• Member Since 31st May, 2012
  • offline last seen June 18th


Bringing personal and commission horse words to you over a cup of steaming Earl Gray! I write in many genres, for all audiences. Check my library bookshelves for convenient sorting of my stories.

More Blog Posts297

  • 73 weeks
    Mail, Comments, and Catching Up


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    0 comments · 288 views
  • 94 weeks
    Not Dead!

    Go figure, huh!?

    I know, I know, I said I wouldn't, but fell off the grid, and I'm aware that I haven't even responded to messages on here in a couple of years.

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    0 comments · 325 views
  • 246 weeks
    Wet Pussy III: Tit Fracas - New Today

    Hello Everypony,

    Yep, I did it again. What began with me just being sick for a few days and desiring to entertain myself just became a trifecta of misunderstanding madness. Not sorry! :rainbowlaugh:

    Anyway, good to see you all, as it is good to chatter with you on Discord. Don't be strangers and enjoy! :heart:

    0 comments · 1,395 views
  • 256 weeks
    Goodnight, Bronycon...


    I'm sorry, but by the quiet glow of a city soon to wake at 4am, I don't have it in me to say much more. The hardest part is not going back to life. It's going back to a world where none of this is really understood.

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    7 comments · 2,230 views
  • 256 weeks
    Really Now

    So I'm looking over the performance of my stories, and it occurs to me.

    You people just want me to write about mares with ahems, don't you.

    Yes, that's a highly technical term.


    9 comments · 1,372 views

I Totally Got Older Today · 2:33pm Apr 9th, 2018

....and I bet I'm older than you!

Anyway, a friend gave me this. It has manticores and stripey stocks and it's awesome :heart:

Happy day, everypony! :yay:

Comments ( 9 )

happy birthday

Happy birthday. :pinkiehappy:

:pinkiegasp: Also my birthday is tomorrow!

To you as well then!

Thank you!

Happy birthday! And I'll take that bet. :derpytongue2:

Happy Birthday, and I raise you 62 years old.

You've got me curious now!

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