• Member Since 13th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Saturday


A Blerd from Brooklyn that enjoys creating content (https://linktr.ee/im_TyRex) and writing stories. Nice to meet you 👋🏾

More Blog Posts44

  • 4 weeks
    Friendship is Manipulation, Book 2 Hype

    The hype is all me and just me, nothing actually big. But boy, am I friggin' excited for Book 2. Chapter 22 and onwards begins the light touch on certain bits of lore, relations, dynamics and themes of Book 2 as we transition into the next major "arc", if you will. I count Book 1 as three arcs total. Can you guess their starting points? (Don't open the spoiler if you don't want to know their

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  • 34 weeks
    FiM - PROJECT: Flood Control, Ch. 20, 21+22 reading tip

    What's up, readers, writers, and fellow enthusiasts of fanfiction literature.

    If you enjoy the ongoing Flood Control story, then please be sure to reread chapter 20 before reading chapter 21 when it is updated. Chapter 21 is on track to release in another week, 2 at the very most, and it will be a dual-upload with Chapter 22.

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  • 110 weeks
    PROJECT: Flood Control's Song Guide

    So, with the update of PROJECT: Flood Control to the 15th chapter, taking the advice of a reader, I decided to put in the beginning of each chapter, a loose listening guide for which songs I think fit the absolute best for each chapter. With the addition of this listening guide, I went through my

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  • 178 weeks
    Updates Soon

    I've been gone for a long, LONG time (life got rough, and I also started focusing more on my content creation, link tree to all my medias in my bio!), BUT, I've got a new PROJECT: Flood Control and Clout chapter in progress! I'm bad with keeping my promises on dates for chapters, as this is only a small hobby / pasttime for me, but I will say that P:FC has a dual-chapter coming, and is about 90%

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  • 206 weeks
    Clout vs. PROJECT: Flood Control

    These are both stories I have been intricately in love with since around 2015, and they have a rather convoluted life.

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Not Dead Yet · 4:40am Nov 9th, 2017

I figured I'd just keep quiet till I finally get around to making my new chapter, but for the very few who actually watch out for my updates, I thought I owed this to them:

I am alive. However, senior year of high school is extremely stressful. I'm working hard to maintain a 3.0+ GPA for the sake of getting into one of my dream colleges / universities. That, coupled with social life, and my video-game entertainment life leaves very little time (maaaaaybe like 2-4 hours a week) for me to comfortably write. It also doesn't help that I'm incredibly lazy when it comes to following-through in a full-scale chapter... Perhaps I should start doing teasers again...

That being said, I think it's finally time for me to branch out from The Thug Life Chose Me, as my infatuation with the story is leaving the other stories to collect dust. I've tried a few new strategies for re-sparking the motivation for my other stories, and I can't say for sure whether or not they've worked, and I'd like to stop giving empty promises, so... yeah.

Welp, that's pretty much it. Toodles, and enjoy your day, or evening!

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