• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen April 14th



More Blog Posts102

  • 166 weeks
    "Dark Days" update.

    So I've just finished the rough draft of chapter 1, and am now entering the revision phases. There's a lot of stuff in here that I didn't expect or even think of when I started writing it.
    I don't have a timetable for its publishing, there's some work to be done, but now that I have the majority of the work done, it's all riding the break downhill from here.

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  • 170 weeks
    So hey, an update.

    Been a good while. Just want to let it be know that chapter 1 of "Dark Days of the Unforgiven" is nearing completion. It currently stands at 15 1/2-ish thousand words, and looking good.

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  • 179 weeks
    Godzilla vs. Kong reaction video


    0 comments · 573 views
  • 180 weeks
    Godzilla|Marvel Saga- Book 2: "AFTERMATH ANTHOLOGY"

    For anyone keen to check out a crossover fanfic that has received overwhelmingly positive reviews, I invite you to check out the second volume of my epic crossover between custom version of a Godzilla and Marvel universes.

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    0 comments · 187 views
  • 182 weeks
    I made... a video. So there.

    0 comments · 148 views

New Story Coming soon · 4:54am Jan 24th, 2018

I know I teased it once or twice already, but honest-to-goodness, I really am about to debut a new story very soon. I hope you guys get a good laugh out of it.

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