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Charles Spratt

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Every episode of My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic RANKED. · 7:21pm Jun 10th, 2018

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. No matter how much I think about it, this show’s success is still shocking to me. This should be a show that only appeals to little girls, and yet, with its likeable characters, interesting ideas, and writing that usually manages to be funny and heartfelt, it managed to garner a passionate, borderline fanatical fanbase filled with folks of all ages, genders, and nationalities that’s kept it going strong for 8 seasons now. No denying it, that’s something truly special. So, in honor of this show’s legacy (and my complete lack of a life), I’ve decided to do something that no one else has ever tried to do and rank every single MLP episode, starting with the one I think is the worst, and ending with the one I feel is the best. Why? Because that’s just the kind of sad, pathetic man child of a pioneer that I am.

Let’s make the rules clear. First, the only thing an episode has to do to be on this list is 1: be officially made by Hasbro, and 2: be standard episode length (22 mins or 44 mins, if two parter). This means that I’ll also be including some of the EQG specials on here, if they fit the criteria (i.e. Friendship Forgotten and the three Movie Night specials). However, I’m not including movies, as I don’t feel it’s fair to compare a 20 minute story with one that lasts for over an hour, so MLP: The Movie and the EQG films are sadly disqualified, as are any of the two minute EQG shorts. Second, if an episode consists of multiple parts (like A Canterlot Wedding, for example), then I’m just going to judge all the parts as a whole, rather than individually, since I feel that you can only really get a good feel for a story once you’ve seen it all. 3rd, some of the episodes have changed places since my last descriptions of them, so just because an episode is higher or lower ranked in a past blog doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be that way here. And finally, this is obviously not an objective list, as the only thing that determines where an episode is ranked is how much I liked watching it. I’ll include a brief explanation of my thoughts for each episode to help explain my reasoning, but you are guaranteed to disagree regardless, so feel free to share your thoughts.

Well, I think that’s all, so without further ado, sit back and enjoy. This is every episode of MLP ranked!

In my opinion. Which is subject to change. Let's go!

174. Not Asking for Trouble (Season 7)

Twenty one minutes of agonizingly slow boredom, complete with two terrible lessons for the price of one.

173. Dragon Quest (Season 2)

An episode that not only portrays everyone but Spike as a jerk, but also implies that if you’re a male who doesn’t like girly things, you’re an actual psychopath. What the hell.

172. Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep? (Season 5)

An episode that implies that the heavily guilt stricken/depressed can get over it simply by deciding to get over it, as if it’s that simple. Yeah, if an episode’s message or implications are so appalling that they actually make me mad, then it deserves to be here at the bottom of the list.

171. The Cart Before the Ponies (Season 6)

The older siblings act more childish then the actual children, the CMC don’t say anything about it for most of the episode for no reason other than the moral requiring it, and the episode fails to be even remotely entertaining throughout.

170 .Non-Compete Clause (Season 8)

Pretty much nothing but arguing and selfishness. You could literally replace all of AJ and Rainbow’s dialogue with the phrase “no u”, and it wouldn’t change the story in the slightest.

169. Owl’s Well that Ends Well (Season 1)

Everyone is horrible with how quick they are to give the same praise to Owliscious that they only gave to Spike after months, Twilight is horrible in how she acts with Spike, and the closest thing to humor in the episode is an unfunny version of ‘Who’s on First?’. Just… no.

168. Boast Busters (Season 1)

I agree with most people when they say that Trixie is the best part of this episode. So when I think Trixie’s the best part of the episode, while still not liking Trixie in the episode… well, then you can see why this ranks so low.

167. Spike at your Service (Season 3)

Why is Spike such a klutz? Why are so many members of the main cast so casual about eternal servitude (i.e. slavery)? Why is it that AJ and Fluttershy are the only characters who aren’t horrible in this? I have absolutely no idea.

166. Rainbow Falls (Season 4)

An episode where the comedy is cringeworthy, the reasoning for Rainbow being stuck with Flutters and Biceps (and them sucking as badly as they do) doesn’t make sense, and the Wonderbolts are portrayed as manipulative pricks. At least the setting’s nice?

165. Party Pooped (Season 5)

Bless Pinkie’s heart, she’s trying her hardest. However, even a good Pinkie portrayal doesn’t help much when surrounded by a supporting cast that manages to be both infuriating and boring at the same time, and a resolution that doesn’t make sense when considering how the yaks had acted prior.

164. May the Best Pet Win! (Season 2)

Basically 22 minutes of animal abuse.

163. Princess Spike (Season 5)

See previous, but replace the word ‘animal’ with ‘power’.

162. On Your Marks (Season 6)

This episode feels like two completely different yet equally dull scripts being clumsily crammed together, mixed in with way too much Applebloom moping. Never before have I seen a more clumsily written episode.

