• Member Since 12th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 27th, 2022


Credits to @SucreSkull on Twitter for the avatar! Follow her!! ~~ Just your friendly neighborhood FIMFiction writer that goes into your pantry and devours your Reese's Puffs. Editors welcome!

More Blog Posts134

  • 214 weeks
    Chapter XVI - Training Out Now

    Sorry about the wait, the whole COVID situation sucked the creative juices out of me.

    0 comments · 259 views
  • 234 weeks
    Ballad of the Dawn Chapter XV is Out!

    Hey guys! Taka here. Chapter XV is out! Go read it!

    (I also really need to not put a time or release date on my chapters, because I never follow through with them. But chapter XVI is coming, with a story arc starting with one of our secondary characters.)

    0 comments · 264 views
  • 236 weeks
    Ballad of the Dawn to Become a Trilogy

    This literally happened just a couple days ago. Taking a shower and then a flood of ideas come to my brain; I wanted to make Ballad of the Dawn into a trilogy. That was what that previous 'ideas' post was about.

    Read More

    1 comments · 279 views
  • 237 weeks

    1. All of the Bad Wand
    2. Once the Hilt of Twig Turn
    3. The Term of Raw Puts

    Three is probably the easiest to decipher.

    0 comments · 213 views
  • 237 weeks
    New Chapter of Breaking Stone!

    Hey guys! Just spent the past two to three hours writing the next part of Breaking Stone, and the new chapter is out now. Go and give it a read!

    0 comments · 225 views

New Fic! (Of Monsters and Mares + One-shotober 2017?) · 5:09pm Oct 11th, 2017

Hey guys, welcome back to another update blog.

So last night, I uploaded a new story by the name of Of Monsters and Mares (tagged above) . It's heavily inspired by a drawing I saw on EqD's Drawfriend... but since I'm lazy, I don't have a link to the picture. So that's all I can tell you at the moment.

Currently, it's sitting at a very good spot for how late I posted it last night, and I'm pleasantly surprised with its performance. However, amidst checking statistics today, I realized that I had accidentally kept the incomplete status in place. Pretty much, my original intention was to create a one-shot that explored Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon a little better, and heighten the stakes of Chrysalis's eventual conversion. In a word, this fic is pretty much headcanon, and was originally supposed to be a single chapter long. But I guess we'll see what happens to this. If they don't convert Chrysalis by the end of Season 7, then there may be a chance for me to complete the setup that I made.

On the topic of one-shots, I won't be participating in One-shotober this year. The reason is because I don't want to write myself out for the next couple of months. There will still be one-shots, but not hammered out at the rate that I would had I done the event. So, no One-shotober.

Anyways, that's been an update! If you have any questions, post on the comments down below. Catch you next time.

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