• Member Since 20th Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen June 24th


A Perverted Brony who likes NSFW anthro/human stories. I am currently in progress of writing a crossover story. I hope you all come and read it sometime. :pinkiehappy:

More Blog Posts42

  • 43 weeks
    Where I've been. + Story Updates

    Okay, short version; Work has been having me work a LOT, IRL life stuff, my mental health taking a nose dive for a bit, and my computer needing a replacement part...AGAIN.

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  • 60 weeks

    As I said in my last post, I planned on working on a story idea I can’t get out of my head on my next day off…which THANKFULLY is for a long week break. I have from Saturday May 6th to Saturday May 13th. So I will spend one of those days working on that story idea.

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  • 62 weeks
    Crazy Idea+Update

    As the title suggests I have a crazy idea, and an Update to my last post and a few others. So let’s get started…

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  • 64 weeks
    Hiatus Reason

    Now, if you’ve been paying attention to my last few Blog posts, you’ll all know about my IRL situation. Now, while yes it is still going, (for reasons I simply cannot understand how they’re getting away with this), I am trying to, in my spare time when not sleeping, hanging out with friends, cleaning my place, bills, ETC, I have been TRYING, to play ARK to get some inspiration. I haven’t hit that

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  • 74 weeks

    Next up is more IRL stuff from me, which may start a bit of controversy, but I’m sharing anyways. My workplace has been very racist lately to people like me, but here’s where the controversy comes, because I’m a pale skin tone, and I will not share this persons name for their safety, but they showed me a recording with their name being said, that most of my workplaces higher ups are wanting to

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I'm on an mmo · 5:08am Nov 20th, 2017

Yes, I have an account on an mmo RPG? it's specifically Echo of Soul, if anyone wants to win a prize, (Early access to the next chapter) all you have to do is add me to your party, in front of me, and say the name of my fic, and this phrase, "No Better Title - Arc I is something I've read," and you win. have fun finding my character, and if you find my friends character, and say the same thing, you'll also win. in the message afterwards please state what the name of your account is on FIMFiction, and one of us will give you the code for early access to the next chapter. enjoy the hunt. :twilightsmile:

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