161. One Bad Apple (Season 3)

A bullying episode with an unbelievably fast transfer of Babs from visitor to bully, and one of the most stupidly oversimplified messages in the entire show. A great song number really is the only thing that saves this episode from getting any lower.

160. Where the Apple Lies (Season 6)

Funny story: I actually hadn’t seen this episode until I started this list. I thought I had, but realized after looking over plot summaries that I mistook this episode for another one. I bring this up because I want to make it clear that if I hadn’t messed up, this would’ve made the bottom five of season 6 for sure. It’s nothing but Applejack constantly digging everyone into a bigger hole with her lies, which becomes really old really fast. Add in a complete lack of comedy and you’ve got an episode that’s rotten to the core.

159. No 2nd Prances (Season 6)

Everything I’ve said about this episode in the past remains unchanged, but after Friendship Forgotten came along and showed us that a friendship between Trixie and a reformed villain could be done without everyone involved being portrayed as a complete asshole, this episode suddenly became a lot worse for me.

158. Honest Apple (Season 7)

Applejack completely forgets what empathy is for the sake of the moral. It’s about as bad as it sounds.

157. Fluttershy Leans In (Season 7)

If it weren’t for the fact that Fluttershy’s characterization was so iffy at best and horrible at worst that it literally had her screaming at her friends for merely suggesting ideas, this episode would merely be bad, thanks to bad characters, the cause for the conflict being nonsensical, and the humor being nonexistent. With it, it stands as a dramatic over correction with nothing else to save it.

156. Power Ponies (Season 4)

Really cool idea, but it is let down heavily by some really cringey puns, horrible characterization of both Spike and some of the main 6, and some really dodgy pacing.

155. Grannies Gone Wild (Season 8)

Another instance where Applejack ruins everything. The only reason the conflict happened at all was because she made that darned list, which ruined the fun for both the characters and myself.

154. Baby Cakes (Season 2)


153. The Show Stoppers (Season 1)

Just because you’re being intentionally cringe worthy doesn’t make it any less cringe worthy, guys.

152. Somepony to Watch Over Me (Season 4)

Oh look, yet another episode where Applejack ruins everything! Why is this trend a thing? At least this one has a couple of creative ideas in it, even if it doesn’t do much with them.

151. A Bird in the Hoof (Season 1)

Fluttershy is an actual criminal in this episode. I’m not kidding.

150. Trade Ya! (Season 4)

I don’t know what’s worse; the fact that Rainbow Dash is willing to sell her best friend for a book, or the fact that Fluttershy doesn't object to being sold for a book.

149. All Bottled Up (Season 7)

When this episode isn’t being painfully predictable for me, it’s busy portraying Trixie in what is easily her most punchable portrayal so far.

148. The Best Night Ever (Season 1)

Quick tip, writers: If you spend a large amount of time building up an event in a story (like multiple episodes worth of time, just to give an example), maybe don’t have the eventual event it’s all leading up to be such a dull and disappointing anti-climax for the audience? Just a thought.

147. Uncommon Bond (Season 7)

Starlight has such an absurdly one track mind in this episode that it’s incredible that she ever managed to make friends in the first place.

146. What About Discord? (Season 5)

You just know an episode is bad when even Discord can’t make it entertaining.

145. Every Little Thing She Does (Season 6)

I still hate how this episode basically serves as a checklist of all the things that made Starlight Glimmer so despicable, but I will admit that the decent humor did help it in the rankings. I’ll take what I can get, guys.

144. Crusaders of the Lost Mark (Season 5)

Okay, I know that this episode is beloved by most, but between a lightning fast redemption that failed to feel earned or believable, a high influx of irritating yet forgettable songs, and the fact that the CMC’s cutie marks come off as an afterthought more than anything, this episode only manages to feel like a waste of two great ideas for me. While it may have ended up placing a little higher than I thought it would, I still really do not like this episode at all.

143. Appleloosa’s Most Wanted (Season 5)

Arguably the most boring and forgettable episode on this entire list.

142. Leap of Faith (Season 4)

Only slightly less boring and forgettable then Appleloosa’s Most Wanted.

141. The Parent Map (Season 8)

I’ll give this episode some credit; it manages to be just as irritating and uncomfortable as an actual visit with parents who are severely disappointed in you, so I can at least sort of sympathize with the characters.

140. The Times, They are a Changeling (Season 6)

I admire this episode for what it was trying to do (shining a light on racism), but it’s heavily let down by a predictable storyline and one of the worst resolutions in the entire show.

139. Simple Ways (Season 4)

It’s not much fun to watch Rarity embarrass herself just to impress an obnoxious character.

138. The Crystalling (Season 6)

Aside from one or two moments, it’s really boring.

137. Apple Family Reunion (Season 3)

Just like a real bad family reunion, this episode will go on for longer than you want it to, several cousins will irritate you, and you’ll leave with a resounding feeling that you just wasted your time.

136. The Mean 6 (Season 8)

Like The Elements vs. their Fiercest Enemies, this is disappointingly anti-climactic for such an interesting idea.

