• Member Since 7th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Saturday

Quillian Inkheart

I'm still here! I just don't write as often.

More Blog Posts67

  • 1 week
    Hello! How are you?

    Hey everybody, everypony, and everycreature. It's been a very long time. I have been on and off FiMFiction, but I always seem to find my way back here; I like to think a part of my life will be forever tied to this place and all the wonderful memories it has given me. I still have my Fic ideas lined up; I haven't discarded them. I hope to one day find my muse and write again. Depression is a

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    9 comments · 46 views
  • 239 weeks
    Legacy: Inspiration and Motivation

    So, I've decided to try something new. Much like Bassdrops and Bowstrings is inspired and motivated by a collection of fandom pieces, I tend to weave music into the themes of my stories greatly. Sometimes it's after the fact that I hear a song that fits a story and use it as future inspiration. Other times, I find the song first and the story comes after.

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  • 242 weeks
    Today is the Day, Guys...

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  • 250 weeks
    Fiddler in the Hoof: Pre-Readers Contest!

    Wonderful Coverart by Little Tigress

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    17 comments · 505 views

A Triumphant Return · 7:47pm Jun 26th, 2018

Five-Word Memoirs

Like a Phoenix, I rise.

Wandered around; happiest at home.

The Quill is forever dipped.

Pinkie: “He missed you all.”

-Quillian Inkheart

Hello everyone; fans and friends from the past and those who I’ve yet to meet. It has been a long time coming, but after a two-year hiatus, I’m back. Triumphant return: begin!

For those of you who have waited patiently for my return, I thank you for your time and apologize for my sudden and lengthy absence. Some really personal stuff happened and I had to leave home and vanish for a while. No details will be forthcoming, I warn you; the matter was extremely personal. I’d ask kindly that you respect my boundaries on this.

For those of you who I’ve never seen before, welcome to my world; it’s a crazy place, but hopefully it’s also entertaining. That’s my ultimate goal, after all, to entertain. I can’t imagine anyone Followed me over any story other than Bassdrops and Bowstrings, but hopefully that is about to change. I didn’t spend my time away idly. For over a year now, I’ve been writing on and off, whenever possible. I’ve got two fics in the works; Legacy and The Trials of Chivalry. Any details on these will be sparse; I like surprises. But, in some ways, I think they might be my best works yet.

Chapter one of Legacy will probably come out shortly after this post, so keep your eyes peeled. New super-awesome-funtimes all around. I will also be continuing to create the “Bonus Chapters” for Bassdrops and Bowstrings, but unfortunately, a lot of information was lost due to my time away. I’ll be building much of it from scratch (if you’ll pardon the pun) and I’d ask that you bear with me. I may (or may not) completely abandon a series or two (Particularly Tears of the Elf Ponies and The Black Parade) as I’m can’t foresee being able to capture the same spirit I had two years ago when writing them.

On a positive note, Legacy and Trials are both already well on their ways; not finished, but almost 100 pages each, on large paper, with a very constricted font. Yes, I said paper. As in hand written. Don’t ask; it was a massive pain in the-… And now I’ve got to re-type them all. (-Insert Tavi-sigh Here-)

Well, I imagine those two stories will provide plenty of reading while I work on other matters. I’ll be spacing the chapters out – possibly two or three a week, depending on how busy stuff is here – so I won’t overwork myself and burn out spectacularly.

A lot of things have changed, I warn you all now. It’s been roughly two years since I was last here, and I can’t guarantee life hasn’t changed me. But hopefully I’m still the same lovable, charismatic, egotistical, narcissistic author everyone has come to love and tolerate. I will be taking back up my job as an interviewer (If “Let’s Make You Famous” will have me back) and am always eager for comments, messages, and any other interesting things you all feel like throwing my way.

Last, but certainly not least, I want to say my thanks for all the kind words given to me in proxy through other people. I don’t know if I got all the kind words, but a fair number of them reached me. I’m very grateful for the kindness and wanted to let you all know that those kind words made the past two years a lot more bearable.

In conclusion, thank you all and all my sorries. Expect more Quillian goodness from here-on-out. I’m here to stay this time, baby!

-Quillian “Quill” Inkheart A.K.A. Nathaniel Drake

Comments ( 20 )

Hey there, it has been entirely too long.

Agreed. How have you been?


Mixed, I'm still stuck in certain places and not getting feedback in others. How about you?

Eh. These past two years have been unfortunate, but I was able to write. That's all that really matters to me.

Well that's something at least.

Hey, it's been awhile. :twilightsmile:

Welcome back! :pinkiehappy:

Oh my gosh, welcome back!!!

I can’t guarantee life hasn’t changed me.

Eh, I could almost guarantee it has, at least in a certain aspect.



Indeed it has. Times, they are a-changin'!

My brain! :raritydespair: But it's a good hurt.

It's good to be back, Dancer. Ugh, life threw me a curve-ball before, that's for sure. But I'm back now, and already writing. How's everyone else been, on the home front?

Danke, danke. Or is it Danka? Ah well. Great to be back.

Good to see you! Hope everything's good now!

Well, things have been chill, there's actually been less fights around, so that's neat. Sharing memes and goofing off is mostly productive right? :twilightsheepish:

Thank you. Yes, I think the chaos is finally over.

Well, it is the internet. I'm glad to hear some of the madness has stopped. I never really got wrapped up in that very much, anyway.

That's wonderful to hear. I hope it's smooth sailing from here on out for ya.

And yeah, true. I'll just call in the Golden Era of peace for the time being :trixieshiftleft:

Don't jinx it. Either of them. :twilightsheepish:
Shit, back a single day and I'm already posting stories. I think I've got a deathwish. Overworking, here I come! :pinkiecrazy:

Dude, it's great to have u back man. I love your work (don't know if you remember me:fluttershyouch:) but all in all, it's great to have you back.

Of couse I do. Details are floofy though. Thanks for the hearty welcome back.

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