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Retail Simulator!!! · 7:26pm Dec 30th, 2017

Are you looking for a way to understand what it's like working in retail? Do you crave the experience of dealing with frustrating customers and unhelpful coworkers? Look no further than the Retail Simulator, a scintillating look into the life of a retail employee! This exciting simulation features interesting events, like the following examples!

- You walk into the break room. One of your coworkers is asleep. Two others are balancing cups on the sleeping worker's head. You look over to the schedule. None of them are on their breaks, and one isn't even scheduled for today. What do you do?

- You go over to the fitting rooms to put clothes away. There are three items hanging up, and about twelve crumpled below them. Of the three items, none of them are in this fitting room's section. You're pretty sure that one of them isn't even sold in this store. How do you handle it?

- A customer walks up to you and starts screaming at you while you're checking things out. Apparently, you didn't discount an item as much as they wished. When you try to get a word in edgewise, they demand to see a manager. When the manager comes over, she tells them the same thing that you attempted to say. The customer is placated, and after they leave, your manager gives you a look. They probably think you're stupid for not telling the customer this, even though you tried to. How do you respond?

All this and more is included in the simulator, which costs the low low price of minimum wage. Get your copy today!

Comments ( 4 )

Oooh, i know, I know!

1) For sleepy and badly-behaved co-workers, the best thing to do is to be casual. If they're playing around when they're supposed to be hauling ass and you need the extra help, the easiest thing to do is to wave hi, leave, and then casually ask the Manager On Duty if they had their breaks moved. That said, sometimes even when you're on the clock, it's worth letting a few minutes of silliness go. The job is hard enough without the sense that every second of time is being policed.

Alternatively, greet the employee who's not scheduled with "hey, ____! I didn't know you were scheduled today!"

2) Unfortunately, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and run the merchandise. That said if it's a section you don't know very well, particularly as a newer employee, there's no shame in bunting the question to a more experienced co-worker. If they're an asshole to you about it, then let a manager know. If the manager doesn't give a fuck, call HR and/or start shopping around for a new work environment. Retail's shit.

3) Shrug and go "I know, I know. She just was not having it from me." Also, I've found the best way to play out these situations is to pass the buck in front of the customer. Mention "hey, I know, I feel you, but I actually don't have the power to make an exception because it's company policy. Would you like to speak to a manager? You can also call [insert customer service hotline number here] to give feedback and see if they can make an exception for you." The important thing is to play the "I want to help you, but I just can't" card. It won't make them not an asshole, but it usually means they get a bit less confrontational towards you in particular.

Remember, the trick with customers is to master the art of keeping the base contempt for their stupidity out of your voice when you smile and offer to help them. Once you've got that down, you will go far.

Here's a decent one.

I was halfway through reading this actually~!! I need to finish it. (After I finish writing, bah~)

Eh, i work in the logistics of a supermarket chain, it is stressful but ill apways acknowledge that working in retail/"with people" is way worse.

- You walk into the break room. One of your coworkers is asleep. Two others are balancing cups on the sleeping worker's head. You look over to the schedule. None of them are on their breaks, and one isn't even scheduled for today. What do you do?

"Oh hey, practicing for the cup-stacking competition, I see. Hey, X, did our manager give you a last minute call or something? you're not scheduled for today."

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