135. Celestial Advice (Season 7)

It’s disappointing that the first major Celestia episode tells us nothing that we didn’t already know, and ended with a resounding feeling that nothing was really accomplished.

134. The Cutie Pox (Season 2)

This is what happens when you stretch a cute five minute concept into a twenty two minute episode; it doesn’t go well.

133. Bridle Gossip (Season 1)

I don’t know what it is exactly, but something about the characters in this episode just really rub me the wrong way.

132. Just for Sidekicks (Season 3)

I’m not sure why a season that was only thirteen episodes long needed an episode that’s essentially just filler, but there you go.

131. Look Before You Sleep (Season 1)

It’s a slumber party, but with Applejack and Rarity acting like five year olds. Oh joy.

130. Games Ponies Play (Season 3)

Feels about as pointless as Just for Sidekicks, but some better slapstick helps it place a little higher.

129. The Ticket Master (Season 1)

At its best, it’s mediocre but cute. It’s not like that very often for me.

128. The Maud Couple (Season 8)

Good idea on paper, and I like the moral, but Pinkie comes across as way too obnoxiously selfish for my tastes.

127. Rock Solid Friendship (Season 7)

Pretty much the same issue as The Maud Couple. At least the comedy’s a bit better here.

126. Swarm of the Century (Season 1)

The Parasprites are a really creative idea, but everything else about the episode is just bland, and I don’t like the fact that Pinkie never explains her plan to anyone.

125. Testing Testing 1,2,3 (Season 4)

Why is it that literally every single one of Rainbow’s friends know more about the Wonderbolts then she does?

124. The Cutie Remark (Season 5)

This episode creates multiple timelines, and if the episode set its focus on any one of them, we probably would’ve gotten a more interesting finale. Instead, we get glimmers of potential buried under one of the most laughably rushed redemptions ever.

123. Made in Manehattan (Season 5)

It’s not a good sign when the only thing I remember from this episode is that AJ gets a new, identical looking hat.

122. Putting Your Hoof Down (Season 2)

I love Iron Will to pieces, but it only goes so far when everyone else (aside from Rarity and Pinkie) is portrayed as a jerk, and Fluttershy ends up stiffing Iron Will because her taking the advice way too far is his fault somehow. I do think this is a necessary episode for Flutters character development, but it’s just too mean spirited in execution.

121. Dungeons and Discords (Season 6)

The visuals are cool, and Discord is funny as usual, but like Putting Your Hoof Down, everyone is far too much of a jerk for me to really enjoy it.

120. Griffon the Brush Off (Season 1)

At least this did some good stuff for Dash’s character. Aside from that though… bleh.

119. The Mysterious Mare do Well (Season 2)

On the one hand, the idea is cool and this episode has one of my favorite scenes in terms of character development. On the other hand, every character is an absolute jerk at one point or another, and going behind Rainbow’s back to do this felt like a pretty jerky move for friends to do. It’s not the anti-Christ that Bronies claim it is, but I can’t call it a good episode either.

118. Bloom and Gloom (Season 5)

It has some good visuals, as most Luna episodes do, but seeing the same scene play out over and over hurts it a fair bit, and it gets boring pretty quickly here.

117. To Change A Changeling (Season 7)


116. Applejack’s “Day” Off (Season 6)


115. Sweet and Elite (Season 2)

See the last two entries, though a decent song does help this one stand out a bit.

114. Fame and Misfortune (Season 7)

Even ignoring the fact that this episode is implying that anyone watching the show who isn’t a little girl is impossible to reason with and a straight up jerk, the analogy the episode is trying to make doesn’t fit with what is said (both that the journal (show) isn’t meant for marketing (bullshit), and the implication that the fandom (readers of the journal) believes that the main characters are just characters, even though they’re real (which is absolute nonsense, since FIM and its characters are all fiction)), and the song ‘Flawless’ doesn’t really fit with the analogy the episode was making either, and as a result, this episode’s writing is a mess when it’s not just being overly mean. Still, Starlight’s pretty likeable and the comedy was pretty good, so it’s not a total flop either.

113. A Flurry of Emotions (Season 7)

If you’ve ever seen a ‘babysitting gone wrong’ story, then you’ve seen this.

112. Call of the Cutie (Season 1)

I think this episode would be pretty decent if Applebloom wasn’t so whiny in it.

111. Filli Vanilli (Season 4)

Didn’t we already do this sort of thing in Hurricane Fluttershy, and do it a lot better there? All this episode does is solidify that Fluttershy desperately needs professional help.

110. Marks for Effort (Season 8)

For about the first half, this episode sits at G3 levels of saccharine, which is pretty tedious to sit through, but the 2nd half does manage to throw in some interesting twists that I didn’t see coming, which does help it out a bit.

109. The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 (Season 2)

This episode has its moments, but it doesn’t really leave much of an impact with me one way or the other. Probably the most mediocre episode of the show.

