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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Chapter 41 Promo · 5:17am Oct 19th, 2017

Moonbeam Glimmer looked like she had something big to say, be it at the shock of the situation or a question as to whom this new kaiju was. But whatever she was about to utter, it died in her throat looking at Junior. She gulped and deeply inhaled, nodding her head. Helping position Starlight into her forelimbs with Night Glider’s help, the trio started to make for the mountain pass with Moonbeam looking back at Godzilla.

The elder glimmer mouthed a prayer as she turned back around to make for the pass, “Stay safe… Please stay safe.”

Junior paid her a fleeting glance and slight nod before shifting his attention to the enemy briefly. Sure enough, the titanic monstrosity hadn’t budged; all but confirming Junior’s sneaking suspicions. Knowing he had a moment of time, he looked to the filly partially burrowed into him and lifted her up between his hooves.

He grunted in a even, stoic tone, “Chibi, hanareru (leave).”

Even before he had the time to say his words, his student was already looking at him with an aghast expression and shaking her head. She was realizing what he was about to say and wanted no part in it.

“No, no! You just c-came back!”, she yelped while struggling in his grasp to try and conjure a teleportation spell.

“Chibi, Listen to me-”

She sobbed and flailed, trying to paw at her sensei’s muzzle and hooves, “You need to st-stay with-!”

“I need- listen!”, his tone was being tested from Chibi's frantic pleas cutting him off.

“I can hel-”

Her plea was cut off by a sharp bark, “Chibi, kiku!” (Listen, Chibi!)

Chibi Moon froze. Instantly Junior’s tone softened and he shifted, briefly pulling her in close just like how his father had done with him once. Feeling a larger body heat up against them, the beat of the heart in the chest to show signs of life, and the knowledge of the power the greater one possessed. It was a quick, instinctual way to assure a young one that they had a powerful protector, be it sibling, parent, or guardian. In some ways, it was Chibi Moon’s sensei doing for her what she did for him just a few minutes ago.

Mariner Chibi Moon was pulled away after returning the hug briefly, set back down on the ground quieted and attentive.

Junior sighed as he crouched down to her level, “I can handle this one, won't take any longer than a few gyaos. Remember how I beat them?

Chibi gulped back a tear and nodded a few times, having been in Canterlot that fateful night.

He strained for a moment, but pressed on, "Now listen, your Sensei needs you to do something very important to me. I need you to watch over Xenilla and the others for me. Keep all of you safe, okay?”

Chibi Moon’s lip quivered and her eyes were still damp with tears that made her look even more stressed and disheveled, compounding the state she was in after her foalnapping. But in a show of strength and spirit that made her sensei proud, she stood up straight and bowed her head and neck respectfully towards Junior and Rarity.

“Go join the others Deary, we shall catch up shortly,” Rarity noted while the filly impressively lifted Xenilla’s still body with her magic.

As Chibi departed, Rarity looked to Godzilla Junior and steeled herself. Just as she was readying to eject as much magic as she could onto him with a plethora of good memories at her disposal, a deceptively quiet voice seeped out of the giant stallion.

He sighed in solemn resolution and muttered in a half hushed tone, “Whatever you do, don’t let Chibi look back…."


Tease as some songs present in the chapter and videos! Listing by scene title.


Just a reminder, the poll to decide if Chapter 41 will be released all at once or as a two parter closest tomorrow at midnight. Vote now if you haven't, it's really close!


Comments ( 21 )

Junior's a better brother to Chibi than to Xen.

Blood will be shed.

Awesome!!! I look forward to it coming out..... And please split it into two parts.... It's a lot to take in if it's even 20,000 word let alone 30,000 words. I look forward to it coming out either way :)

I'm so excited, and while I'd prefer the chapter to be kept as a whole. I understand the practicality of splitting it and am honestly fine with either decision.

Still i vote for big, if only to torment Heatseeker. :trollestia:

Grammar error spotted at the beginning of the promo!

It should be "as to whom this new kaiju was", not "at to whom this new kaiju was".

Looks great otherwise!

Not a true grammar error, but sounds better with it. Done so.







Added a little something to help things along~

You know, listening to the last track... I get the feeling that Irys like all other "functioning"
Guardian Beasts, will attain her full power in this chapter.

Is Junior already fighting King Ghidorah, please have it catch the intensity of Goku vs Frieza fight

You really like Ridley's theme don't you.

Well, to be fair, it IS a rather evil, badass theme...

I am pumped for this next chapter. Let them fight!

Given how Junior said that the fight wouldn't take longer than if it were a few Gyaos, I'm doubting that it's King Ghidorah. Possibly one of the anteverse Kaiju or Gaira.

Or it could just be that he's lying to Chibi to falsely reassure her of his safety, given his rather tense behavior here.

Soo there ain't gonna be any movie event?

I'm seeing how the poll goes. It's very close. Close my count at midnight.

I could've been a dick and voted in a way that would have left it perfectly tied. But instead, I went for the tiebreaker and voted for the single MONSTER chapter.

And right after you did, someone voted for split. This is an exercise in insanity. There have been 20 "tie breakers" in the last 9 hours. I know, I checked! Ended it at midnight as otherwise it just keeeep going oooooon.

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