Wanderer D 5,516 followers · 65 stories

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  • Thursday
    Paul's Thursday Reviews CCCLVIII - It's Showtime Edition

    I've always wanted to start a blog with that.

    Good evening, FIMFiction!

    Those of you unfamiliar with my sleepy avatar, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking: Who is this weirdo and why is he suddenly invading the site-wide news feed? Allow me to illuminate you.

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    43 comments · 1,510 views
  • 122 weeks
    SA: The Last Round

    "So, what do you think, Corejo?" Wanderer D asked, politely showing off the stack of papers in his claw.

    The burlap sack with the printed (in color!) face of Corejo remained silent.

    "I see, yes, yes!" Wanderer D cackled. "Ahahaha! Yes! I agree! This story should do fine! So, who's reviewing it? RT?"

    The sack that had the picture of RTStephens on it tilted just enough for a single potato to roll onto the table.

    "And we have two! Alright, team, I expect you all to figure out who's doing the next one, okay? Let's not keep the readers waiting!" He glanced expectantly at the several sacks with pictures around him. "Alright! Dismissed."


    "Ah, intern. Is that my coffee?" Wanderer D took the proffered mug and downed the contents in one go. "Excellent! No time to rest! We have to edit what the guys just handed to me."

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    110 comments · 9,005 views
  • 143 weeks
    SA: Round 186

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    The Dodge Junction train ramp was not where Floydien expected to be part of a reunion.

    He especially didn’t expect it to happen four times in a row.

    “Wait, Winter? What are you doing here?”

    Winter’s eyebrows raised. “On Summer vacation. What about you?”

    “Uh, same.”


    The two Angels looked to where the voice came from. Cynewulf came running up to them, a wide brimmed sunhat and sunglasses adorning her head. “Fancy meeting you two here!”

    Floydien scratched his head. “Same. Are you on vacation too?”

    “Yep! Had a blast down on the Horseshoe Bay coast.”

    “Well, ain’t this something!”

    All turned to the fourth voice. Knight strode up, his body decked out in fishing gear, complete with a fishing pole balanced over his shoulder. “Haven’t seen so many of us in one spot since vacation started.”

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    12 comments · 4,761 views
  • 158 weeks
    SA: Round 185

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Winter and Knight stared out at the bleak townscape. All around them, the fires raged unchecked as Ponyville's former occupants stumbled mindlessly about, their undead faces ravaged by rot and decay as they moaned for sustenance. Knight turned to Winter.

    "Ready to go?"

    Winter nodded and shifted a backpack. "Got everything with me. I guess it's now or never."

    Knight gave a wry smile. "That's the spirit. You do have your reviews, right?"

    "Of course!" he said, patting his chest. "Right here."

    Knight nodded and said, "Alright, here's the plan: we stick to the shadows as much as possible. From what I can tell, their eyesight isn't that good, but their sense of smell is excellent. We just have to stay upwind."

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  • 166 weeks
    SA: Round 184

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    “I see. Alright, I’ll let him know.”

    Intern twisted a dial on the small mechanical piece attached to his ear, retracting a blue, see-through visor from across his face. He turned to Floydien, crossing his arms. “It’s confirmed. Generation 5 is on its way. Season 2 of Pony Life is just around the corner. And the series finale of Equestria Girls was scrapped for a holiday special.”

    Floydien lifted an eyebrow. “And, what does that mean for us?”

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    10 comments · 4,526 views
  • 169 weeks
    SA: Round 183

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Over their heads the flak guns peppered the sky. The planes roared and sputtered. The clouds were dark, heavy with the child that was war. It was all noise.

    Cynewulf looked around the bend. “You know, I’ve been reading old fics. Remember Arrow 18?”

    Floydien slipped—a Floydien slipped—One Floydien came through the fractured time in the lower levels of the Sprawling Complex. “Uh, human in Equestria?”

    “Yeah. You know, we were probably too mean about those.”

    “They were terrible. I mean some of them. I guess a lot of everything is terrible.”

    “Well, yes. But anyway, I was reading it, and it occurred to me that what I liked about it was that it felt optimistic in the way that Star Trek was optimistic. It felt naive, but in a way one wanted to emulate. To regress back into it.”

    “Uh, that sounds nice?”

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    7 comments · 5,968 views
  • 175 weeks
    SA: Round 182

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    “Okay, Winter, hit it!”

    Winter pulled a lever that ignited a rocket placed underneath the communal Christmas Tree. The tree blasted through a cylindrical hole and out into the skies beyond. It only took seconds for the tree to become a tiny red dot against the blue sky.

