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Alicorn Reviews: Surf and/or Turf Review · 8:45pm May 9th, 2018

A new edition of Pony Central is up, and we get treated to another CMC episode. Ever since the Crusader received their cutie marks in Season 5, the girls have been on a role helping others. The CMC even helped a griffon named Gabby try to get her cutie mark despite that her kind can't. I'll be honest about these fillies, I was never a fan of them and these kids have never stuck out with me once. However, I'm not saying they are not good characters as they have provided unique and fun moments. I can understand why they have such a following among Bronies and it's their charm of kids growing up. Fans have watched these girls grow from patiently waiting for their cutie marks to now going through the struggles of using their talents. I may never be a fan of these girls but the appeal of watching them grow is very understandable.

The episode is a first for the Crusaders as up until now they have always helped ponies (aside Gabby)find their talents. Now, the Cutie Map has summoned the Crusaders to a friendship problem much to their delight. Not only is this the first time the map has calledthem but it's leading outside the boarders of Equestria. The map calledthem to Mount Aris in Seaquestria and a Hippogriff/Seapony named Terramar needs help solving an issue. It turns out that he has become divided between staying with his mother in the ocean and wanting to live on Mount Aris along his father. The Crusaders must help convince Terramar over a family problem on where he should live. These episodes involving other characters with the map has helped putthem in different situations. It also takesthem out of their comfort zone when solving problems and growsthem as characters.

Surf and/or Turf Review

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