• Member Since 15th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen April 14th



More Blog Posts102

  • 166 weeks
    "Dark Days" update.

    So I've just finished the rough draft of chapter 1, and am now entering the revision phases. There's a lot of stuff in here that I didn't expect or even think of when I started writing it.
    I don't have a timetable for its publishing, there's some work to be done, but now that I have the majority of the work done, it's all riding the break downhill from here.

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  • 170 weeks
    So hey, an update.

    Been a good while. Just want to let it be know that chapter 1 of "Dark Days of the Unforgiven" is nearing completion. It currently stands at 15 1/2-ish thousand words, and looking good.

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  • 179 weeks
    Godzilla vs. Kong reaction video


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  • 180 weeks
    Godzilla|Marvel Saga- Book 2: "AFTERMATH ANTHOLOGY"

    For anyone keen to check out a crossover fanfic that has received overwhelmingly positive reviews, I invite you to check out the second volume of my epic crossover between custom version of a Godzilla and Marvel universes.

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  • 182 weeks
    I made... a video. So there.

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New story ideas. · 10:55pm Apr 8th, 2018

So I’m thinking of putting the pieces together for a brand-new [non-pony] crossover story, or rather a three-part series of stories with a larger narrative. Let me know what you think.

It’s a cross-between a Connery/Moore style James Bond, and a few Batman villains. I got the original idea last year when me and a couple friends were coming up with ideas for fantasy matches, and one of them was a three-way narrative between James Bond, Jack Bauer, and Two-face.

What I want to do, is basically do a ‘soft-merge’, wherein I blend the elements together without going too far into the depth of the crossover. Basically, what that means is that it’ll be a James Bond story, but with the Gotham villain retaining perhaps 80-90% of their more fantastical features. As opposed a more complex and amalgamated crossover like the G|M saga.

The first mission would concern a disgraced psychologist, who after being run out of his profession for unethical experiments on patients, becomes obsessed with exacting his revenge and proving his theories current. Via a series of incidents wherein people (targeted and opportunity) are exposed to a toxic gas that drives them into hysteria. The man eventually takes on a gruesome disguise to personify his obsession, the Scarecrow. “You think you know fear, Mr. Bond? I will show you true terror, and drown this city in nightmares!”

The second mission would feature a mysterious figure who seduces rich men, robs them of their wealth, then vanishes when their bodies turn up. The case comes to Bond after it’s discovered that the woman has come to possess top secret information about British Intelligence and looks to sell it to the highest bidder. No one knows her real name, but in smoke-filled nightclubs and other playpens for the wealthy elite, she’s known as Poison Ivy. “Mr. Bond, I hope you’ll pardon me, I’m afraid you’ve caught me in a state of nature. But I’m sure we can come to an arrangement if you just, come a little closer.”

The third mission would start out with the news of a military coup in South America, with a British intelligence team stationed there suddenly gone missing. Turns out the actors behind the coup hired an infamous mercenary to provide the deadliest muscle and enact their plans. But at some point, things went sideways when they discovered that their hired help had plans of his own, namely robbing them blind of gold and weapons. British Intelligence believes that this man has the missing team, to what end remains a mystery. He is an opponent that even 007 fears he may not be able to overcome. “You are a resourceful man, Mr. Bond, and I respect your courage. But now... now I must break you.”

Comments ( 1 )

Since nobody else is commenting, I'll say that this does sound like an intriguing concept to explore.

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