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Preview on things that are happening and stuff · 1:40pm Feb 23rd, 2018

Hey, yo.

Some of you might already know some of this because I just can't shut up on Discord, but I've been a bit quiet as of late, so I think it's time I mentioned everything about what's going on and what I'm doing. There are several stories I've been working on as of late, the first being Ghost Squad and the rest being some fics I started long ago but never finished or posted.

Before anything, Ghost Squad chapter 12 is finished! (that's why I tagged it) It's been done for a week of two now, and we're all just waiting on Shard to finish his edits. I really don't want to wait much longer, so I'm leaning towards an tentative upload date of Monday. This all depend on how quickly I whine at Shard, and how much time we both have to work on it.

The other two fics, as I said, are some old stories I never finished. I got tired of having these sitting in my folder gathering dust, so i pulled them out with the intent on getting them done. The first is a long-shot featuring everypony's favourite bat pony;

Batsy Fluftentuft The Magnificent Gets out Again already has the first chapter with Shard. I never really set out to update it regularly, so it's always just going to be a story i work on between other ones. The first chapter is with Shard, but I don't see it appearing until some time after GS.

The other one I'm quite excited for is a Best Pony Lyra one-shot featuring Bon-Bon and everypony's favourite little spout:

(extra points if you recognise which episode she was from)

Personally I think it's a bout high time I wrote something with my favourite character.

Oh, and there's also going to a Starlight x Trixie clopfic in the future. More on that in the future!

So yeah, a whole lot of stuff.

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