same degree as Kaizer Ghidorah.

Scale Beam Barrier- Grand King Ghidorah’s scales work to distribute the force of energy and impact of beam attacks across his body. This makes punching through his scales with energy projectiles all but impossible to anything except overwhelming force or condensed rays specifically made for cutting.

Gravity Mastery- Grand King Ghidorah’s core power is gravity alteration, being able to both shut off, intensify, and redirect the flow of gravity between matter. This, in essence, gives him both matter alteration and telekinetic powers, able to lift, reshape, and set matter around him. This can vary from assembling himself a throne out of debris fields to pulling something closer to him. The most extreme example is, after a lengthy charge time, sending out a massive wave of graviton particles that drastically increase the gravitational attraction between everything around him and the ground. If done to another kaiju, this can knock them to the ground and pin them down. If done in the middle of a city, it would cause all the buildings to be pulverized under their own weight and the less said about the lifeforms within them the better.

Meteor Form- While not an active combat ability, Grand King Ghidorah can wrap stray rocky matter around him to fly at extremely high speed in a vacuum. This not only helps to cover a lot of ground, but gives him a surprise function as the form greatly resembles a normal meteor.

Telepathic Ability- Grand King Ghidorah is one of the most powerful telepaths in existence, possibly only exceeded by gods. He can invade minds, alter memories, take command of others, and cripple others by controlling, altering, or damaging their psyche. However, those with strong wills can resist him and overwhelming emotional responses can break the influence.

Primal Fear- Not technically a special ability, but a notable trait nonetheless. Because all advanced animal life on Terra are survivors or Grand King Ghidorah’s rampage, many species have an instinct to associate him with danger. They’ll be afraid at his mere sight and presence as an atavistic trait thrown back to their ancestors, as it was a survivor mechanism to avoid him at all costs. This is even true of altered species, such as Irys, who felt that same primal fear when confronting Grand King Ghidorah. To those, it affects it can put them on edge and potentially dampen their resolve.

Weakness: - Grand King Ghidorah is more of an exterminator than a victorious killer. A vast majority of his kills across the galaxy were against civilizations who are far weaker than himself on planets that lacked kaiju or beings of great enough stature to oppose him. He could go millions of years without actually having a real fight. His arrogance and lack of experience lead to him routinely underestimating his foes, leading to real problems against foes powerful and/or numerous enough to stand up to him. He is also a very large target and while able to reliably shoot down opposition, far faster and agiler opponents can potentially outmaneuver him. He also tends to have trouble fighting more than one opponent at a time.


Simply put, no one knows whom or where Grand King Ghidorah came from. All that is known is that he is at least 65 million years old and probably older given he was a young teenager at that time, and that he had a ‘brother’ in the form of the similarly powered DesGhidorah. The two attacked Terra 65 million years ago and are largely responsible for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Mass Extinction event. The first Mothra and Battra came to oppose them and while they did an admirable job, they were simply overwhelmed. The tide instantly turned when the chief warden of Terra returned from an absence. Reijuu walked through every assault the brothers threw at him after stopping them from killing the two moths. DesGhidorah took the heaviest blow and in desperation, a chunk of his power was stolen by “Prince” Ghidorah, but not even that boost was enough. As DesGhidorah was sealed inside the planet’s core, now King Ghidorah fled and out of spite, shoved a massive asteroid into the opposite side of the planet they were fighting on as he knew Reijuu would be distracted with Mothra and Battra to notice it in time.

Eons later, now Grand King Ghidorah found his next actual fight in the form of the Land of Light. While records of the conflict are sketchy, it is known he carved a path through Ultra dominion and killed numerous Ultra on his way towards their homeworld. The final defense was a contingent of the species’ best lead by the future Ultra King and the original Zone Fighter (father of the current Zone siblings). The battle was ferocious and costly. Seeing their homeworld was low in population and not worth it, Grand King Ghidorah left the battle. The Land of Light lived, but numerous Ultra including Zone Fighter had given their lives to do so. Afterwards, the Ultra King began the training programs to ensure his kind would be able to fight back better should it ever happen again and protect weaker races from beings like Ghidorah.

