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Retro Corner: Super Star Wars (Super NES) Review · 9:30pm May 17th, 2018

A new edition of Retro Corner is up, and I’m checking out Super Star Wars for the Super NES. It's another year and a new Star Wars movie hits theaters next week once again from the Mouse Empire. Ever since Rogue One saw a release in 2015, Disney has come out with the “Star Wars story” as one of their yearly films. We all know why Disney is producing these annually movies and its to make back those 400 billion dollars they spent on Lucas Film. The Mouse Empire, after releasing the creative disaster known as the Last Jedi last year, is now trying to get back the viewers they lost. Now, gee whiz why is that? Maybe it's because the Mouse Empire produced the worst Star Wars movie ever? Of course, Disney is trying to capture the Original Trilogy fanboys and Purists with a Han Solo film.

As for the review, Super Star Wars was part of the lineup for the Super NES where it would follow the Original Trilogy. As you noticed by the title picture, the game follows A New Hope as you go across Tatooine and the Death Star facing off against the Empire. Unlike the NES version, the Super NES edition saw development from Lucas Arts, a game studio under Lucas Films. That means this isn't considered a license title when the company owns the studio that produces it. The gameplay is that of a 2D action platformer as you take control of Luke, Han and Chewbecca. The Star Wars title also takes advantage of the Super NES's Mode 7 graphics. It was a special effect in gaming that was often used for games such as F-Zero, Super Mario Kart and Contra 3. Of course, this was before the Super FX 1 and 2 Chips came out for gaming during the Mid 90s. The developers used this style for certain levels as you will see during the Death Star space level. 

Super Star Wars (Super NES) Review

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