• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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2017 Holiday Special! · 7:03am Dec 24th, 2017

Okay just to give you guys an update, chapter 42 is finished in rough draft form; it's just going through some finer tune proofings to help it out. In the meantime, every day or so I'll be dropping a holiday special short that will chain together across this coming Christmas and New Years; hope you all enjoy!

Comments ( 17 )

I'll be looking forward to it :pinkiehappy:

Part of me wants to be excited for the new chapter, but another part of me fears that it'll be 40,000 words this time.

Umm hey about Chapter 42. I'm curious if it will cover Monster X's thoughts on Ghidorah's death considering he had changed X's life so much?

Well Rob, it will certainly be over 9,000. :raritywink:

The Holiday episode sounds like a great idea, looking forward to it.
Is chapter 42 that epilogue you've mentioned before, or the first part of the next arc?

A Merry Christmas to you as well!

Let it go Tems, Ghidorah is dead.

OMG, Tarb. Thanks for the Xmas/New Year gifts in the form of shorts to accompany chapter 42. You are, by far, one of the best writers I’ve ever had the fortune of knowing on this site given the high quality of your story and how you treat all your readers with respect and friendliness, especially since you take the time to answer their inquiries and invite them to streams. I hope that you and Faith -blessed be her sweet personality and wonderful art- have a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Hopefully you’ll see each other again in 2018.

About 20k, don't worry :rainbowwild:

Both actually. Wrap up with characters like Sunset, set up for next arc by showing some of it's cast and the situation.

And a blessed Merry Christmas to you and your compatriots too! I can already safely say both my beloved and I are having/had a wonderful Christmas season!
Many people make Bridge and other stories possible and it has been a great honor to write and entertain so many. When I started I thought I'd make a single story that would fade into the background with a total run of ten or so chapter, and catch flak for it's content. Not in a million years did I think I'd be so driven and have made so many friends. Thank you Moongaze, in a series where friendship is magic (even for kaiju!) You all are one of my favorite gifts.

I know Ghidorah's dead, and I'm fine with that. I'm just wondering if Tarb's gonna cover this scene.

Where did you get that Badass profile picture?

Uhh I can't remember the exact name of the artist, but I know that he's a Japanese user on Deviantart that makes fantastic Kaiju fanart, some of the best that I have ever seen.

Name of the artist is Inosuke, I think.

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