The last few hundreds of years, however, have been the worst in terms of track record for Grand King Ghidorah. He was defeated in a pyrrhic victory by the newly created Kaizer Ghidorah on account of the hybrid’s greater combat experience and catching Grand King Ghidorah off guard. He then pulled out of a battle with Monster X and Gigan over a century later when Kaizer Ghidorah emerged again, as to observe him from a distance. After sensing his brother’s demise and seeing it as an insult against him by proxy, Grand King Ghidorah traveled to Terra to kill DesGhidorah’s foe and rectify what he saw as a mistake. Grand King Ghidorah arrived in late 1999, kidnapping thousands of children from across Japan with the intent on making them the opening banquet along with using them as a lure to draw in what stopped his brother. It was only by the combined force of Mothra Lea and Godzilla Junior that Grand King Ghidorah was stopped, opting to leave after the duo proved to be more trouble than they were worth. The King of Terror was both infuriated and intrigued, but at which for which of the two was unclear.

Afterwards, Grand King Ghidorah seemed to have something on his mind. Whatever it was it lead to him returning to Terra while willingly pretending to be under the thrall of the Alien Coalition during Final Wars. He also used this time to observe Monster X closely, much to the concern of X and his allies whom justifiably felt very uneasy by his presence. Kept in reserve during the invasion proper as a trump card, he was deployed during the final battle where he fought the combined force of Godzilla Junior, Yonggary, and Gamera before pretending the ‘mind control’ broke and departing.

This along with his behavior as of late confirms one extremely unnerving probability. Grand King Ghidorah, potentially for the first time in his eon’s long life, has an extensive plan on the mind.


-Grand King Ghidorah’s ‘biology’ is downright bizarre. In addition to the odd organ arrangement, X-rays show his wings are not actually true limbs with a true shoulder joint and arm bones, but actually an extended, secondary ribcage.

-Because he primarily uses altered gravity to fly, Grand King Ghidorah can keep himself airborne and moving even if he were to lose a whole wing. If anything he’d just lose some maneuverability.

-Grand King Ghidorah is an out and out sociopath, embracing destruction for no real gains to himself for anything remotely resembling benign causes. While he often depopulated worlds himself, one occasion he instead stayed in orbit as a meteor and inflicted mass paranoia and fear upon the populace to see their reactions. The world, in essence, tore itself apart when he left. Reason? Got bored.

-Some worlds Grand King Ghidorah visits do have surviving lifeforms in the aftermath. Curiously, it seems Ghidorah is aware of this.

-Grand King Ghidorah has chosen Kaizer Ghidorah as his successor. What exactly this means for King Ghidorah himself is unknown, however the reasoning he felt was because Kaizer was sufficiently powerful enough and had such an out of control that he’d easy turn to wanton destruction if pushed in the right direction. As such Grand King Ghidorah made it a point to try and bring Kaizer out every chance he got, whittling away at the Monster X personality to try and get what he saw as an impediment out of the way.

-Grand King Ghidorah only truly respects a select few individuals. Reijuu/Bagan on account of raw power, though Ghidorah harbors a grudge against it. Kaizer Ghidorah due to their similarity and the above mentioned successor role. And the alicorn sisters, Celestia and Luna, because he’s witnessed they wield potential powers from someone of equal caliber to Bagan and thus would be a respectable thorn in the former deity’s side. He does harbor at least acknowledgement of the Mothra and Battra lines as well as the Ultra on account of their generational stubbornness to oppose him and the prestige to their names, though whether this is genuine respect or not is debatable.

-When a visitor from the future in 1991 looked back into their records and saw it was Grand King Ghidorah whom was the first opponent Godzilla Junior couldn’t defeat, they thought to create their own Ghidorah as both a means of destroying Japan and fighting off any kaiju that may get involved. This is why their creation looked so similar to King Ghidorah, as an intentional design purpose. It wasn’t nearly as powerful, but still quite strong in its own right.

-Bridge's Grand King Ghidorah is an amalgamation of the incarnations of the Showa Era, IDW comics, and Rebirth of Mothra series. For persona, I took cues from fictional characters such as Cooler/Coola (Dragon Ball Z), Visser Three (Animorphs), Master Org (Wild Force), among others.

Comments ( 40 )

Damn, GKG looks scary.

King Ghidorah: Toho's slave monster who always seemed to be under some alien's control. Too bad the writers couldn't give him a mind of his own. In the movies, he was just an instrument of destruction that had to be directed.

