• Member Since 2nd Aug, 2013
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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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The Bridge Chapter 44 Promo · 7:00pm May 25th, 2018

A few minutes later, Flash was trying to get them to Sunset Shimmer’s apartment at the speed of his namesake. As they rode, Lea was able to observe the five humans in detail. While she hadn’t spent as much time with the Element Bearers back in Equestria as she did with Twilight Sparkle, she was familiar enough with them personally and by word of mouth to figure out their characters. For the most part, things seemed fairly similar with this group to an almost uncanny degree. The differences seemed more slight than anything else, such as the human Applejack not having as thick of an accent due to possibly growing up in a town rather than raised in a barn or this Fluttershy being marginally even less talkative than her equine counterpart.

Flash Sentry was a bit of an outlier as the most she knew of his Equestrian counterpart was that he was tutored by Twilight’s older sibling and was mostly in the Crystal Empire as part of Princess Cadance’s entourage, as Lea never really met him in person. One thing she did notice however was this one’s interactions with Twilight. The hint of red in Twilight Sparkle’s face when they spoke and her adjusting her hair subconsciously was obvious to both Lea and, evidently, the other females in the car. But what got Rarity muttering something to Applejack was Flash’s reactions; or lack thereof.

-He’s being courteous enough, definitely a kind soul and acknowledging her; but his mind is elsewhere even if he’s trying to hide it.-

Lea puzzled as she saw how even when the car was stopped and Sentry was talking to someone, even Twilight, he barely looked over at anyone to talk and instead had his eyes transfixed on something unseeable ahead.

-Sentry’s not ignoring her but... He’s not nearly as reactive as she is, or receptive. Everyone’s focus is on Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash mostly, but there are some things unspoken.-

She sighed and leaned back in her seat, trying to relax and meditate to both make light of the situation and focus on her powers to try and rein them in. They were there for sure, but in this new body she could tell she wasn’t at 100 percent. She’d need to practice or at least hone herself. Fighting without flight, if it came to that, was going to be hard enough. And then there was the matter of Rainbow Dash’s attacker.

“Applejack,” Lea noted calmly whilst keeping her eyes closed.

“Hm? Ye’?”

“What was Rainbow Dash’s description of her attacker again?”

Coming This Afternoon!

Comments ( 4 )

Good stuff! Can't wait for the full chapter!

Hurray! Another upcoming chapter for this marvelous story!

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