• Member Since 26th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday


This Account is inactive. There won't be any more pony stories

  • TVoid Trials
    In a futuristic Equestria, a young earth pony struggles to get herself a job within a space colony. Can Shetland surpass dangers and her own mothers disapproval to join the Voidmarines?
    Obsi · 34k words  ·  49  1 · 1.2k views

More Blog Posts45

  • 229 weeks
    Anyone interested in some writing advice for beginners?

    I've got some anecdotal tips stored up and wouldn't mind sharing if someone wants to hear them.

    8 comments · 348 views
  • 234 weeks
    On writing "Sweet as Honeydew" and why it will end this year.

    I know many of you greatly enjoyed Sweet as Honeydew, and this is what makes it hard to say this:
    but I consider writing it a mistake.

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    5 comments · 592 views
  • 236 weeks
    I'm DM-ing a D&D campaign over roll20 and update on Sweet as Honeydew

    and I have trouble finding players atm. I need 2 more people, so if anyone wants to join us, he'd be very welcome.

    The campaign is made in a homebrew setting I don't want to spoil too much about, but it'll focus on a couple factions and intrigue over combat, though there'll be some of that as well. The first session (if I can find 2 more players) would be on Friday, 17:30 GMT+1

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    6 comments · 259 views
  • 237 weeks
    Anyone of you on Roll20?

    My roleplaying group just disbanded and im looking for a new one. Have no experience with Roll20 yet though, and I dont know how I feel about joining a group with 6-players, which seems to be the only option

    5 comments · 246 views
  • 238 weeks
    Until Christmas, Sweet as Honeydew will be on hiatus

    Simply put, I want Void Trials as a printed book, for myself for christmas, this requires a bunch of work, so I'm currently not working on Sweet as Honeydew until that is completed. it should take at most 3 weeks, after that it'd be too late anyway.

    2 comments · 275 views

My grandma has had a stroke · 7:17pm Dec 12th, 2017

sunday last week my parents visited her when they found her having a stroke. They immediately informed a hospital.

To make things short, shes alive, but things arent great. She can absolutely not live on her own anymore, her left side is almost paralyzed, she is unable to swallow or even talk. I visited her two days ago and I feel absolutely horrible, even though I manage my day and can often avoid thinking about it... It may help that I knew her health was detereorating, so I had gotten a little used to the though of not having her around, but for it to actually happen- you cant prepare yourself for that.

So the rest of this is for my grandma. She was a great grandma, the nice kind who will only ever get on your nerves by being unable to accept that you dont want any snacks when you're over- she would listen to me when I tell her stories, both my own and others, which nobody else in my family would do. She is impossibly friendly, nice and patient, even if she doesnt care at all about the subject manner, she would let me elaborate, knowing I would incorporate something she IS interested in.

It will be hard, not having her around for christmas.

Void Trials is still coming, I think sometime in January, I'll make a blogpost about what happened with that sometime next week.

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