108. It ain’t easy being Breezies (Season 4)

I love the moral, and think it’s a great one for Fluttershy, but everything else about the episode is just kinda there.

107. Triple Threat (Season 7)

This episode’s issue just kinda sorts itself out without Spike’s help.

106. Scare Master (Season 5)

The final 3rd is superb, but it can only help so much when the first two thirds is just watching Fluttershy’s stupidly excessive paranoia ruin the fun for everyone without anyone trying to reassure her that her fears are unfounded, which is incredibly irritating.

105. 28 Pranks Later (Season 6)

Sometimes the pranks are entertaining, sometimes they aren’t.

104. A Friend in Deed (Season 2)

It’s worth mentioning that, while making this list, I accidentally forgot to include this episode until all of the other episodes had already been ranked. Let that serve as a sign of how this episode didn’t leave much of an impact. With the exception of the top notch Smile song, this episode really doesn’t stick with me at all, and at points Pinkie can be too annoying for her own good. The Smile song does carry this well above other forgettable episodes, but even that only goes so far.

103. Green isn’t your Color (Season 1)

Not much to say. This episode is alright. It’s fine. It amuses decently enough, but it doesn’t leave much of an impression afterwards.

102. Viva Las Pegasus (Season 6)

Same as the previous episode, but I found that this episode has a more enjoyable setting that makes it the slightly better experience.

101. Stare Master (Season 1)

The CMC are kinda annoying, but it’s an okay Fluttershy episode otherwise.

100. Fake it ‘till you Make it (Season 8)

This episode is just really weird, man, I don’t know how else to describe it. Either Fluttershy is the best method actor ever, or she’s being possessed by multiple outfits at once. Either way, it’s really bizarre to watch, and it’s the only episode on the list where I’m not really sure where to place it. Still, I’d say my experience was more positive than not, so… number 100 it is.

99. Newbie Dash (Season 6)

I’m still not quite sure why the fandom was so eager to crucify such a middle of the road episode like they did. I like the Wonderbolts camaraderie. I like the fact that Dash finally achieved her dreams. I like a fair amount of the humor (though the impersonation stuff was way too cringy). However, I really find Dash pretty annoying here, and it feels like this conflict is way easier to solve then the episode seems to think it is. It’s an okay episode overall, but it could’ve been stronger.

98. Ponyville Confidential (Season 2)

Don’t do gossip, kids.

97. The Hooffields and McColts (Season 6)

It’s around this point that I realize that I’m running out of ways to say that an episode is okay. This episode’s cute with an interesting setup, but it’s not all that memorable either.

96. Hearth’s Warming Eve (Season 2)

Fairly interesting episode with some neat Equestrian lore included.

95. Family Appreciation Day (Season 2)

Pretty much the same kinda deal, but replace ‘Equestrian’ with ‘Ponyville’.

94. Buckball Season (Season 6)

Buckball Season is one of those episodes that I want to like a lot more than I actually do. Buckball seems like a pretty fun game that could actually exist, and it’s fairly fun to watch, but something about this episode’s pacing and AJ and RD’s lack of understanding that putting that much pressure onto Flutters and Pinkie is dumb rubs me the wrong way.

93. Castle Sweet Castle (Season 5)

Fun while it’s on, though I struggle to remember much after I finish it.

92.Top Bolt (Season 7)

I like the new characters backstories and them once they start helping each other out, and the humor is pretty funny, but the relationship between them starts off as a bit too cancerous for my tastes.

91.Hearts and Hooves Day (Season 2)

Cute episode that’s only let down by way too much baby talking, which gets annoying after a while.

90. Horse Play (Season 8)

While I don’t like the ‘liar revealed’ angle this episode takes, there’s no denying that watching Celestia’s impressively bad acting is a joy.

89. Equestria Games (Season 4)

While this is a pretty good Spike episode, I really wish I could see more of the games or something, since this episode got so much buildup and all. I don’t know, it just feels like it could’ve been so much more.

88. Three’s a Crowd (Season 4)

Discord is very entertaining and the monster in the end is a cool addition, but aside from that this episode is surprisingly mediocre.

87. Rarity Takes Manehatten (Season 4)

A decent Rarity episode that shows the cons of being both too generous and not generous enough.

86. Dance Magic (EQG Special)

What I said about Rarity Takes Manehatten also applies here, but I think it’s slightly more enjoyable here.

85. Canterlot Boutique (Season 5)

It’s satisfying to see Rarity achieve her goal, and the message is pretty relatable to anyone who’s stuck in a job they hate, but everything else is fairly middle of the road.

84. Friendship is Magic (Season 1)

While it’s outclassed by most of the other season openers, it’s still a nice and creative introduction to these characters and their world.

83. Applebuck Season (Season 1)

Pretty good lesson about being too stubborn alongside some decent slapstick.