Kinda sad, considering it was rinse and repeat with all the movies. He was a really cool monster, but was little more than a killing machine.

X-rays show his wings are not actually true limbs with a true shoulder joint and arm bones, but actually an extended, secondary ribcage.

That is actually a bit bizarre. But cool.

This is a really well constructed bio, a few grammar errors here and there but still very impressive. Keep it up. :twilightsmile:

This was awesome and makes me want to reread The Bridge.

Ah! Forgot the theme music! Check it out. I also hid an easter egg.

My thanks

Pyrus did a real good job on this one!

Exactly the reason I used this version. Grand King Ghidorah from Rebirth 3 was pretty much the only time since his introduction he's been entirely acting on his own accord.

You need to write a story where he's a babysitter. Babysitting changelings while Chrysalis is off to Canterlot to interrupt another wedding.

-Grand King Ghidorah is an out and out sociopath, embracing destruction for no real gains to himself for anything remotely resembling benign causes. While he often depopulated worlds himself, one occasion he instead stayed in orbit as a meteor and inflicted mass paranoia and fear upon the populace to see their reactions. The world, in essence, tore itself apart when he left. Reason? Got bored.

Is this a refference. I can't help but think this is a refference.

Also, What do you suppose was going through the minds of the Ghidorah bros when attacking Terra in the late Cretaceous, considering your comment of them not having a liking to even each other?

..... that fucking RIDLEY THEME.

Sweet, was hoping we'd get one for him someday. Behind Godzilla, Ghidorah is my favorite kaiju and one of if not my favorite villain. Though one question, you mentioned Destroyah could rival him in strength, so could we expect to see the two of them fight at some point? One of my favorite theoretical battles is between these two and it seems like a ton of fun! Though of course, you wouldn't want to be standing in the middle of it.

One killer space dragon's theme just fits so well with another :raritywink:

Plus Ridley's just as mysterious and malevolent.

Thanks, this is what i always wanted to see.

Though i gotta say what I've been meaning to say since yesterday, talk man to man about the issue that's been plaguing us.

What i say is that I'm sorry about my words sounding like accusations over this particular character and that it's annoyed and discouraged you over the matter.

I honestly harbor no personal hatred towards you, i hold respect and admiration instead, but I've never been good at expressing my feelings explicitly in detail.

My...problem with Ghidorah over The Bridge wasn't exactly character bashing perse, at least not how such a thing usually plays out, but rather that he felt...subdued and underutilized for lack of better terms to describe it.

The Villain Decay thing i mentioned at the comments was because i felt that if Ghidorah had not racked a decisive physical victory over an opponent then he might potentially suffer the above mentioned Villain Decay gradually and that any achievements in standing up to Ghidorah would diminish in feeling something special.

But your refutes to my concerns have pointed out that this isn't the case, and I realized that i may have been looking at things the wrong way.

Now i know you don't hold it deeply against me, but i felt i gotta apologize and accept when I'm in the wrong and all...I've got nothing else to say about the matter.

Though on a sidenote, i wonder if you intend to update Kaizer Ghidorah's profile soon? Because that one does feel a little bare bones, and could use some expansion.

Some worlds Grand King Ghidorah visits do have surviving lifeforms in the aftermath. Curiously, it seems Ghidorah is aware of this.

I'm curious where this leads to.

-Some worlds Grand King Ghidorah visits do have surviving lifeforms in the aftermath. Curiously, it seems Ghidorah is aware of this.

kill everyone, and everyone's dead. leave some survivors in the destruction, and they're terrified for the rest of their lives.

Oh joy, Ghidorah's probably going to get himself killed by Kaizer on whatever planet or plane that 'successor' of his landed on.

Ghidorah and Bagan are both omnicidal maniacs when it comes to the purpose of the universe, but from what you described Tarb, I think it's safe to say that Ghidorah as a lot scarier.

Bagan's motives are out of a desire to end what he sees as an affront to existence, and wants to destroy the multiverse because he believes death is a "release".

Ghidorah, on the other hand....he just wants to destroy life because he's either "bored", or he just ENJOYS watching people die....

Honestly, which of this Kaiju is scarier?! :fluttercry: He's like a Machiavellian version of The Joker....

Great, just what was needed: powerful, sociopathic, and smart.

You my friend, are awesome!

