• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

More Blog Posts478

  • 17 weeks
    An important message for a dark subject, give a read

    Pen Dragon has made an passionate and important petition, one I think is best served by their own words. So please, for the sake of a benign website that has brought such entertainment and joy to many, give this a look.

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  • 21 weeks
    Important message about Suicide

    WARNING: Discussions, however brief for the sake of tact, about self-harm and suicidal thoughts are in this post. People especially vulnerable to such should ensure they are in a good headspace before reading. This sort of trigger is no joke.

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  • 27 weeks
    Chapter 56 Promo!

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    Discord Issues

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Upcoming Bonus and Emerald Note Q/A! · 10:33pm Oct 22nd, 2017

As some of you might remember, Emerald Note and company are doing a great job with a dramatic reading of The Bridge-

Well he's going to be putting together a Q/A which I'll be guest appearing in. He's set up this Tumblr to take in the questions. Just go to the Ask option ("What do you want to know?") and type in "Bridge Question:_____" with your ask. Have fun ya'll!

In other news, as I work on the next chapter of the sadly belated collab with Metroid, I'm also fixing us up a short bonus chapter (first one in years). Nothing huge, just something to help tie up some loose ends and set the stage for the next arc. Additionally, thanks to the splendid reception to chapter 41 I'm a bit curious. What would you say was your favorite surprise in the chapter? Hope you're all having a good one! :raritywink:

Comments ( 17 )

My favorite surprise was the return of Controller 011.

Rarity voluntarily wielding Nightmare's powers was sooooo excellent. I squeed once I realized it was happening.

Seeing Godzilla Junior emulate Showa Godzilla using his atomic beam was a surprise, alongside Irys becoming the final Guardian Beast

Ghidorah having a method to his madness.

Didn't we already send in questions?

Favorite surprise was the Yaks showing up to be the observers for Junior nuclear takeoff, because it made me laugth so hard.

I wonder who's arc it'll be next?

Definitely Irys becoming a full on Guardian Beast. Or maybe Senior returning to help Junior and Xenilla defeat GKG. Question, will the bonus chapter be about the events covered in the newspapers during the one month timeskip?

I honestly think my favorite surprise was Nightmare Rarity with Rarity in control.

I'll be sure to submit a review later on about the chapter. It's pretty big, and I want to spend some down time reading it so I'm not missing anything of the chapter for future references. Still, I'm sure it's going to be awesome Tarb. :)

The biggest surprise for me was Senior showing up Ghost Godzilla style (along with the little Biollante cameo that came along with it) to help his sons kill Ghidorah, that and Ghidorah being seriously injured by Junior pulling off the atomic breath flight, let alone the atomic breath flight appearing in the story at all was a pleasant surprise.

My biggest surprise was that Xenilla's intervention. As I was reading, I was thinking to myself, 'Here it is, the proper end. Where Junior and Ghidorah finally end their war with each other.' Ghidorah merely stood in place just waiting for fate, too. At least to my understanding. Then here comes "big bro of the year" swooping in and saving Junior from a deadly fall.

I wouldn't know how well we're doing. My character doesn't speak until chapter 8, and all we've spoken about recently was the movie.

My favorite surprise was Irys tapping into her guardian beast powers.

Favorite surprise? Was probably Senior showing up.

My favorite surprise was 011 being inside Kaiser Ghidorah and X the whole time, like soul wise. And I also found a song for their sentimental moment with Kaiser X and 011. Save it for the living by Smash Into Peices. Which I reread that part to that song.

Aggggh, which do I pick? The 3 battles? Xen and Juniors team up(with their dad to backup)? Iyrs' power up? Agggggggagagagh! ><
Okay! Both the Kaiser battle and the GKG battle, they were both emotional and epic!

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