• Member Since 24th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


Just your average loser writing fanfiction about post-apocalyptic pastel ponies. Life is good.

More Blog Posts29

  • 88 weeks
    Six Years Of Shadows

    Stage: First draft
    Word Count: 8,250

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    0 comments · 216 views
  • 109 weeks
    Surprise blog time!

    Stage: First draft
    Word Count: 5,015

    Boo! Hope I didn't shock you with this startlingly sudden and timely post.

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    1 comments · 314 views
  • 143 weeks
    Chapter 10: INCOMING

    Stage: Final edits
    Word Count: 9,081

    Howdy pardner! It's now spooky season, and as October arrives a new blog post crawls forth from the swamps.

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    0 comments · 227 views
  • 162 weeks
    Chapter 8: Coming Very SOON™

    Stage: Final draft
    Word Count: 18,007

    Surprise! Guess who still still isn't dead c:

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    2 comments · 302 views
  • 192 weeks
    Happy Fallout Day and 4th Anniversary!

    Stage: First draft
    Word Count: 8,426

    Holy cow, Of Shadows was published four years ago? And New Vegas is now ten years old? :pinkiegasp: Where on Equestria does the time go?!

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    6 comments · 327 views

The Exciting Artful Update 2: Electric Boogaloo · 4:55am Jul 1st, 2018

“There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly; sometimes it's like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges.” - Ernest Hemingway

I think I need more charges :twilightoops:

Hey again everyone! Sorry to keep you waiting since April, things have been sort of busy for me recently and unfortunately a lot of it has cut into writing. I've just felt mentally exhausted the past couple months and I've had trouble writing content that I'm actually content with. This means that, while I have most of 6-2 (and 7) planned out, the words I write just aren't cutting it in my opinion. I am trying to push through this, though, and I hope that I'll regain a lot of the required energy once I move out in early August and also restart a good exercise routine. My job's still going well, and I don't hate it or anything, but the way second shift has moved my internal clock means I'm really tired in the mornings and in the evenings I'm still sort of drained from work. When I move and transfer my job, I'll have Fridays off (three-day weekend!!!) and that will, with luck, be the kind of break that I need to recharge.

So July's gonna be really hectic for me and I regret to inform you that the next chapter almost certainly won't be releasing next month. August would be cool, but September's looking more likely as of now. I have been getting a lot of help from fellow authors and as a result I can actually see myself getting back on track within two months or so.

In the meantime, some cool things have happened recently~!

Firstly, I wrote my first non-FoE pony story, Luna vs. a Vending Machine, and the reception kinda blew me away. It hit the featured section on the site's front page for three days and currently sits at 311 likes, 61 comments, 2,520 views and is in 510 shelves!! Like, what?!?! :pinkiegasp: I never imagined that I'd write anything that even got close to those statistics; it broke into the top 2,000 rated stories on FimFiction and even had an unexpected reading done of it! To everyone who read and supported the story, thank you so much. It means so much to me and still boggles my mind just how much readers enjoyed it :yay:

Also, a metric ton of incredible new art has come out in the past few months.

Thank you for reading, and I hope to get Of Shadows back underway soon. I may also have another(shorter) story idea I'm toying around with in the same setting, so there may be even more fresh content to read by the end of the year... :trixieshiftright:

Report nyxOs · 376 views · Story: Fallout: Equestria - Of Shadows · #update #art
Comments ( 3 )

I can relate with that quote.

Something it's digging rocks out with your BEAR HANDS.)

If you have any more charges after your done send them my way. I'll even take nitroglycerin if you have it
Best of luck
Write on
And nice art!

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