• Member Since 25th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago


Previously fluffysam1212. Updated to match other socials because I tend to come back on to reread things. Will I ever fully come back? Who knows. Certainly not me. they/them/xey/xem/it/its

More Blog Posts1980

  • 49 weeks
    hey gaymers

    you'll never guess who ended up moving out of their parent's house, breaking up w both of xeir partners, came out as fully aro ace, got a credit card, and is on its way to a phone number and job in the barely over a year since they last said anything [fingerguns]

    2 comments · 121 views
  • 103 weeks
    lol hi

    y'all who still watch for me to update stuff are nerds
    it's kinda sweet tho :heart:

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    1 comments · 212 views
  • 208 weeks
    kinda follow up (katie love i'm so sorry i'm not in bed yet-) to last blog

    i've spent literal hours looking for the drama in my blog posts and looking at it and reading it?

    oh i was definitely jealous but not in the way they thought i was dndsjk
    babey gay didn't realize they were crushing hard on their best friend

    0 comments · 323 views
  • 208 weeks
    you ever miss old friends

    even ones you're not friends w anymore?

    hate that feeling

    there's also another friend but like
    idek if we're still actually friends we barely talk and i was going through her old blog posts and found our old drama and that shit hurted
    and it kinda
    makes me wonder whether we were friends again in the first place

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    4 comments · 381 views
  • 211 weeks

    i was supposed to come back for nigh 24 hours for my birthday lmao

    And Then I Didn't Do That

    happy pride month tho

    i can't believe i got so bored i remembered i was supposed to be on over a month ago jkskjdasj

    2 comments · 313 views

i just remembered something · 12:59am Dec 14th, 2017

so yeah i have like no sense of self preservation

i proved this today while sledding w/ a sis

we were on the same sled
and were on our way to a bush
and i covered her with my body

Comments ( 5 )

It's called instinct.

protective older sister instinct?

okay i buy that xD

I'd say that's more brave and selfless. I mean the key part is it's your sister, so you should want to protect her no?

little sister too

and yeeeaahh i guess

Never tell her that tho

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