• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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    An important message for a dark subject, give a read

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  • 27 weeks
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Godzilla: Monster Planet Song - WHITE OUT · 4:15am Nov 19th, 2017

Preformed by Xia, this is part of the core soundtrack for the film recently released in Japan with a Netflix release due early next year globally. I managed to get a copy and felt like being generous. Enjoy folks! Nice melody I must say, though wish I could find some translation or lyrics to translate.

Comments ( 4 )

As an anime and Godzilla fan, I'm excited to see this

Thank you so much for the music, Tarb. I really love the chorus that the music plays during the trailers. What do you think of the animation and Godzilla’s appearance in the film?

Animation looks great! Polygon puts in quality work most of the time with acceptable off points (who doesn't?). As for Godzilla's design I really like how it's very similar to the 2014 look. Godzilla can convey a lot of different tones with slight changes to a core design. The 1970s Godzilla looks friendly and even heroic with a human-like stance and eyes. Shin Godzilla looks like an unholy abomination and something that shouldn't exist. 2014 evokes a power of nature with an apex lifeform, which fits for this. If anyone I think it is a tad overly bulky and I miss the two-toned color scheme. With him being one solid hue without definition it can make him a bit indistinct by some angles so you can't tell how he's posed.

Honestly not a fan of the MechaGodzilla look though.

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