• Member Since 10th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen April 3rd


A hobby writer with a flair for the equine, and catering to his inner child when he can!

More Blog Posts45

  • 241 weeks
    Long overdue update.

    So MLP has reached its finale at last, meaning it’s high time I step up and let everyone who’s still curious to know what’s been going on and what the future will hopefully hold.

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    3 comments · 998 views
  • 267 weeks
    Seath's size problem.

    I figure it's time I stop being annoyingly silent on an issue many have asked about and confirm that yes, I'm listening:

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    13 comments · 692 views
  • 282 weeks
    Happy New Year everyone! How about some story progress?

    So, finally, it's here! One of the most trying years for many of us is at last concluded, and I wake today to a cold, clear and sunny first day of 2019. Really, really hope that's an omen of things finally changing for the better cause I daresay we all need it.

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    3 comments · 436 views
  • 300 weeks
    Few more teasers, just a few months late. XS

    I know I promised this back in July but, well, if you saw my blog from there, things have continued to be rough in real life. Thankfully it looks like that may at last be changing so I've found the vigor to get back to writing again.

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  • 302 weeks
    'Romancing the Recently Revealed Robot' isn't dead yet, it just needs some help...

    Wanted to post this after checking in here and noticing the above series has found its way into a few collections that have been labelled as variations on 'dead series'. I accept full blame for folk thinking that, but if it matters at this point, I'm not giving up on my Spike x Sweetie Bot scenario just yet. It's just fallen by the wayside as attention has naturally gravitated towards 'Scaleless'

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    2 comments · 382 views

Going to give this 'teaser' thing a try. · 3:49am May 24th, 2018

Since Dark Souls Remastered releases tomorrow, and with it my hopes of once more joining folk online in many an epic trial are reignited, I should probably mention a bit about what I've been doing these past few months in regards to my little tribute of gratitude. Trying to build up a buffer of content again (I know, should've been an obvious step seeing as I was doing it when I first started this series. I'm just that stupid.) but hopefully these will whet some appetites.

Least I hope they will. Mmm, might as well make the attempt :twilightblush:

“So, at last after a thousand and some years, the truth of a matter that has troubled my mind and plagued my dreams for my entire life is revealed, with the asking price merely being the loss of my empire, my palace, all my pretty slaves, and oh yes, my life! ” Sombra warily mused as he looked up at the towering silhouette of Kalameet. Against the void of the Abyss, the black dragon better resembled a ghastly shadow than a physical being, with the light of his single red eye providing the only means to distinguish his form from the darkness around him. Well, if nothing else, that was at least something he and Sombra had in common.

“The kingdom thou hast made possible shalt be thine again in due course. The visions Manus hath shown me do speak of how the equines do keep its splendor perfectly preserved.” The dragon sighed. “Thus before we commence with this, the most critical step, I must ask of thee, my son: dost thou know and accept what is to be done?”

Sombra snorted softly while rolling his shoulders back and cracking his neck. He felt very queer in his newly reborn body. As far as he could tell, every part of him was as it should be, yet he could still recall the moment of his demise in terrible clarity. Even as he looked at his legs and watched the muscles in them flex and ripple in natural harmony he remembered the moment they had shattered along with the rest of him upon being hit by the power of the Crystal Heart, and the repulsive love and hope culminated from the souls of all his former subjects. Even as naught but the silence of the Abyss enveloped him, in his mind Sombra still heard that final sentence from the one known as Princess Cadance, echoing in his every thought like a mocking taunt from the heavens.

"Use the light and love within you to ensure that King Sombra does not return!"

With a scowl, Sombra slammed his hooves onto the ground and met Kalameet’s gaze with renewed venom.

“I know and accept what needs to be done as far as it involves kicking those freeloaders out of my palace, punishing my slaves for their treachery, then seeing about getting my revenge on those who forced me into 1,000 years in stasis, then killed me when I was finally released.” The umbra unicorn snorted with growing suspicion. “It’s what comes after that I’m not so sure of.”

Charging his horn, Sombra fired at a spot on the ground. His spirits lifted as a twisted spire of black crystal erupted from the point of impact. Okay, at least he had some of his previous power still to command.

“My entire life I’ve known I’m no ordinary being. No other pony has the abilities I do, nor is able to endure the torture I’ve endured. You’re saying I have you to thank for that?” He queried.

Kalameet looked to the black crystal. His chest swelled slightly in a manner almost like paternal pride.

“That and much more. T’is time thine mind is put at ease on a great many things, and thus thou shalt be focused, calm and read for this, our most greatest challenge.”

With the black blade of her rapier gleaming in the pale light of the Ash Lake, Rainbow Dash stretched her wings and stared back at the slowly retreating basilisk.

“You know, weird as it is to say this, but you’re probably the least ugliest thing I’ve run into today.” She taunted. “No exposed bones, no cracked and rotting skin, no tentacles, no crystal spikes growing out of you...just those weird extra peepers...”

The pegasus raised her gaze to meet the two giant bulb like eyes resting atop the basilisk’s narrow wedge shaped head. Their unblinking forms bounced and jiggled like two giant balls of jelly, which gave Rainbow pause as she lowered her gaze to see a second, much smaller pair of eyes glaring at her from either side of the creature’s snout.

