• Member Since 18th May, 2014
  • offline last seen May 16th

Chaotic Flier

Hello I've been gone awhile, but now that i have some free time i thought i'd continue my stories. Anywho if you have a question or suggestion just lemme know

More Blog Posts47

  • 209 weeks
    Return of my first story

    Hey everyone i got a really important announcement, my first ever fic i wrote for the site will be returning. So in case your confused my first story was not Eternal Shadows it was the predecessors of Defenders of Equestria. ESDE: The Exam and ESDE: Year One.

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  • 214 weeks
    Well I failed

    So in my last blog I gave myself a time limit and well let's say due to unforeseen circumstances I was unable to meet it. So I'll finish up the current story and post it when I can

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  • 216 weeks
    New deadlines...Um I mean Story... yay

    Announcement, I am going to be working on a new story one that’s been on the back burner for idk 3 years now... God I been around forever, anyway the first chapter will be coming out in two weeks, I am setting a deadline hopefully this will get me to finish it.

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  • 220 weeks
    I’m so sorry😓

    Hey everyone I’m so sorry for vanishing again, had some major issues and let’s just say some things to think about as well as losing someone very close to me.

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    4 comments · 279 views
  • 247 weeks
    Update 10/7/19

    Heyo, I'm back from a rather extensive hiatus...Due to some unplanned events involving my mother and moving as well as a lack of internet.

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Need suggestions on what to do next · 1:08pm Dec 27th, 2017

As the title suggests, I am looking for suggestions on what I should do next. Should I keep working on Eternal Shadows old should I work on a different story next month.

I do have a new one shot I'm working on but have put aside for the time being so I could finish up my four stories( thought I might take Balefire down)

If you have any suggestions for what I should work on next please let me know.

Report Chaotic Flier · 97 views · #Blogs #update
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