82. Mirror Magic (EQG Special)

I like the interactions between Sunset and Starlight, the imagery and ideas are neat, and it ends in a very satisfying way. However, I was and still am really irked by Starlight having to be the sole savior to everyone in EQG on her very first visit, which ultimately knocks it down a few pegs (yes, I can be petty.)

81. A Dog and Pony Show (Season 1)

Rarity is surprisingly both very competent and amusing in this episode. Doubly impressive when you consider that she spends most of it “enslaved”.

80. The Crystal Empire (Season 3)

Half of it’s a really cool exploration of the Crystal Empire with cool lore, creative visuals, and Spike being incredibly useful… and the other half is the main 6 trying to entertain the crystal ponies in a somewhat unentertaining way.

79. A Health of Information (Season 7)

Fairly solid Fluttershy episode with some very interesting lore.

78. Keep Calm and Flutter On (Season 3)

It’s hard to complain about getting more Discord from a selfish perspective, and Fluttershy’s patience and kindness is to be admired, even if the other main 6 aren’t really admirable here.

77. Hard to Say Anything (Season 7)

Big Mac fights a Backstreet Boy for the heart of Sugar Belle. If that sounds entertaining to you, then you’ll almost certainly like this.

76. Forever Filly (Season 7)

A charming and sweet episode about growing up, though the fact that Rarity had clearly spent quality time with Sweetie recently (Sweetie has her mark in the photo, for crying out loud) does hurt it somewhat.

75. Secret of my Excess (Season 2)

Interesting episode about dragons and their lore.

74. Spice up your Life (Season 6)

It’s decently enjoyable in every major category, though the portrayal of the critic is… way too nonsensical.

73. Magic Duel (Season 3)

An episode that tells us more about Trixie whilst providing some really neat visuals.

72. P.P.O.V (Season 6)

While the fact that we’re seeing essentially the same story with slight tweaks three times in a row hurts the episode a bit, the idea is interesting, the insanity is fairly solid fun, and I generally enjoyed myself.

71.Twilight Time (Season 4)

A cute episode that gives the CMC some decent development.

70. Castle-mania (Season 4)

Ya like Scooby Doo? Well, you’ll probably enjoy watching the Main 6 explore a Scooby Doo castle, even if the mystery is kinda obvious.

69. Movie Magic (EQG Special)

Ya like Scooby Doo? Well, you’ll probably like this, since the only thing that separates it from a Scooby Doo episode is the fact that the villain doesn’t dress up as a monster. Aside from that, it’s a Scooby Doo esque mystery executed fairly well.

68. Hearthbreakers (Season 5)

A heartwarming Christmas episode with a decent lesson about traditions, and how sharing them can make them both even better.

67. Magical Mystery Cure (Season 3)

While the pacing here is a mess, I really like the music, the ideas are interesting, and the fact that it felt like a satisfying resolution for Twilight’s character is really nice.

66. Shadow Play (Season 7)

This is another episode I feel I should like a lot more than I do. I mean, I do like it; the villain’s interesting, both visually and backstory wise, the interactions between the Elements of Harmony and the original pillars of virtue are generally pretty cool, and it’s nice to see Starlight has a niche that the other Main 6 lack, but I don’t know, it feels like something is missing. Maybe it’s because there’s not much interaction between the elements and the pillars, maybe it’s the fact that most of part two is spent reading, or maybe it’s the personal issue where it seriously cheapens the Sirens, but it feels like this episode could’ve been so much more if it just had more time. Still a solid finale, though.

65. Inspiration Manifestation (Season 5)

Rarity goes absolutely insane, and Spike gets a good lesson about how telling the truth to someone you love is important when they go too far.

64. Party of One (Season 1)

Pinkie goes absolutely insane, and we get a good lesson about not assuming the worst of your friends.

63. Slice of Life (Season 5)

Everyone involved in the episode’s creation is insane, but I’d say I’m the most insane of them all, because this episode has grown on me tremendously. If I just turn off my brain and ignore the complete lack of structure and the iffy bit where the Main 6 get the door slammed in their face, then I get a really entertaining episode with a good lesson about how everyone has a tale to tell, and no one is worthless. Congratulations for being my most improved episode, Slice of Life.

62. The Saddle Row Review (Season 7)

This is another episode that’s grown on me a fair amount, with an interesting and unique presentation, some good jokes, and a satisfying climax making up for a first act that’s a little too slow for my tastes.

61.Feeling Pinkie Keen (Season 1)

Really funny episode with some really great slapstick. Shame the moral can be easily taken the wrong way.

60. Winter Wrap Up (Season 1)

Enjoyable all around episode.

59. Maud Pie (Season 4)

The contrast between Maud’s dry sense of humor and Pinkie’s wild enthusiasm makes this episode really entertaining, and the ending is really sweet.

58. It isn't the Mane Thing About You (Season 7)

Well dang, Rarity pulls off the punk look really well, and both the humor and the ‘shine from the inside out message’ are pretty good, even if it’s applicability to the episode is a bit questionable.