    Winter stepped away from the control panel and down to where Intern was standing behind a fifty-five millimeter thick glass wall. “We could have just picked up the base and tossed it in the garbage bin outside, you know.”

    Intern scoffed. “Yeah, we could, or we can go over the top in a comedic and entertaining manner that leads into our reviews.”

    “You’re getting all meta, now.”

    “Exactly! On to the reviews!”

    ROUND 182

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    6 comments · 7,992 views
  • 179 weeks
    SA: Round 181

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    For the first time in the year that he worked there, FanficFan finally experienced quiet in the Seattle’s Angels Compound. All the other reviewers had gone home for the holidays, leaving him and Intern to submit the last round of reviews of the year. However, with Intern off on an errand, FanficFan was left alone.

    With stories ready to be read by his partner, all the reviewer could really do was wander around the empty building, taking in all the holiday decorations left behind from the Office Christmas Party a few days prior, like office space holiday knick-knacks, lights strown about the ceiling and wreaths on nearly every door. Plus, there was some leftover cookies and egg nog, so that was nice. 

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    8 comments · 6,407 views
  • 183 weeks
    SA: Round 180

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Cynewulf lay in a grassy field. This was a curious occurrence, as the Seattle Angel’s Dyson Sphere-esque compound basement labyrinth did not usually have grass. 

    But like she had many times before, she’d been teleported here, and whether or not the sky above her was real or not, she didn’t mind. The grass was nice, and the wind was nice, and whatever happened happened.

    There was a great crash and Corejo stumbled into the grass to her right.

    “Oh, god, are we out? How did—”

    “No clue. I suspect that it’ll just take us back anyhow. Did you have the reviews? The machine came for me a few days ago, so I’ve got mine.”

    “I… Uh, I was late. I mean, we both are, unless you’ve been here for days.”

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    9 comments · 8,163 views
  • 188 weeks
    SA: Round 179

    Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

    Winter peered cautiously out the corner of the broken window, surveying the damage outside. He turned to his companion.

    "Looks like we're trapped in here," he said quietly.

    Intern grunted and adjusted the bandage on his arm. "Nothing we haven't gone through before." He looked up at Winter. "Got your reviews?"

    Winter nodded and patted his chest pocket. "Right here, where they're safe." He turned and looked once more out the window. "Now, it's simply a matter of getting through all those ponies." Winter shuddered as he took in the horrors before him.

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    10 comments · 5,262 views

Story Reviews » SA Reviews #123 · 5:36pm Feb 25th, 2018

Seattle's Angels is a group that promotes good stories with low views. You can find us here.

The pillars rose up around him, towering over Corejo like judgmental parents. On top of the pillars stood the Pillars, looking down on him like disappointed parents.

“This council of Equestria’s first league of extraordinary gentlecolts—”

“And three gentlemares!”

Starswirl rolled his eyes. “Yes, quite.” Clearing his throat, Starswirl continued, “find you, Corejo, guilty. Stygian, read him his sentence.”

Stygian, who wasn’t standing on any of the pillars, unfurled a scroll and began reading. Corejo could have sworn his voice sounded familiar. “You are hereby sentenced to review on a tight deadline. You will have to forsake the niceties the Seattle’s Angels grant their employees in order to make your due date.”

“How’s that any different than what normally happens around here…” Corejo muttered under his breath.

He didn’t mutter quietly enough. “Silence!” Starswirl bellowed. “You will leave immediately and report back once you have finished and not one second sooner!”

“Yes, of course, I’m already on it.” Sighing against the overblown theatrics of it all (seriously, he was beginning to miss Ferret’s usual antics), Corejo left the cavernous room to get to work.


A tiny filly stands on an open plain. Somewhere in the distance a fleeting glimpse of white leads her on, her heart yearning towards it. A dark power wearing her face attempts to stop her. And as she dreams, and wakes, and seeks, she finds that nothing is quite what it seems...

A more somber story for you all in this pick. But don't let that dissuade you!

Here we have a Luna story, written awhile back for a Luna group contest.  Coincidentally, it won, and it’s clear why once you give this a read.

Over a Cardboard Sea begins with a filly Luna looking up at the night sky.  But something’s wrong.  Something’s missing.  She sets out in search of this missing something, but it proves more elusive than she first realized.  But there’s a creature, a shadow, dogging her every step.

What appealed to me in Cardboard Sea wasn’t so much the line-by-line writing, but the unfolding of events and how each bit of information is slowly fed to the reader, how Luna becomes more aware of her situation with every scene building toward the climax.  And the climax itself is so pitch perfect to the story.

Don't pass this up.

