• Member Since 8th Nov, 2016
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More Blog Posts43

  • 227 weeks
    New Story! Cute Crusaders Too!

    Hey Everyone, Just wanted to let you know I put out another story! Hopefully, y'all check it out down below.

    [Adult story embed hidden]

    But if you just came here for some cute pictures of ponies, thats fine too!

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  • 235 weeks
    New Clopfic with Female Anon! Cute Royal Pones Included!

    So I wrote a fic with a female Anon. (Link Below) Honestly, I kind of like it... It may be a bit out there kinkwise, but I don't think it's too crazy. So... if it's not too much trouble, could you go give it a read? :twilightsheepish: Maybe a comment and a thumby thumb too. ^_^

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    3 comments · 891 views
  • 237 weeks
    I'm Back! With an Applejack story and cute images of the ApplePone

    Hopefully, some of you can appreciate that little clip. ^_^

    Hell, it feels like forever since I posted a story... I guess 2.5 months isn't too bad, but it feels like an eternity to me. [Link Below]

    [Adult story embed hidden]

    Go read it, Please. :D
    Tell me what you think

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    4 comments · 427 views
  • 241 weeks
    Birthday Update (Post Cute Ponies in the Comments!)

    It's my birthday! (Yay, I'm old(er)! 🎂)

    Just stopping by to request anyone who sees this, please post the cutest pony image you can find, All Ponies welcome!

    If you've come here to find out if I have any stories coming(doubtful but I should pretend like it's possible), well.... Mayyyyybe.

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    13 comments · 490 views
  • 247 weeks
    Here Have Some Professionalism

    Been working a lot recently. Was pretty hardcore into Classic WoW (got to 30 in the first few days) before I had to take a break and start working. Still writing things, they're just slow going... Y'all seem pretty chill and happy to wait, which I'm super grateful for. I'm currently saving up to buy a new PC, I'm planning on venturing in a custom water loop, so that's gonna be fun having a

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Healthy Changes #1 · 5:17pm Dec 31st, 2017

With 2018 literally peeking around the corner (Yes, we all see you. You aren't hiding from anyone anymore.) I decided to get this down in writing to hopefully help motivate myself... The thought being that if it is written down then I have committed to it more than just thinking it and I'll be more apt to follow through.

With that said.. get ready for a kind of long read (I do try to make it skimable)... if anyone actually reads this things.

5'9" |210lbs (15 stones for peeps who still use that measurement term)| 25 (My metabolism isn't what it used to be :raritycry:) | 39 inch waist

Those are not good stats right there... I'm technically obese and overall I'm unhappy with my body. Hell my knees and back have been telling me I'm a fat piece of shit for a while now, but I've just been ignoring them and saying to myself Don't worry I'll start losing weight later.

So, how did I get to this terrible point?

Have you ever seen the documentary 'Super Size Me'? Yes? Good!
No? Okay, no problem! The premise of the documentary is that the main character has to eat McDonald's for all three meals of the day for 30 days (typically a month). You can figure it out from there!

So how's that relate to me?

Well take that premise and extend it out over the course of.... like 3-4 months. If you aren't saying to yourself "Dude, that's unsafe and unhealthy!" then I don't know.. *shrug* Add in that I'm also eating junk food and soda and honestly I don't know how I haven't had a heart attack or gotten diabetes (which is truly strange since my mother was a Type-1 Diabetic... Although I may just be going un-diagnosed and untreated)


Later has arrived bitches! I now have the time to commit to becoming healthier and I'm not going to squander it.

What's that mean?

Well, it means a lot of changes that are going to suck for the first couple weeks...

1) No more Soda and Limit my sugar intake! (Drinking Water Only)
2) No more Fast Food! Grocery store food only. (Good thing I know how to cook 😌)
3) Workout 5-6 days a week. Mainly with running and free-weights (Working out will help with the some withdrawal symptoms)

My body is going to go through withdrawals and be more miserable until my body adapts, but I have done this before and I know what to expect. (I haven't always been a fat tub of lard! I used to be athletic and in-shape.)

So what are my goals?

Mainly I want to get to 170lb

I have other goals but I think I'll talk about them more as I get close to them.. For now I'm focusing on that one and losing 40lb is a fucking challenge... I'm gonna come out on top though (I hope) I have an extra motivation for reaching it! So since the beginning of December I haven't gotten a haircut or shaved. I'll tell you this once, I hate long having long hair and I hate having facial hair! So until I reach this goal I'm not allowed to remove it at all... and let me tell you I am already starting to look like a fat miserable hobo.

Lastly! If anyone else is trying to accomplish the same thing, then I want you to know you have my support! Also feel free to give me your support and If you have a Fitbit feel free to PM me so we can add each other on their and friendly compete and support one another! Even if you don't have a Fitbit feel free to we can still exchange stats and support one another. The more support you have the easier it feels.

Okay I'm pretty sure that's it for this 'long' one. I will be posting my stats (Daily? or Weekly?) Just to keep myself going and clear my head of most of my thoughts at the time.

P.S. this is not a new year's resolution.

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