57. Over a Barrel (Season 1)

A really funny episode about the importance of compromise. I like it.

56. Luna Eclipsed (Season 2)

Luna’s a mare out of time, and it’s a ton of fun to watch.

55. It’s About Time (Season 2)

Twilight Sparkle attempts to destroy time. It’s about as interesting and amusing as it sounds.

54. Fall Weather Friends (Season 1)

An enjoyable episode that teaches the lesson of what happens when you get too enveloped in the competitive spirit.

53. The Breakup Breakdown (Season 8)

Somewhat predictable and occasionally confusing storyline, but a lot of really good humor really carries it.

52. Campfire Tales (Season 7)

Three really interesting stories about legendary figures from Equestria’s past. It’s pretty cool.

51.Discordant Harmony (Season 7)

Not only is Discord funny in this episode, but it also portrays him as the most human and sympathetic he’s ever been.

50.The Gift of Maud Pie (Season 6)

It’s the Gift of the Magi with ponies. As long as you’re okay with that, you’ll enjoy the likeable characterization and solid humor.

49. To Where and Back Again (Season 6)

Is the setup contrived? Absolutely. Is the resolution a bit of an asspull? Indeed it is. Is it more than worth it to see Starlight and Trixie at their most likeable, alongside enjoyable performances from Thorax and Discord? You better believe it.

48. Surf and/or Turf (Season 8)

A cool CMC episode that builds upon the events from the movie. Quite a pleasant surprise.

47. The Last Roundup (Season 2)

With or without Derpy, this is a solidly entertaining episode that portrays everyone quite well.

46. Brotherhooves Social (Season 5)

While I’m not a big fan of the whole ‘guy in drag’ joke thing (Mrs. Doubtfire is the only instance I’ve seen where I laughed), this episode’s great heartwarming characterization of Big Mac and Applebloom more than makes up for it.

45. The Fault in Our Cutie Marks (Season 6)

Gabby is charming and lovable, as are all of the CMC, and the way they solve the problem is both cute and clever.

44. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils (Season 4)

Really nice episode about Sweetie’s inner demons and feelings of inferiority with some excellent visuals courtesy of Luna.

43. MMMystery on the Friendship Express (Season 2)

Really funny tribute to Agitha Christie, as well as film in general. The only issue is that the mystery is so obvious that they have to hide the evidence to make it function as a mystery.

42. Too Many Pinkie Pies (Season 3)

A funny Pinkie episode that plays with flanderization, whilst simultaneously giving us a really great portrayal of Pinkie Pie.

41. A Hearth’s Warming Tail (Season 6)

Ya like A Christmas Carol?Well, this is MLP’s charming take at that classic, which it does pretty well.

40. Pinkie Apple Pie (Season 4)

A family road trip that manages to capture all the ups and downs of such an endeavor, whilst being quite entertaining in the process.

39. The Cutie Mark Chronicles (Season 1)

A really interesting origin episode for the Main 6.

38. The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone (Season 5)

Wow, you actually made Gilda likeable with a well-executed redemption, alongside a funny episode. Well done.

37. Flutter Brutter (Season 6)

Arguably the best episode for Fluttershy’s character, arguably the worst in terms of new characters introduced, unarguably sweet and heartwarming throughout.

36. School Daze (Season 8)

Season 8 managed to make the simple prospect of the Main 6 creating a school interesting and entertaining, whist simultaneously adding a really likeable bunch of new characters from all across the nation. Oh yeah, and it does the racism spotlight thing from The Times, They are a Changeling, except this time it actually does it pretty well. Color me impressed.

35. The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows (Season 5)

An incredibly funny Pinkie episode.

34. Daring Done (Season 7)

With cool lore in a cool location with a really interesting story and satisfying resolution, Daring Done shows that even my least favorite of the Daring Do episodes is still better than 80% of the show’s episodes. I just wish RD would stop being a Damsel in Distress, because it’s getting old.

33. The Cutie Map (Season 5)

An unsettling yet enjoyable episode with some really heavy nods to Orwell and a nice resolution that stood out as unique at the time. Shame that Sugar Belle is the only Ourtownian who ever actually went anywhere.

32. Suited for Success (Season 1)

This episode managed to make a story that’s essentially about sewing dresses and little else entertaining and satisfying, while providing a good lesson about not taking charity for granted and showing why Rarity deserves her moniker as Element of Generosity.

31. Molt Down (Season 8)

A surprisingly funny Spike episode that provides a good amount of growth for him, and introduces some really interesting ideas about both dragons and the wildlife of Equestria.

30. A Canterlot Wedding (Season 2)

This honestly feels like it could function as an honest to god Disney movie if it were longer, and that’s something that I’m never going to dislike.