The mention of Orga makes me curious as to how Ghidorah handles poison, since no explicit resistance is mentioned here and the Atari games actually have him be weak to poison. Could Orga be his secret counter? Probably not, lol, every other stat is far too low.

Anyway, I really like this Gilgamesh acting Grand King who knows he's better than everyone else as opposed to the glorified thug that plagued Ghidorah's status for a long time.

Maybe Orga is the one to do in the Grand King of Terror? I mean, he could give his power to Mothra in order to empower her, right?

I think it would have to be the other way around. Orga I don't think can gift power, but he can steal it with his genetic assimilation. If he was allowed to chew on Godzilla or copy a few other weaker kaiju, I don't doubt he could become quite dangerous. Imagine an Orga with a Kamacuras's speed, Leatherback's ability to ignore catastrophic damage(and more poison too), Gabara's electric touch, and Kumonga's spider webs. Certainly he'd be able to cause catastrophic damage with newfound power like that. The problem is I doubt Orga wants to be turned into an even more corrupted mishmash of stolen DNA.

Not gonna lie, it'd be pretty hilarious if Orga decided to nom on King Ghidorah when he was weakened and killed him by result, lol. So anti-climactic.

Well, X can kind of control Kaizer now, right?

Damn, GKG really is a scary, homicidal badass, hands down. Mad props to you, Tarb. And does GKG being aware of survivors mean that he'll be back for them someday? I like this bio.

THE MASTER ORG?! HOLY SHIT!:derpyderp1::derpyderp2::pinkiegasp::twilightoops: Sorry, i was just extremely surprised. I figured cooler was an influence, after reading the timeline for the pre-bridge universe. Visser 3, whom i know well from reading many of the animorphs books (which i deeply love), was a surprise to be certain. But Master Org? Now THAT was a shock for some reason. I guess maybe it's because it was just unexpected to me. But given the amount of horror, cruelty, and malice Bridge-GKG and he share, i guess it makes sense. And that makes it pretty cool, in all honesty.:)


More importantly, when he comes back in a few million years, the racial memories of his previous visit will season the souls of the decedents of the survivors with such delicious terror....

Tis fitting given X has a Zen-Aku basis. In fact one scene between them directly emulates a scene Zen-Aku and Master Org had.

4673491 AND i know exactly how said scene plays out, given how many times i've watched that series. Can't believe i never actually noticed it, before.

Any hint as to what the easter egg is? :applejackconfused:

Speaking of Orga... What's his moral stance? Is he just a big, stupid ugly ogre or is he hiding a veritable fountain of knowledge?

If i remember correctly, Tarb has mentioned that Orga was a scientist who wanted to save his species by colonizing Terra, and is now trapped in a twisted body while suffering a slowly degrading mind.

I mean, I'm currently making a recursive (and currently non canon) fanfic which has Orga as one of the characters, so... Let's just say that absorbing DNA from other kaiju stabilises his mind?

You'd have to ask Tarb on that one. I only told you what i knew.

Which Ghidorahs have gold infused into them? Just because they look gold doesn't mean they are(gold is a pretty weak metal, and Ghidorah's scales don't fit that kind of description). The only Ghidorah with actual metal in him is MKG and he's made of fancy future metals that presumably involved diamonds given that MKG's carcass was used to build both MOGUERA and SMG who have the diamond tech integrated.

Gold can be bent in your bare hands, it's quite the soft metal and it's not held together well even at the atomic level. As for the tinge to Ghidorah's scales
It happens.

Ooh ooh uhh is the easter egg the whole meteor inflicting mass paranoia and fear thing?

Interesting choice to make GKG's wings a secondary rib cage instead of proper appendages. Was this the result of something you always felt when seeing the designs of the kaiju or something done just to add to the strangeness factor after you settled on his core serving the same role as a brain and a heart?

Bit of both. I'd say at the core it's to reinforce one fact. Grand King Ghidorah is not a real dragon. In essence, he's an eldritch, alien entity that resembles a dragon. A dragon is, while fantastical, still an earthly creature. In fact with only a bit of physics bending or alteration, you could make something much like a dragon out of normal animals. They have blood, organs, skeleton, all the basic organs and system of a normal creature. Ghidorah does not, he's totally incomparable to Terran life.

I wonder if Grand King Ghidorah ever met the Titanus Ghidorah species or even went to the Ghidorah homeworld.

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