• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
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More Blog Posts243

  • 7 weeks
    Cancelling The Enchanted Carousel, restarting as a new story

    Hi all!

    I've already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change.

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  • 8 weeks
    Hiatus on Story + Thoughts

    Hi all!

    Just letting you know this story will be hiatus'd for a bit.

    Not because I'm not writing anymore, but because life got in the way so I wasn't able to finish it all in a fugue state as I wanted, and the reality is right now... I am not in the headspace necessary to write it.

    Though, since I'm not doing that, I do at least want to talk about it.

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  • 11 weeks
    Okay, here we go.

    As some folks may know or have seen, I'm currently working on a story that is very important to me. It is still not finished, and will likely be updating in the next following days because I want to write it and get it done in one go.

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  • 23 weeks
    Quick Note re: contacting me!

    Hi all!

    I hope you're doing well.

    I've been meaning to say this for a while, but keep forgetting because my life has been a dumpster fire for the past year, but I did post a fic today so now's a good time as any!

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  • 31 weeks
    Re-uploaded Someone To Hold On To as a complete oneshot


    Just wanted to get ahead of any confusion for anyone following this story to say that I ended up doing a speedrun of the entire thing and then deleted the old chapters and just posted the entire complete story as a new chapter.

    That was it.

    I hope you have been well!

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The Enchanted Library - Book Printing · 10:31pm Jan 31st, 2018

I am currently gauging interest over whether this is something y'all would like. The copy in the photos is my own personal copy, made by Swan Song.


KEEP IN MIND, however, the book above is ONLY Acts 1 and 2. That doesn't have the extra 100k or so of Act 3, and it's already at 800 pages. Please keep this in mind for the second question of the poll.

Comments ( 95 )


gosh it terrifies me how quickly that came out


now if only i could actually afford one :(

I need this in my life O.O

I am indeed interested in buying this book Mono, this has been a terrific book to read.


*twitching in excitement*

*high pitched screaming’


Is that the copy that you got signed by the voice actresses?

I have one concerning question though.... everyone assumes it’s all working adults on here and (I’m almost there but have one more year left) I don’t have a card to pay with. I only have cash. And I would rather not let my parents know exactly what’s going on. Do you think you might have these copies in about a year or two? When I move out to college and can pay you via card??????

...I need that library in my library. :rainbowderp:

oh my LORD.

This is like another form of the bible. The sacred texts of our lesbian horse overlords.

This looks gorgeous!

I haven't read The Enchanted Library yet (but it's definitely on my "To Read" List!), but this looks both beautiful and intriguing.

Might I ask 1: How much a copy will cost, and 2: Who are you using to print these beauties?

Bear in mind my answers past the link are coming from someone who has the whole LoTR trilogy as one book and likes it better that way. :pinkiecrazy:

:pinkiecrazy: Also, Screams in hype :pinkiecrazy:

All in one book (High quality) or all separate, but complete for me.

Would be nice if the side-stories were included somehow. Perhaps in a 2nd printing project involving Kingdom, when it's done?

Oh wow. Congratulations. How awesome is it to have that? How does it feel?

Maybe I'll see my books like that in the future, too. Ahhh, the love of dreams.

Use a pre-paid visa gift card. You go to the post-office and spend real money and they give you a card you can use to buy things online with. I used one to fund the Time Loop Trilogy printing and buy some stuff off bandcamp.

I've been waiting for this day. I'll pay anything under $300.

Very nice.
If I could I would buy one of these in a heartbeat.
I still need to read the fic in question though.

Oh... but my problem is I can’t drive yet... and I don’t think I’d want it in the mail where my parents can find it. This is all like one giant secret.

And what exactly do you mean by bandcamp? Is there supposed to be a space there and you’re in a marching band?

Update: I googled it. Never mind. I’m stupid. Dur.

There is nothing quite like getting to hold your hard work in your own hooves. Congrats. I published my first novel back in 2013. There is no greater feeling then holding your book for the very first time.

