• Member Since 21st Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen June 9th


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  • 470 weeks
    SSR: Prism Pie

    Rule of... well, me, because I formulated it myself and still can't find any proof that anybody else did before me: To find the meaning of a piece, present it to an imbecile who knows only what the words mean, who cannot construct a greater meaning than that if he tried. That is its truth. Beyond that, beyond what is clearly written into the text, all meaning is fictional, outside of the

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    0 comments · 515 views
  • 471 weeks
    Cat on my bed

    Perhaps a place of rest,
    She seeks the actual soft.
    Perhaps she looks for me,
    First time now for weeks.
    Perhaps to help my pain,
    Or just the hamster see.

    I know why she is really here. Kitty heart pills have the side effect of making them quite active and clingy, followed by long nap. Screw poetry. It is a waste of time when you could be writing an actual story.

    0 comments · 345 views
  • 471 weeks
    Had me some wisdom teeth amputated

    You'd think that would hurt afterwards. Or be felt in any way. Odd.

    5 comments · 380 views
  • 471 weeks
    Just noticed

    Future historians will take Ruby Pinch in SatN as a symbol for the inevitable approach of motherhood and how the thought is growing inside her, won't they.

    Well, poop.

    1 comments · 388 views
  • 476 weeks
    so cute motherhood group can't even

    Because why not age regression, right?

    I swear the mothers get more hilarious every day.

    Also note the uncredited artist "Lyra Senpai." Definitely a name you want to be seen when people look at your resumé.

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    0 comments · 364 views

Y'know what we didn't do for a while? · 9:31pm Oct 18th, 2012


November 10th, millions are watching the Hub. After a few seconds of black screen, this comes on.

I would be pleased. No, I'm not hyped for s3. For me, MLP has transcended the show itself, becoming a fandom instead, living and breathing as one. While units such as me may think themselves autonomical, they are but a part of the larger common. Also, I'm an agent of chaos. This world deserves a better class of people, and I'm gonna give it to 'em. Perhaps I could find a way to reverse engineer my talents and make them acessible to all of mankind. That'd most likely require studying psychopathy, though. And I'd have to prove that this even exists, which might prove tricky as I can already feel my power slipping away from me, transforming into a passive version of at least almost equal power. With the proper rituals, I can of course still reach the state in between, true rationalism. Some might say I'm stupid for letting my room constantly be below normal temperature, occasionally quite a bit. But seriously, that's how I've been comfortable even before Bleeding. In addition to that and trolling housemates, I have gained broad insight about what triggers slight hypothermia uses to make you feel terrible about yourself, so that I can go out into the cold without giving a fuck even when I'm my older self. On the flipside though, I feel very uncomfortable if in a room that's even slightly too hot for me, as I have practiced the way of shielding myself against cold, not warmth. Well, that's something I can live with. If only the others weren't around who think that 20 degrees Celsius and above is where it's beginning to feel comfortable.

Report Toraka · 626 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

(actually i do not give shit about anything except pony porn and music nowadays)

To stop a Gaben, hit the gaben hopefully gaben! :rainbowlaugh:

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