• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I'm a shameless neckbeard who has a knack for writing a LOT of smut. I have an Official Patreon page (Patreon.com/TheVClaw), and I also take commissions to help support myself as a freelance writer.

More Blog Posts531

  • 17 weeks
    First post in 2024 -- Technical Difficulties

    Hey, guys! I know its been a while since I made a blogpost, but I've been preoccupied with writing out commissions to keep up with bills. I also recently moved to a new place (dont worry, this one was planned better than the cross-country move back in 2022), and I've been settling nicely. I've been fortunate enough to work on a new series of my own accord titled 'To Nerd A Bird,' but at the

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    0 comments · 357 views
  • 32 weeks
    Someone has to say it...

    15 comments · 624 views
  • 35 weeks
    It's my Birthday! (Also, Patreon Updates)

    Hey, y'all! As of today, I'm now a whopping thirty-three years old! I know that isn't really a big deal, but it's a good enough excuse to swing by here and explain where I've been.

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    9 comments · 470 views
  • 45 weeks
    Commissions Still Open

    Heya guys! I finally finished a good amount of my backlog, so I'm open for commissions at the moment. My rates will be around $20 per thousand words, although it may vary depending on content or number of characters involved. I don't know how many projects I'll be open to accept, but I'll likely delete this blogpost when I have enough to handle. Until then, please feel free to contact me though

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    5 comments · 499 views

Chapter Five of Growth and Change is written out! · 10:21am Jun 11th, 2018

That's right! After writing out almost 15K words worth of content (I know, I'm shocked at the length too), the upcoming chapter of Growth and Change is completed and currently up on my Patreon page! If you wanna check it out, you can head over to my site and sign up to get a sneak-peek at what happens with Spike and Apple Buck. Any amount donated can get you early access (even a dollar), and you'll also help support me as a freelance writer. If you don't want to donate , or prefer to wait for Fimfiction's release tomorrow, that's perfectly fine too. I'll lust leave this link here just in case:


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