“Seriously can you actually see out of all those eyes? Like in...uh...4D or something? Or are the big ones just for intimidation? Like that weird caterpillar Twilight showed me once, who’s rear end was shaped like a giant fanged-”

The basilisk suddenly leaped almost two feet in the air, propelling itself backwards to land against the trunk of the great hollowed archtree leading out of Ash Lake. Rainbow promptly straightened her stance and levelled her rapier at the creature, watching as it threw its head back to reveal the weird balloon like sac under its chin was rapidly inflating with air.

Rainbow grimaced and then sighed as she jumped just like the basilisk, only to then start flapping her wings and thus keep herself hanging in the air as an enormous gust of dark, putrid mist was spat out across where she’d just been standing.

“Again with the breath? Come on, that’s like, the fourth time you’ve tried that!” Rainbow chided as the basilisk ran out of breath and clutched itself to the tree trunk, panting heavily while watching its prey. Rainbow solemnly stared back at it as she slowly lowering herself to the ground again.

“Is that the only thing you can do? Not gonna try to cut me up with those claws on your toes? Or chew me up and spit me out with those teeth?” She asked. The basilisk silently glowered at her.

“You’re kidding me. So everything else in this world shares a love of trying as many different ways as possible to kill me, but you, you’re a real one trick pony? Or one trick frog? Salamander? Whatever!” Rainbow huffed. “I’m not seeing what the fuss Aurelia was making about you was for.”

The basilisk seemed to take offense at Rainbow’s lack of appreciation for its skills. It promptly threw its head back and filled its body with air as before, which, as expected, had the same effect on its prey as before.

“Yeah, yeah, so you can breathe real deep. So what? You’re not preparing to go diving or run a steeplechase are you?” She said while lifting herself up in the air again. The basilisk exhaled all the cursed mist in its lungs, letting out a pitiful cough as Rainbow waited for the mist to dissipate, then landed on the ground again. It spat in her direction, and Rainbow duly drew her blade.

“Okay that’s it, find the book that’s not where it should be.” Twilight gently coaxed as the ghostly claws felt about the bookcase in front of her. Their gnarled, warped talons raked and scraped at their task with a most displeased nature, yet as Twilight fed more magic to her catalyst they reluctantly obeyed her orders.

“I know there’s at least one that’s amiss here. I can just sense it. Come on, find it for me.” The alicorn pleaded. Around her sat several half-melted candles, each mounted in a small bowl full of molten wax. Their status testified how long Twilight had been working to master the latest spell Seath had shown her, and the frayed look of her mane and coat testified how often her practice had ended in less than pleasant results. Nevertheless, Twilight was sure she had it this time. The cursed claws hadn’t attacked her right off the bat, nor after she’d given them their instructions. She had them doing as she ordered for almost five whole minutes. That was at least some sign of progress.

“Come on, you can do it...” Twilight said while mopping her brow. “Where is...oh?”

Her catalyst rattled in her trembling hoof as one of the claws closed its fingers around the spine of a very large, brass bound tomb.

“Did...did they find it?” She hesitantly whispered.

The claw paused in its act, fraying Twilight’s nerves further as it debated on what to do.

Finally, to her delight, it pulled the book out of the case.

“They found it! Finally! Okay, now, bring it over here!” She exclaimed in relief.

The ghostly limb stretched itself like taffy over to the alicorn, holding the book firmly in its gnarled grip.

“That’s it! Now, put it down.”

The claw paused again.

“Huh? Hey, I said put it down!” Twilight ordered, her enthusiasm abandoning her as swiftly as it had arrived when the claw refused to obey. It hung in the air with the tome dangling in its fingers, like a fishing hook teasingly offering the promise of bait. Twilight fed as much magic into her catalyst as she could, trying to project her instructions without stepping closer.

“Come on, just....let it go!” She begged.

The claw shook in annoyance, and finally spread its fingers to allow the book to plummet to the ground, making the entire wing echo with its explosive impact.

Twilight jumped as the sudden shattering of the already uncomfortable silence proved enough to even get through the ivory wax she’d stuffed in her ears. Dropping her catalyst she mopped the sweat from her brow and let out an exhausted groan.

“Let it go...ugh....okay well technically it did what I told it to.” She sighed while getting up to retrieve the book. “At the very least, let’s see what this is and why it was moved to the wrong spot. Looks like an important work, going on the polished brass plating and...”

Twilight reached for the book, and then froze. Despite her ears being firmly blocked and guarded against all possible sound, her innate ability to sense magic told her something was about to make her day even worse than it already was.

Cursing her momentary lapse in caution, the alicorn threw herself backwards, away from the book. From the bookcase the other cursed claws stretched out to again grab her and make her suffer for daring to treat them like her servants.

Once more Twilight felt the agony of thousands of slivers of a black, ice cold essence cutting deeply into her brain with the screams of a thousand terrified voices. Her coat bristled as her body felt like it was being flayed by a hundred tiny knives. She scrambled to drag herself away from the bookcase, pulling herself over by the fountain in the middle of the room where she was out of reach of the claws. Still they descended to bury their talons into her being, to wrench out and crush the final bit that was preventing her from completely breaking down, from becoming a frenzied, hollow beast.

Comments ( 3 )

You set out to write a teaser and succeeded well, you darn tease. :trollestia:

I have seen the network test and I am honestly disappointed with DSR. All I will say is they did very little to improve it. Although the DS3 password system is a nice edition.

Nice teaser I definite want to see more

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