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Purple Patch


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  • 25 weeks
    I Need To Make Something Clear

    I know I've been very absent lately but I still give advice to writers now and again as PMs. Lately there's been a problem which I need to remedy.

    My OCs are my own.
    Characters such as Cascadius, Colonel Peregrine, Nancy, Blue Murder, Tybalt, Shadowplay, Tungsten and others.

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  • 58 weeks
    Putting My Webcomic Out There

    Hi guys. Just to show you what I've been working on all this time.
    Deviantart and Tumblr are a bit...let's say shaky right now in terms of putting your art out there and I've been looking for more specialised sites for my webcomic.
    So I've finally got a Tapas page.
    The Tale Of Cao Aman

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  • 89 weeks
    27 Today And Some News

    Hi everybody. Sorry I've been so distant lately.
    Twenty-Seven years old today...and I'm told I still look seventeen. Don't ask me what my secret is, I'm just as puzzled, but not complaining.

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  • 119 weeks
    So I've Heard About The Rings Of Power

    So I'm actually quite looking forward to The Rings Of Power, the soon-to-be cinematic series based on Tolkien's Middle-Earth lore. The Lord of the Rings is probably my favourite film trilogy and, while it's debated to this day, I really enjoyed The Hobbit series.
    And there's something I feel I need to say...

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Dream Cast For Rejuvenationverse · 8:07pm Dec 30th, 2017

Because a lot of writers do this, I thought I might treat myself to a bit of fantasy of success by giving you my dream cast of the OC's I've created for The Rejuvenationverse

In order of appearance
Countess Magnifying Glass: Zoe Wanamaker
Roles: Madam Hooch in Harry Potter and Lady Cassandra in Doctor Who.
Who better for the mare who made the mistake of pissing off the Doctor than the voice of Cassandra. Zoe has the perfect pitch to her voice, that low-key lilt that, on the threats that the Countess delivers, could be really quite terrifying.

Lord Magistrate Nitpick: Ian Hart
Roles: Professor Quirrel in Harry Potter (And Voldemort in the first film)
Another Potterverse role, from what I've seen of him in Harry Potter and other roles probably significant only to fans of cozy British media, Ian Hart can fly from 'quivering sycophant' to 'malevolent, ambiguously-pervy villain' very effectively. I think he'd be perfect for the role of the odious Nitpick.

Sir Cumbersome Clout: Robert Pugh
Roles: Craster in Game of Thrones
You've only got to watch one scene of Craster to get an idea of his character and his voice really matches, low, gruff, pompous and very likely violent. It serves well.

Tombola: Ronan Vibert
Roles: Lepidus in Rome HBO
Vibert hasn't done a whole lot that's reached mainstream media (I did hear once that he was Alan Rickman's stuntman) but if you see him in Rome HBO, you'll hear his serious, sensible tone which I think matches Tombola's

Monocular and Binocular: Shirley Henderson
Roles: Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter
More Harry Potter roles incoming. The whiny, bratty yet slightly pitiable tone she had with Myrtle would be perfect for those two.

Earwax: Richard Steven Horvitz
Roles: Alpha in Power Rangers and Zim in Invader Zim
I had Earwax down as someone who's voice is annoyingly high-pitched and squeaky, along with being smug and snide and while Horvitz's voice isn't annoying, he can easily make it so. He's been in a ton of great roles and his tone would very much fit that of Earwax.

Dr Bittersweet: Lars Mikkelsen
Roles: Charles Augustus Magnuson in Sherlock and Grand Admiral Thrawn in Star Wars Rebels
While not quite as famous as his younger brother, Mads (Yes, that Mads), Lars Mikkelsen's voice is incredibly spooky for the characters he plays. Calm, collected and utterly merciless, Lars's voice between that of the creepy Magnuson and the terrifying Thrawn, would be just right for Dr Bittersweet.

Carcassonne: Sasha Alexander
Roles: Kaitlin Todd in NCIS and Lucy Burns in Yes Man
I admit, I've never seen Yes Man but I have seen a lot of NCIS. Sasha's character is very tough and can be quite headstrong and, at the stage of the story, this suits Carcassonne. You can imagine that sometimes she could have gone too far and now regrets it. Sasha's got a very tough, very down-to-earth tone that would suit Carcassonne very nicely.

Cascadius: (Drum-Roll) ...Tom Hardy
Roles: Bane in The Dark Knight Rises and Max in Mad Max: Fury Road
I picture Cascadius having a very calm, in-control vibe to him as he remains one step ahead of all his enemies with just a hint of underlying menace that suggests he could easily snap your neck if you drew too close. Don't ask me why but I always heard a slightly cockney or Irish twang to him. He has a voice that can easily change and, with just a couple of words, you wouldn't normally suspect from a villainous mastermind but Hardy makes it work.

Bloodhound: Vinnie Jones
Roles: Juggernaut (Bitch!) in X-Men The Last Stand and Big Chris in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Superb cockney Bruiser, Vinnie Jones would suit Bloodhound to a tee. Nuff' sed.

Balisong: Margot Robbie
Roles: Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad and Tonya Harding in I, Tonya
She's Australian and she voiced Harley Quinn. Need I say more?

Corax: Domhnall Gleeson
Roles: Armitage Hux in Star Wars
He's got a high-pitched tone to him, can put on a very British accent and can ham it up for glory. Perfect.

Blue Murder: Caroline Quentin
Roles: Dorothy in Men Behaving Badly and Maddie Magellan in Jonathan Creek
I'll admit, Blue Murder is actually directly based off Caroline Quentin's character of DCI Janine Lewis in the British Murder Mystery Series Blue Murder. A luckless but determined heroine, she's struggling between her job and her family, both of which come into serious danger, and I developed the idea to darken her character somewhat by making her job really quite malign yet still making her somewhat sympathetic as she clearly wants out of the job to keep her loved ones safe.

Nancy: Sophie Thompson
Roles: Lydia in Four Weddings And A Funeral and Stella Crawford in EastEnders
I saw Sophie Thompson, younger sister of Emma Thompson, in Jonathan Creek as a sort of 'secluded, shell-shocked housekeeper' that really suited Nancy. Eternally fussy, quick to panic, slow to relax but ultimately very caring.

Marephistallion: Tim Curry
Roles: Watch a film sometime!
See reason above.

And now, for the Eternal Knights

White Wolf: Susan Egan
Roles: Megara in Hercules and Rose Quartz in Steven Universe

Fletcher Fray: Karl Urban
Roles: Eomer in Lord of the Rings and Judge Dredd in Dredd

Midnight Blade: Vigo Mortesson
Roles: Aragorn in Lord of the Rings

Comments ( 1 )

Sounds Good, it suits them well

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