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birthday post · 1:53am Oct 23rd, 2017

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I want to apologise for not keeping you guys up to date on what’s happening. I understand I don’t have a true obligation to this site or my fan fictions, but I do understand that many of you have spent time reading my work in the past. I don’t know how many of you are still waiting on me. I do feel that being inactive for so long has discouraged many of you to stop waiting on me and moved your attention to something else. I don’t blame you.

Truth be told, I’ve been keeping away from writing fan fiction because I’ve let my “hiatus” prolong so long, I became terrified of writing again. My dire lack of confidence in producing decent quality writing has led me into procrastination. This fear even affects my performance in college (yet somehow I’m still scraping by within the 90-100% range). Speaking of college, I’m back in it again for my Bachelor’s. Earlier this year, in some time during April, I’ve gotten my Associate’s. Last month, I used it to transfer to my current Bachelor’s program. The name of it is a mouthful: Professional and Creative Writing. To complete this would take 74 credits, so I’m expected to complete this within 2-3 years. It’s been keeping me busy every day, however I still find time to keep thinking and developing ideas for my fics.

Yeah I’m still thinking about my fan fiction. Not writing them, but still brainstorming. So what does this mean exactly? Well my plan to rewrite Equestrian Earth is still in effect. I felt like I wrote myself into a corner, and Chapter 1 was a terrible setup for the whole thing. I knew about how bad it was, but learning new things in my classes recently have shown just how bad it really was, which is why I’m still insistent on changing it. If any of you readers of the story still find some appreciation in the chapters as they are now, I recommend saving them. I will be deleting them instead of unpublishing them. I find no point in keeping old comments of old chapters as it would just confuse new commenters (although I have no idea if that comment system is still in place), and confuse me since they will still appear in the chapter list for me. The plot of Equestrian Earth will still relatively stay the same with changes here and there (thank you, Trixie, for suddenly becoming Ponyville’s newest squatter).
The glory of fan fiction is that you can start off from any point in the timeline and jump off from there to start an alternative path. The trick is determining which jumping point is best for the story. Truth be told, I have yet to determine when the story will take place. Although for simplicity’s sake, I suppose starting from the current now from Season 7 is not bad. I have a lot of material to work with now.

... Quite a lot.

So what about the OCs of the story? Well... that’s a tricky one. It’s been awhile since I’ve spoken to any of their owners. I have no idea if they’ll be comfortable with me using their characters. I believe one has silently blown me off, saying my story has changed too much for them. Also I wasn’t given much to work with them in terms of what their characters are like. It was my fault for asking only a summary of their personalities. I did not ask what their characters’ lives were like, what they prefer or hate, et cetera. So, frankly, I’m afraid I can’t keep them all in the redo. And in the time I took a break, I took time to understand how to craft characters better, so I may not even need to ask other people for their OCs. However... that’s not something I would like to do. I could still keep them around, but for minor roles at the very least. Cameos you may say. Although I do wish their owners, if they’re reading this, will let me know if they still wish to have their characters be in the story. As for other people who would like to also have their OCs in the story, that is something I’ve yet to determine. I may hold small-scale contests every so often where winners can have their characters make minor appearance(s), which will be held in this group /shameless self-shillingplease join.

That’s all I have to say about that story for now. Now about Luna Plays...

Well it’s not cancelled, that’s for damn sure. I can’t do that to muh waifu. Am I going to rewrite it? Thinking about it, the answer is no. It may be popular, but due to the unserious nature of the story, and more of a series of one shots under one theme, there is barely a need for me to go back and change everything (not to mention Equestrian Earth is gonna take up the bulk of my time). So for those of you who still like the old chapters, hooray! For those of you who want to see something new... well you’ll still get something new! Hooray!

Now as for other stories that are still incomplete, I will get to them all eventually. It will just not be anytime soon. I will not let them die. That I can promise you. I still have a lot of time ahead of me.

Now I suppose I should address how my family and I are doing in terms of living conditions. The good news is that my family is not homeless! We’re still rolling along, doing the best we can! The Go Fund Me from months earlier has really helped my family out of a tight spot, and I would like to give the donators a long due acknowledgement to all of you.

First off, my good friend Marik_Azemus. You are the first to have donated to my family and gave us hope to carry on. You’ve also done a lot for me personally as well, and I wish to repay you back in the near future. You’re an amazing friend.

Michael Polis, you gave the biggest donation that has blown me off my feet. The size of your contribution has certainly been incredible. We’re very grateful for it and it has allowed us to pay off the bills! Words can’t truly say how much we appreciate the help, but I hope thank you will mean a lot to you.

As for the rest who are Anonymous donors, you guys are all top notch! Every dollar given was truly a blessing and helped us in what was possibly the worst situation we have been in recent memory. Thank you all.

So what’s our plan for the future? Well my family has determined that selling our house and moving to another is the best option. They took the time to research the housing market and realize that ours can sell high and we can buy low. The difference will be large enough to support us for a couple more years at best. I’m not pretending I know everything about how this works. In fact they haven’t really told me many details on the whole plan, but I trust we’ll do just fine in the months to come.

In the meantime, I’m gonna do my best on my studies while thinking about you guys and my fics. I won’t let them die, and I’ll have them come back stronger than ever. I hope you guys will be ready when I am. Let’s just hope I don’t disappear in the time from now.

Oh, and it’s my birthday today. Happy birthday to me!

Comments ( 9 )

Happy birfday...Now gib me der mooney XD

Happy birthday to you, my friend. I hope that you will make it a good one. :)

4705616 Oh it is okay. Things have been going pretty good. :) I am happy to hear that things have been going good for you as well. I am sending lots of positive vibes your way. I believe in you if it counts. XD Keep on being awesome.

Happy birthday ya nerd!

God, it's been a long time knowing you! Still looking to get that autograph one day! :raritywink:

Oh haha. Maybe one day.:trollestia:
Right now I can’t afford the time and money for MLPcons though. I do wish to meet up with people from Fimfic though.

Happy birthday, sorry I'm late. Sounds like there's a lot on your plate

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