29. Parental Glideance (Season 7)

It mixes comedy and drama masterfully, it tells us a lot about both Rainbow and Scootaloo in an interesting and efficient way, and it’s quite satisfying from beginning to end. The only thing holding it back is a very unbalanced, one sided moral that, while still serviceable in the version we have, really should’ve portrayed the conflict with more shades of grey then it did.

28. Read it and Weep (Season 2)

A surprisingly meta episode (I think most of us had a similar reaction to Dash when we discovered that we enjoyed this show) with some great action.

27. Secrets and Pies (Season 7)

The comedy reminds me of a Spy vs. Spy comic in how creatively it pulls off its one joke and keeps it entertaining the whole way through, which is a good thing. The solid depiction of the lesson is also really nice and surprisingly smart.

26. A Royal Problem (Season 7)

Easily the most enjoyable thing Starlight has had a role in to date.

25. Daring Don’t (Season 4)

A really cool and fun adventure with an excellent lesson about not putting others on so high of a pedestal that you lose sight of your own worth, and the fact that it portrays Twilight and Rainbow as fans so well is the icing on the cake.

24. Tanks for the Memories (Season 5)

A really fun episode that gives a solid moral about accepting the loss of a loved one in an enjoyable and tactful way.I legitimately never expected to see MLP tackle an episode about the five stages of grief, but man am I glad they did.

23. Flight to the Finish (Season 4)

For a while, this was the best CMC episode out there, thanks to its solid portrayals of the CMC and how far they’d come, good humor, and really powerful message about not letting what you can’t do affect your view of yourself.

22. Make New Friends but Keep Discord (Season 5)

In my opinion, this is the single funniest episode of the entire show, and the fact that it also served as the turning point for when Fluttershy actually began taking her development into account makes it even better.

21.Marks and Recreation (Season 7)

My personal favorite CMC episode. I found Rumble’s views interesting, the CMC incredibly likeable and enjoyable in performance, the humor top notch, and the ending to be incredibly satisfying. The moral of Flight to the Finish may be more powerful, but Marks and Recreation is easily the most fun I’ve had with the CMC yet.

20. Wonderbolts Academy (Season 3)

I love the rivalry between Lightning Dust and Rainbow Dash, I love the portrayal of the Wonderbolts as a group, and I love how this episode gave Dash some of her best character growth to date and showing that she is more than worthy of being a leader. I just wish the ending was a little less rushed.

19. Princess Twilight Sparkle (Season 4)

A really cool way to start my personal favorite season. We got to see amazing moments from Equestria’s past, the humor is top notch (due in no small part to Discord), we got to see that Twilight really did deserve the roll of princess she’d been bestowed through her leadership in crisis, and it gave us the magic box, which was something to look forward to in later episodes of the season. Just an awesome episode from beginning to end.

18. Sisterhooves Social (Season 2)

Incredibly heartwarming episode, especially if you happen to be an older sibling yourself.

17. The Mane Attraction (Season 5)

Great music, great humor, likeable characters except when they’re supposed to be hateable, and a really heartfelt ending. Strong from beginning to end.

16. Rarity Investigates (Season 5)

An incredibly entertaining homage to Film Noir, and probably the best mystery episode we’ve gotten to date. I really like the interactions between Dash and Rares, and the style is incredibly absorbing.

15. Once upon a Zeppelin (Season 7)

Iron Will is just as fun as ever, but he’s almost overshadowed by the great characterization of the Sparkle family and the really solid dilemma that ends on a perfect message.This episode is just straight up fun, and I really liked it.

14. Sonic Rainboom (Season 1)

This was the episode that made me a Rainbow Dash fan. It showed that RD was more than just a loud sportsy egotist, and did it in quite an entertaining way. For me, this was the moment this show went from being pretty good to being great.

13. Dragonshy (Season 1)

This episode does for Fluttershy what Sonic Rainboom did for Rainbow Dash. The thing that makes this episode slightly better was that it was an adventure episode, which it pulled off quite well, and I feel the showing of Fluttershy’s strength as a character is a bit stronger than in Sonic Rainboom, even if some of her later episodes kinda screwed that up.

12. Bats! (Season 4)

A surprisingly dark yet funny episode with interesting ideas, a great thematic setting, a top tier song, and two great lessons for the price of one. What more could you ask for?

11.Gauntlet of Fire (Season 6)

A really awesome episode that does justice for both Spike’s character and Dragons as a whole. Ember is likeable and awesome, the action is incredibly entertaining, and the episode manages to be a lot of awesome fun, even if parts of it feel a bit rushed.

10. The Return of Harmony (Season 2)

Whether you’re new to the series or a returning veteran, this episode stands high with great humor, a great introduction to the characters, a top notch villain in Discord, and some of the most creative visuals I’ve ever seen.

9. Hurricane Fluttershy (Season 2)

Easily the best Fluttershy episode to date. Not only are the characters likeable, the jokes decently funny, and I can’t help but respect a surprisingly blunt bit where it shows that sometimes, even your best isn’t enough, but few things in the show are quite as satisfying as watching Fluttershy overcome her inner demons and give just enough power to make the cyclone work.