If there's one thing about Hasbro's response to the fandom that consistently amazes me, it's how they'll let fanmade works such as this slide as long as it's not rubbed in their faces. And it's made MLP fans go nuts, in a mostly good way, with a level of creativity that is astounding.

Oh, and professionally-printed horsewords suitable for my bookshelf are always appreciated and welcome.


Seriously, though. How in the world did you get to print your fan fiction? I thought the legal implications would be impossible. :rainbowhuh:

It's a gray area, but the main thing is it would be at cost. I'm in no way making any sort of profit out of this.

I know others have done it, so idk how it would go with legal stuff tbh


Smart of them, since fans that are going crazy over their IP will buy their official stuff. Fans they drive away won't.

Refreshing, really, to see a business take the high road to profit.


Shouldn't you be thanking one of the Princesses? :pinkiehappy:

Either Luna, for implanting this in Monochromatic's subconscious through manipulating dreams, or Twilight, for being the Adorkable Inspiration (with props to Rarity, too, since she's a part of that)?

I mean, my lawn guy is exceptionally helpful whenever I have a new ask for him, but he doesn't print books...

I'm down for owning more books.

4786431 That's because if they don't defend the copyright, they lose it.

Thank you for reminding me!! If I were to worship one of teh Princesses I would indeed choose Luna. So thank Luna this has come to pass. And thank YOU for giving me that thought.

Wow this is fast. God speed for good fiction!

Author Interviewer

"Doesn't have the extra 100k" @_@

I can't even

Oh, I know that much about copyright law, and I don't have issue with them protecting their income source. But Hasbro could be a lot more on the hardass side when it comes to shutting down fanworks of this type. And yet, they're mostly willing to let it ride.

4786524 It basically goes like this:

Not trying to make money on something like a story/film? Meh. Go for it.

Using the logo and trying to monetize something we might try to make official (i.e. a video game, a book, etc)? C&D, get off our lawn.

Unfortunately, people get pissy either way. So meh, basically.

This sounds great! Looking forward to the chance to add another book to my collection.

Would greatly enjoy said book(s)


A thousand times yes.

I want ALL OF THEM!!! :flutterrage:

Or like, at least one. Please?

I remember seeing that book when you made your blog post about it, and I was thinking how much i wanted it. Enough to think about doing it myself, which is never as good :derpytongue2:

Enchanted Library is long, yo.

too long sob

That's trademark law, not copyright. They're a little different. :twilightsmile: Copyright cannot be lost, only voluntarily given up (as in the case of Lucas agreeing to Disney buying the rights to Star Wars for enough cash to buy a small country) but trademarks must be defended.

4786623 Meh, fair. Either way, Hasbro has it, so they have to defend it.


Hah! To help me make my decision I thought of the LotR trilogy too and went "I prefer it as 3 smaller books than one big one."

It amuses me how we came to different results from the same point. Man this book would be so cool to have. I just read it recently, but it's easily one of the best fanfics on the site, up there with Fallout Equestia, Starlight over Detrot, and a couple others that have slipped my mind at the moment. I'd love to have this on a shelf to show off to people and say: "Yeah, fanfiction can be great! Here, read this!"

yes, I would say a book an act works best for me but yes

holy fuck yes

Having printed and bound books before, I will say a book an act is not a bad idea.

That being said, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like the proverbial dead tree tome resting upon a table to stop the hearts of bibliophiles in a three mile radius.

I'd definitely be interested as long as the Enchanted Library set would be around $25-$35 total, since of course I'd eventually want Enchanted Kingdom in book form too, and I next to never buy any fan merch, official or fan made, so I just couldn't bring myself to pay $100 total for any merch, despite the amazing glorious perfection of said merch. :raritywink: Cause you know I have mad love for Enchanted Library.
(PS I know it has less loyal followers so it'll probably never get printed once it's compete, but I think I would walk 10 miles in a stinging cold downpour uphill and slap down a crisp $50 for a copy of Death's Stolen Diamonds. Something about that particular alt. universe that is just IT for me!)

Those crazy Pinkie's were not put there by mistake. :raritywink:

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