Going a bit oldschool here, what with this being a Luna/Nightmare Moon story. However, while this may be tried and true ground, it’s the imagery that sets this one apart. Not surprising, since this takes place through a series of dreams.

One of the more frightening things I can imagine is not knowing who I am. That theme is used throughout the story as Luna slowly pieces together the fragments that make her who she is. Nightmare Moon certainly doesn’t help as she dodges Luna at every turn, forcing Luna to confront things that she doesn’t want to admit to herself.

The final piece for Luna to claim shouldn’t come as much of a surprise if you’re following along with the imagery angle. I found it sweet, even if the ending leaves some room for interpretation. It’s worth checking out, so do so!

Rarity Teaches Rainbow Dash Prench.

God, I love me some good, old-fashioned college humor.

There’s no short supply of that in here.  From the get-go, we get a laugh-inducing story about Rainbow Dash trying to sneak into the library to finish a French essay she botched (a perfect joke of its own accord), only to be caught by Rarity, who happens to know French.  Because why wouldn’t she, being the young entrepreneur she is?

Every bit of this story is either a joke or a lead-in for the next, executed nigh flawlessly thanks to Scotters’ characterization of Rarity and Rainbow Dash.  The way the two play off each other is a work of art in and of itself.  I was getting funny looks from my co-worker while reading this because I couldn’t keep the grin off my face, and I kept laughing like an idiot every other second.

It’s short, punchy, and doesn’t hold back on the humor.  That is, if it’s your kind of humor.  The sex and profanity tags are warranted, but are squarely the point of this fic.

If crude humor dissuades you, then first off, shame on you.  But yeah, second off, keep clear of this one.  If you’re a fan of sex jokes and witty banter, you must read this.  It will surely make your day.

You may be leary of the Sex and Profanity tags attached to this one, but nothing explicit is ever done. Everything written here is done for comedy, particularly the ending. The language never goes beyond some semi-lewd remarks.

If you can get beyond that, and with Rarity being a touch flirty, then I think you’ll get a good chuckle out of this. Rainbow Dash comes off as her usual macho self that just makes her more adorable and Rarity is in top form with her insistence on helping Rainbow Dash write a paper.

With so little interaction between Rarity and Rainbow Dash in the Equestria Girls setting, this helps fill that void. So go read how the girly-girl helps out the overcompensating jock with a bit of wordplay thrown in for good measure.

Princess Celestia has inspired many writers, artists and poets over her centuries as both ruler and Princess of the Sun. Now she invites one pony to do a special task for her.

A tale of poetry, pornography, puns, printing presses and pretty pony princesses.

A fanfic about Princess Celestia's private porn stash? It's more true than you think!

And also not so much. What we have here is a fresh spin on a few old tropes, that of Celestia's immortality, and another that would be a spoiler to say here. Needless to say, this was an excellent integration of both.

This story is viewed through the eyes of a pegasus named Tercet (let that name sink in), whom Celestia commissions to restore the precious tomes and parchments in her private library. No easy feat! Nor is the weight of its significance lost on Tercet as the mystery as to why Celestia wants these manuscripts completed and in such a short amount of time.

The feels are solid throughout, and the edge of mystery keeps the carrot dangling exactly where it needs to be. A definite frontrunner for Stories I've Read Recently.

We had a story earlier about Luna and her fall, a pervy story involving Rarity and Rainbow Dash, and now a combination of the two with Celestia. See? It’s poetry, it rhymes!

So yeah, this is my surprise standout for this round. It starts off low key, with Celestia making a request from a publisher named Tercet to catalogue some private content inspired by the Sun Princess herself from all the ponies she’s met throughout her reign. Some of it is… risque, and Celestia gets some major best pony points by being her trollish self.

Then we start to learn exactly when this story is taking place and the whole reason behind this cataloging becomes clear. I was moved by it and its implications on Celestia's character. Some really good insight on just what she’s been through and what’s she’s sacrificed to get where she is today.

Definitely a worthy read. We’re going the extra mile this round to bring out the feelings!

It's been a dozen centuries since Discord's cousin Hades sold his former realm of Tartarus to Celestia and Luna, and now he's decided to get back into the game with another realm, a lighter, fluffier realm of daydreams that he calls Mythos. Visiting Rainbow Dash on Nightmare Night to recruit her as a professional daydreamer, Hades sets eyes on Fluttershy, and, well, a myth's gotta do what a myth's gotta do...

Gotta give zany Discord shenanigans some love every once in a while, right?

