• Member Since 29th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen April 14th


I'm just here to browse, rate, and favourite stories. Sometimes add to my own. also, we all know Queen Chrysalis is best pony c:

More Blog Posts8

  • 331 weeks
    Holy shit, an update.

    Look, I don't really know how to put this. I'm fucking nervous about posting it, too. But fuck it. It's been too long, and you guys deserve to hear something from me, after all this time.

    Read More

    4 comments · 550 views
  • 508 weeks
    Was told to make this a thing...

    was told to do it by this weirdo We must keep the chain going!

    1 comments · 401 views
  • 530 weeks
    I was told to do this

    1. What is your first name: Evan
    2. How old are you: 15
    3. What country are you from: Down Under (Australia)
    4. What do you really look like, pictures are acceptable: I look like myself, who else would I look like?
    5. What do you wish you looked like: isn't this meant to be 'Who do you wished you looked like'?

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    1 comments · 433 views
  • 545 weeks

    Stuff to do, Christmas stuff to wrap, and I cannot think straight. chapter will be postponed to sometime on the 26th December +10 GMT.
    Until I can think clearly enough to write,

    0 comments · 430 views
  • 545 weeks
    Thought I'd let you all know

    If you think this is bad news, it's not. I'm just letting you all know that chapter 6'll be out on Christmas day (where I am). So until then,

    0 comments · 427 views

Holy shit, an update. · 1:42pm Feb 1st, 2018

Look, I don't really know how to put this. I'm fucking nervous about posting it, too. But fuck it. It's been too long, and you guys deserve to hear something from me, after all this time.

'A Change To My Life' has been sitting there, untouched, and mostly forgotten about for a little over four years now. Now I know that some of you may have genuinely enjoyed it, but honestly, to me, it's just some convoluted crackpot piece of crap that I wrote back when I was young, and probably a little overambitious. Back then, all I wanted to do was become famous within the Brony community. I thought that I'd be best doing that by jumping on the 'Five Score Divided By Four' bandwagon that was going on at the time. And for a few weeks, it worked. Until that fateful day, December 26th, 2013. After that hot garbage that's called the latest chapter got released, I just kind of lost any motivation to move on with the story. I had no idea on how to progress it, and frankly, I didn't even know how to properly write a story. I mean, I still don't really know now, but I didn't know then, either.

Along with that, my visits to various Brony sites, such as Equestria Daily and here, just sorta slowly decreased until there was less than one a month. That's not to say that I left the fandom, or anything, God no. In fact, quite the opposite. I've become quite the prolific artist over on Derpibooru (Mostly NSFW, if you decide to look it up). It's just that I sort of lost interest in these places. I suppose you could see it that I burnt myself reading oh so much fanfiction, and I never really quite recovered from that.

Now, I know that there were things in the past that I said that I'd do, but let's be honest. The me from four years ago doesn't exist any more. I can't keep the promises that he made. Fuck, I can't even remember what the fuck they were. I know that this blog post is a spew of words, but it's been a long time coming, and it's only been now that I've been able to work up the courage to even show my face around. I know that what I did, abandoning a story, was wrong, and that no amount of "I'm sorry" can fix that. Every few months or so I considered coming back and marking "A Change To My Life" as "On Hiatus", but not only would I be lying to you guys even more, but I'd be lying to myself, too. It's about high time you guys at least got a little closure on this mess that's been piling up over the years.

The story, as you know it, will not be completed by me in the foreseeable future. If any of you guys want, I can hand over the rights of the story to someone else (That is, unless FimFic's policy on transferring stories has changed over the years). Someone who knows how to write. Someone who has enough drive to finish the fucking thing. Someone better than me. I'm sorry to the story, for never having finished it, and I'm sorry to you guys, for having led you on this small slither of hope that I'd be completing it some day. I fucked up, and there's nothing I can do to make up for it. These may not be my final words, however, "A Change To My Life" will always be both my first, and final, story.

But do know that I will continue to show up around here from time to time Hopefully more often than "once every quarter". God knows I have a fuckload of catching up to do on unread chapters.

I'm sorry I let this happen,


Comments ( 4 )

It's alright mate, shit happens. Just remember, we will be here if you ever return. :twilightsmile:

Holy crap, has it really been four years? Damn, we guess it has...

another four have past

Time has passed indeed!

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