• Member Since 15th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 23rd, 2023


Purveyor of substandard horse-words since 2012. [they/them]

More Blog Posts25

  • 79 weeks
    Update Regarding My Last Blog Post...

    Hey everyone. In case any of you missed my last blog post, I'll tl;dr it for you: My Grandma passed away last week, and we're currently trying to raise funds to assist with her funeral costs.

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  • 80 weeks
    My Family and I Need Help...

    Hi, everyone. This is not a blog post I wanted to make, but my family and I are pretty much at our wits' end. My grandmother died earlier this week, and we don't have the money to give her the funeral we know she would have wanted, and that we feel she deserves. She was a kind, loving, generous woman—the kind of person about whom you could say, "she'd give you the shirt off her back," and it

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    20 comments · 698 views
  • 115 weeks
    Ten Years

    Today makes an entire decade that I've been on this site. I honestly don't have any profound words for the occasion, but the anniversary feels too significant to let it go by without saying anything at all. I guess I'll just say thank you to everyone who has read my stories, faved and commented on them. And especially I'll thank anyone who has followed me. Y'all are definitely the reason that

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    2 comments · 167 views
  • 143 weeks
    We Need to Talk About Pipp...

    ...and how cute she is! (Slight spoilers for MLP: A New Generation below, if you consider no-context screencaps spoilers.)

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  • 184 weeks
    New Name, (Slightly) Different Avatar, and Some News

    So, you all may have noticed some changes to my account that just took effect, and there is a very good reason for all of them. I've decided to tell you all something I've known about myself for quite a while now, but only just started being comfortable enough to share online. And that is that I am non-binary and pansexual. Perhaps the pansexuality came as a surprise to no one (I've never been

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Sheevposting... And some actual news · 11:59pm Oct 29th, 2017

It makes me so fucking happy that prequel memes are a thing.

The Last Jedi approaches, and I am in full Star Wars mode right now. Like, maybe enough to write a fic. Would you guys like to see a Star Wars/MLP crossover? Or failing that, a standalone Star Wars fic? (Obviously, if it's just SW, I won't post it here, but I'll link you guys, if you're interested.)

Just curious. I think we all go through ebbs and flows in our fandoms, and right now Star Wars just happens to be at high tide for me.

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