8. Stranger than Fan Fiction (Season 6)

My personal favorite Daring Do episode.From the entertaining action to the good humor to the great portrayal of fans to my personal favorite moral in the entire show, this episode is just non-stop enjoyment from start to finish.

7. Lesson Zero (Season 2)

There’s nothing more I can say about this episode other than Twilight going insane is one of the most incredible things to watch ever, and this episode finally gets rid of the first season’s issue of having to shove Twilight into every episode, which is great.

6. Forgotten Friendship (EQG Special)

The best EQG thing we’ve gotten since 2014, and arguably even better than that. This episode has it all, really; it resolves several loose threads with Sunset’s character, it presents an interesting concept in a believable way, it has the most relatably human antagonist in MLP to date (pun not intentional), and it ends on a strong note that shows that Sunset is a selfless hero who’s more than willing to sacrifice herself to save her friends, which helped to cement her as my new favorite character in the show. This might’ve been my number 1 if the way the villain was foiled wasn’t so reliant on layer after layer of lucky coincidences.

5. Sleepless in Ponyville (Season 3)

An incredibly charming episode that really gave me a newfound appreciation of the relationship between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, and the interesting dream world visuals are a nice little bonus.

4. Pinkie Pride (Season 4)

It’s a Pinkie Pie episode that contains her best characterization yet, some really enjoyable and fun songs, a lot of decent humor, and oh yeah, it also guest stars Weird Al, which is just as enjoyable as it sounds. Nothing short of excellent from start to finish.

3. Twilight’s Kingdom (Season 4)

Easily the most epic episode we’ve received to date, with an incredible villain, some awesome action scenes, and a final song that’s so satisfying that they could’ve ended the series there, and I would’ve been more than satisfied. Awesome doesn’t even begin to cut it.

2. Ammending Fences (Season 5)

My personal favorite Twilight episode. Not only does it serve as a great showing of just how far Twilight has come as a character, but it’s filled with some really enjoyable characterization of both old characters and new ones, it’s filled with some pretty solid humor, and it ends on one of the most heartwarming notes of any episode in the entire show.

And my number one episode of the entire show so far is, say it with me now:

1.The Perfect Pear (Season 7)

Yeah, I know. Sorry for being so predictable, but I really did love pretty much everything in this episode to pieces. I love the romance, I love the characters, I love the message of burying the hatchet, I love the song they sing halfway through, and I even love how it doesn’t entirely make it clear what their ultimate fate was, leaving the door open for future elaboration from fans and the show alike. It’s sweet, it’s charming, and it’s my personal favorite episode to date.Thanks for the memories, you old crab apple.


God, that took so much longer to make then I expected. Will anyone read through it all? Who knows? If you did, thank you for hearing me out. So, what's your favorites? How wrong am I? I look forward to hearing from you. Charles Spratt out! Cheers :pinkiesmile:

Comments ( 12 )

The fact that I actually took the time to make this thing is very concerning for me. Was it worth it? Probably not.

I can't really rank the entire series.
I can rank the episodes of a season, the episodes that focus on a specific character or group, and the seasons overall, but that's it.

I CAN give you my top and bottom episodes, though.

My top 20 in order:
Crusaders of the Lost Mark
The Parent Map
The Perfect Pear
The Mean Six
Molt Down
Shadow Play
A Royal Problem
Parental Glideance
Marks for Effort
To Where and Back Again
School Daze
Surf and/or Turf
Fame and Misfortune
Uncommon Bond
To Change a Changeling
All Bottled Up
Every Little Thing She Does
No Second Prances
Marks and Recreation
The Fault in Our Cutie Marks

My bottom ten:
Griffon the Brush Off
Dragon Quest
Bird in the Hoof
Secret of my Excess
One Bad Apple
Apple Family Reunion
Somepony to Watch Over Me
Leap of Faith
Appleloosa's Most Wanted
Lost Treasure of Griffonstone

Wow. Great list. I agree with most of it.

Yeah, that's more or less how I expected your list to look. To each their own, I suppose.

But I'm a bit curious about your thoughts on the episode Non Compete Clause from this season. I personally thought it was a trainwreck, but what did you think of it?

I thought it was pretty amusing.
It wasn't great, but it's not one of the worst episodes of the season.

For me, the weakest episode of the season is Grannies Gone Wild.

I overall agree, though I think 174 and 172 are a bit harsh.

If it's any consolation, Number 172 would've almost certainly made the top 100 if the implications didn't come off as insulting and counterproductive (I probably would've still hated 174 even without the bad messages, though). However, as I've said, if an episode makes me angry (which so far, only three episodes have managed), it deserves the bottom of the list.

Fair enough. I personally didn't find it that insulting, but then again, my overall emotional state is likely not the same as others.

I think it’s more my mindset then yours. That lesson struck a personal chord with me. I’m sure you can figure out why.

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