So Discord's cousin Hades pays Rainbow Dash a visit, touting her as the poster filly of daydreaming, and he wants to cut her a deal in a little project he calls Mythos—the land of daydreams. At first it seems like the opportunity of a lifetime. But things quickly stop adding up, and Rainbow Dash finds herself on the bad end of a hoofshake.

Restating my leading note, what really sells this fic is Discord being Discord. Augie Dog knows his quirks and general aloofness, and it shines as well as bright as the master of tricks and tomfoolery would want.

To be fair, Discord’s a natural foil to everybody, so he gels pretty flawlessly with any character he's paired with (or against, depending on how you want to look at it). But that doesn't lessen the natural feel of his and Dashie’s banter.

To that end, there's plenty of clever Discord phrases, like “Claws clutching the coconut, Discord swallowed, a clattering sound rattling down his neck like pebbles through a rainspout.” Rainbow Dash gets a handful of her own, a little favorite of mine being “Whatever worry Dash had been feeling about Hades kidnapping Fluttershy—and she hadn't been feeling all that worried, she told herself quickly—but that one little bit of it that had been congealing in Dash's gut like a lump of flight camp oatmeal, it was now dissolving quicker than dew on a summer morning,” From the same scene, and so many more besides.

It's the longest fic in this round, clocking in at about 18k words, but it's definitely one to toss on your to-read pile.

This story has a little bit of everything: adventure, drama, some romance, and a dash (meh) of chaos. It was quite the experience and left a satisfied feeling in my gut. Like eating some good pumpkin pie sorta feeling.

Whatever, this was pretty fun to get through. The jumble of genres flows smoothly from setup to world setting disaster with Rainbow Dash in the middle trying to fix things. Speaking of Dash, Rainbow proves herself to be clever when she needs to be, and she definitely needs to be in this situation. Fans of hers will get their pie and eat it too! And considering how much Rainbow Dash doesn’t like pie, just imagine how good it is to eat h—

Okay, I’m stopping this train of thought. Just give this a go and you’ll find plenty to enjoy.

Corejo dropped his reviews down on a raised podium set in the middle of the room. “There. Done, and on time.”

Starswirl narrowed his eyes. “Stygian, if you would.”

Stygian trotted up towards the podium and levitated up the pieces of paper. Just as he turned to take them away, Corejo stuck out a foot. The scrawny colt yelped and tripped, falling face first into the floor. His head popped off, skidding across the polished tile. Corejo ignored it, instead focusing on the head that was sticking out of Stygian’s stump of a neck. “I knew it was you.”

“Ignore the man behind the pony!” came Starswirl’s frantic roar.

“Shaddap.” With a press of a switch on his cuff, the pillars and the Pillars winked out of existence, leaving the room bereft of equines. “I could have stopped this earlier, but I wanted to see how far you would take it.”

Intern climbed out of the Stygian costume and crossed his arms with a huff. “Yeah, so? Is it wrong that I just wanted to have a little fun? Gotta do something during this hiatus.”

“True. But all that time setting this up means you’ll have less time to get your reviews in.” Corejo pressed his cuff button again, the Pillars appearing around Intern.

“Am I right?!” Starswirl boomed in Corejo’s voice.

Intern “eeped”.

Feel free to visit our group for more information and events, and to offer some recommendations for future rounds. See you all next time!

Report Wanderer D · 4,113 views ·
Comments ( 13 )

Over a Carboard Sea is great! Nice to see it getting some love! :O

Author Interviewer

Aw yeah, Over a Cardboard Sea! :D

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. My personal favorite of my stories.

Also, I think I need to read Princess Celestia's Private Library. It sounds right up my alley.

How do I stop getting notified by these?

Just type "unsubscribe."

Cardboard Sea is very worthy and I look forward to reading the rest!

At the top of your Feed, there's an "Options" button. Click it, and turn off "Social Site Posts".

Wanderer D

4805208 Pretty much what 4805219 Horizon said, just bear in mind that Site-announcements related to site updates, backups and such will still appear on your feed, although those happen with a lot less frequency. Just a clarification.


Okay, thank you. Not that I have any dissenting opinion of these posts, it's just that they're not my thing.


You guys always padding my RiL.

I half come here for the stories, half come for the dumb shit Intern/squirrel/whoever get into.

Mostly the squirrel.

And that rare 10% come here to find out what the heck the other Angel’s are getting up to...

Apparently, rebuilding their office.

Thanks, folks!

Alas, last year's "Jinglemas" collection has been taken down, but River Road--I think it was--wrote a gift story for me inspired by this one in which Discord's cousin Krampus comes to visit Ponyville for Hearth's Warming Eve. So I think we need to hear from all of Discord's extended family...


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